12 research outputs found

    A convergence analysis of the affine particle-in-cell method and its application in the simulation of extrusion processes

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    Simulation of extrusion processes represents a large challenge for commonly used numerical methods. In our application for example, a hot melt is extruded whilst being rapidly cooled. Under these conditions of quenching, spinodal phase separation occurs which causes the formation of a characteristic micro-structure of the extrudate, consisting of solid and liquid phases. We model this process using a variant of the Material Point Method (MPM) [4], namely the Affine Particle-In-Cell (APIC) method [13]. Its hybrid particle/grid character is advantageous for simulating both fluid and solid behavior: pure Eulerian particle methods, such as classic SPH, fail for simulating solids, particularly in tension, whereas pure Lagrangian methods generally cannot cope with large deformations caused by material flow. APIC improves upon the original MPM method by using a so-called locally affine velocity representation [13] which allows the conservation of linear and angular momentum without the need of potentially unstable Fluid-Implicit-Particle (FLIP) techniques [3]. We analyze the convergence behavior of APIC and compare its accuracy against a traditional MPM variant, the Generalized Interpolation Material Point Method (GIMP)

    Hybrid continuum-discrete simulation of granular impact dynamics

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    Granular impact -- the dynamic intrusion of solid objects into granular media -- is widespread across scientific and engineering applications including geotechnics. Existing approaches for simulating granular impact dynamics have relied on either a pure discrete method or a pure continuum method. Neither of these methods, however, is deemed optimal from the computational perspective. Here, we introduce a hybrid continuum-discrete approach, built on the coupled material-point and discrete-element method (MP-DEM), for simulating granular impact dynamics with unparalleled efficiency. To accommodate highly complex solid-granular interactions, we enhance the existing MP-DEM formulation with three new ingredients: (i) a robust contact algorithm that couples the continuum and discrete parts without any interpenetration under extreme impact loads, (ii) large deformation kinematics employing multiplicative elastoplasticity, and (iii) a trans-phase constitutive relation capturing gasification of granular media. For validation, we also generate experimental data through laboratory measurement of the impact dynamics of solid spheres dropped onto dry sand. Simulation of the experiments shows that the proposed approach can well reproduce granular impact dynamics in terms of impact forces, intrusion depths, and splash patterns. Further, through parameter studies on material properties, model formulations, and numerical schemes, we identify key factors for successful continuum-discrete simulation of granular impact dynamics

    Circumventing volumetric locking in explicit material point methods: A simple, efficient, and general approach

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    The material point method (MPM) is frequently used to simulate large deformations of nearly incompressible materials such as water, rubber, and undrained porous media. However, MPM solutions to nearly incompressible materials are susceptible to volumetric locking, that is, overly stiff behavior with erroneous strain and stress fields. While several approaches have been devised to mitigate volumetric locking in the MPM, they require significant modifications of the existing MPM machinery, often tailored to certain basis functions or material types. In this work, we propose a locking-mitigation approach featuring an unprecedented combination of simplicity, efficacy, and generality for a family of explicit MPM formulations. The approach combines the assumed deformation gradient (Fˉ\bar{\boldsymbol{F}}) method with a volume-averaging operation built on the standard particle-grid transfer scheme in the MPM. Upon explicit time integration, this combination yields a new and simple algorithm for updating the deformation gradient, preserving all other MPM procedures. The proposed approach is thus easy to implement, low-cost, and compatible with the existing machinery in the MPM. Through various types of nearly incompressible problems in solid and fluid mechanics, we verify that the proposed approach efficiently circumvents volumetric locking in the explicit MPM, regardless of the basis functions and material types

    A glacier–ocean interaction model for tsunami genesis due to iceberg calving

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    Dynamic glacier fracture and the subsequent generation and propagation of iceberg-induced tsunamis are reproduced using a unified numerical glacier-ocean model, in line with observations at the Eqip Sermia glacier in Greenland, as well as laboratory experiments.Glaciers calving icebergs into the ocean significantly contribute to sea-level rise and can trigger tsunamis, posing severe hazards for coastal regions. Computational modeling of such multiphase processes is a great challenge involving complex solid-fluid interactions. Here, a new continuum damage Material Point Method has been developed to model dynamic glacier fracture under the combined effects of gravity and buoyancy, as well as the subsequent propagation of tsunami-like waves induced by released icebergs. We reproduce the main features of tsunamis obtained in laboratory experiments as well as calving characteristics, the iceberg size, tsunami amplitude and wave speed measured at Eqip Sermia, an ocean-terminating outlet glacier of the Greenland ice sheet. Our hybrid approach constitutes important progress towards the modeling of solid-fluid interactions, and has the potential to contribute to refining empirical calving laws used in large-scale earth-system models as well as to improve hazard assessments and mitigation measures in coastal regions, which is essential in the context of climate change

    Towards a predictive multi-phase model for alpine mass movements and process cascades

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    Alpine mass movements can generate process cascades involving different materials including rock, ice, snow, and water. Numerical modelling is an essential tool for the quantification of natural hazards. Yet, state-of-the-art operational models are based on parameter back-calculation and thus reach their limits when facing unprecedented or complex events. Here, we advance our predictive capabilities for mass movements and process cascades on the basis of a three-dimensional numerical model, coupling fundamental conservation laws to finite strain elastoplasticity. In this framework, model parameters have a true physical meaning and can be evaluated from material testing, thus conferring to the model a strong predictive nature. Through its hybrid Eulerian–Lagrangian character, our approach naturally reproduces fractures and collisions, erosion/deposition phenomena, and multi-phase interactions, which finally grant accurate simulations of complex dynamics. Four benchmark simulations demonstrate the physical detail of the model and its applicability to real-world full-scale events, including various materials and ranging through five orders of magnitude in volume. In the future, our model can support risk-management strategies through predictions of the impact of potentially catastrophic cascading mass movements at vulnerable sites