36 research outputs found

    TractCloud: Registration-free tractography parcellation with a novel local-global streamline point cloud representation

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    Diffusion MRI tractography parcellation classifies streamlines into anatomical fiber tracts to enable quantification and visualization for clinical and scientific applications. Current tractography parcellation methods rely heavily on registration, but registration inaccuracies can affect parcellation and the computational cost of registration is high for large-scale datasets. Recently, deep-learning-based methods have been proposed for tractography parcellation using various types of representations for streamlines. However, these methods only focus on the information from a single streamline, ignoring geometric relationships between the streamlines in the brain. We propose TractCloud, a registration-free framework that performs whole-brain tractography parcellation directly in individual subject space. We propose a novel, learnable, local-global streamline representation that leverages information from neighboring and whole-brain streamlines to describe the local anatomy and global pose of the brain. We train our framework on a large-scale labeled tractography dataset, which we augment by applying synthetic transforms including rotation, scaling, and translations. We test our framework on five independently acquired datasets across populations and health conditions. TractCloud significantly outperforms several state-of-the-art methods on all testing datasets. TractCloud achieves efficient and consistent whole-brain white matter parcellation across the lifespan (from neonates to elderly subjects, including brain tumor patients) without the need for registration. The robustness and high inference speed of TractCloud make it suitable for large-scale tractography data analysis. Our project page is available at https://tractcloud.github.io/.Comment: MICCAI 202

    Superficial White Matter Analysis: An Efficient Point-cloud-based Deep Learning Framework with Supervised Contrastive Learning for Consistent Tractography Parcellation across Populations and dMRI Acquisitions

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    Diffusion MRI tractography is an advanced imaging technique that enables in vivo mapping of the brain's white matter connections. White matter parcellation classifies tractography streamlines into clusters or anatomically meaningful tracts. It enables quantification and visualization of whole-brain tractography. Currently, most parcellation methods focus on the deep white matter (DWM), whereas fewer methods address the superficial white matter (SWM) due to its complexity. We propose a novel two-stage deep-learning-based framework, Superficial White Matter Analysis (SupWMA), that performs an efficient and consistent parcellation of 198 SWM clusters from whole-brain tractography. A point-cloud-based network is adapted to our SWM parcellation task, and supervised contrastive learning enables more discriminative representations between plausible streamlines and outliers for SWM. We train our model on a large-scale tractography dataset including streamline samples from labeled SWM clusters and anatomically implausible streamline samples, and we perform testing on six independently acquired datasets of different ages and health conditions (including neonates and patients with space-occupying brain tumors). Compared to several state-of-the-art methods, SupWMA obtains highly consistent and accurate SWM parcellation results on all datasets, showing good generalization across the lifespan in health and disease. In addition, the computational speed of SupWMA is much faster than other methods.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures. Extension of our ISBI 2022 paper (arXiv:2201.12528) (Best Paper Award Finalist

    TractoSCR: a novel supervised contrastive regression framework for prediction of neurocognitive measures using multi-site harmonized diffusion MRI tractography

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    Neuroimaging-based prediction of neurocognitive measures is valuable for studying how the brain's structure relates to cognitive function. However, the accuracy of prediction using popular linear regression models is relatively low. We propose a novel deep regression method, namely TractoSCR, that allows full supervision for contrastive learning in regression tasks using diffusion MRI tractography. TractoSCR performs supervised contrastive learning by using the absolute difference between continuous regression labels (i.e., neurocognitive scores) to determine positive and negative pairs. We apply TractoSCR to analyze a large-scale dataset including multi-site harmonized diffusion MRI and neurocognitive data from 8,735 participants in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study. We extract white matter microstructural measures using a fine parcellation of white matter tractography into fiber clusters. Using these measures, we predict three scores related to domains of higher-order cognition (general cognitive ability, executive function, and learning/memory). To identify important fiber clusters for prediction of these neurocognitive scores, we propose a permutation feature importance method for high-dimensional data. We find that TractoSCR obtains significantly higher accuracy of neurocognitive score prediction compared to other state-of-the-art methods. We find that the most predictive fiber clusters are predominantly located within the superficial white matter and projection tracts, particularly the superficial frontal white matter and striato-frontal connections. Overall, our results demonstrate the utility of contrastive representation learning methods for regression, and in particular for improving neuroimaging-based prediction of higher-order cognitive abilities. Our code will be available at: https://github.com/SlicerDMRI/TractoSCR

    A Deep Network for Explainable Prediction of Non-Imaging Phenotypes using Anatomical Multi-View Data

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    Large datasets often contain multiple distinct feature sets, or views, that offer complementary information that can be exploited by multi-view learning methods to improve results. We investigate anatomical multi-view data, where each brain anatomical structure is described with multiple feature sets. In particular, we focus on sets of white matter microstructure and connectivity features from diffusion MRI, as well as sets of gray matter area and thickness features from structural MRI. We investigate machine learning methodology that applies multi-view approaches to improve the prediction of non-imaging phenotypes, including demographics (age), motor (strength), and cognition (picture vocabulary). We present an explainable multi-view network (EMV-Net) that can use different anatomical views to improve prediction performance. In this network, each individual anatomical view is processed by a view-specific feature extractor and the extracted information from each view is fused using a learnable weight. This is followed by a wavelet transform-based module to obtain complementary information across views which is then applied to calibrate the view-specific information. Additionally, the calibrator produces an attention-based calibration score to indicate anatomical structures' importance for interpretation.Comment: 2023 The Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention Society worksho

    Assessing the Reliability of Template-Based Clustering for Tractography in Healthy Human Adults

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    Tractography is a non-invasive technique to investigate the brain’s structural pathways (also referred to as tracts) that connect different brain regions. A commonly used approach for identifying tracts is with template-based clustering, where unsupervised clustering is first performed on a template in order to label corresponding tracts in unseen data. However, the reliability of this approach has not been extensively studied. Here, an investigation into template-based clustering reliability was performed, assessing the output from two datasets: Human Connectome Project (HCP) and MyConnectome project. The effect of intersubject variability on template-based clustering reliability was investigated, as well as the reliability of both deep and superficial white matter tracts. Identified tracts were evaluated by assessing Euclidean distances from a dataset-specific tract average centroid, the volumetric overlap across corresponding tracts, and along-tract agreement of quantitative values. Further, two template-based techniques were employed to evaluate the reliability of different clustering approaches. Reliability assessment can increase the confidence of a tract identifying technique in future applications to study pathways of interest. The two different template-based approaches exhibited similar reliability for identifying both deep white matter tracts and the superficial white matter

    Statistical Learning Methods for Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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    Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging (dMRI) is a commonly used imaging technique to reveal white matter (WM) microstructure by probing the diffusion of water molecules. The diffusion of water molecules is constrained by the biological boundaries including nerves and tissues. Thus, quantifying the diffusion process is important to understand the WM microstructure. However, the development of efficient analytical methods for the reconstruction, lifespan structural connectome analysis, and surrogate variable analysis have fallenseriously behind the technological advances. This challenge motivates us to develop new statistical learning methods for dMRI. In the first project, we propose a two-stage sparse and adaptive smoothing model (TSASM) for two major image denoising tasks in neuroimaging data analysis, including image reconstruction from a series of noisy images within each subject and group analysis of images obtained from different subjects. Our TSASM consists of an initial smoothing stage of applying a penalized M-estimator and a refined smoothing stage of applying kernel-based smoothing methods. The key novelties of our TSASM are that it accounts for the sparse structure of imaging signals while preserving piecewise smooth regions with unknown edges. In the second project, we develop a scalable analytical method for mapping the lifespan human structural connectome. Specifically, we develop a novel lifespan population-based structural connectome (LPSC) framework that integrates fiber bundle and functional network information for hierarchically guiding the registration. Our LPSC is applicable to several neuroimaging studies of neuropsychiatric disorders as well as normal brain development. An improved understanding of human structural connectome has the potential to inspire new approaches to prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of many illnesses. In the third project, we propose an eigen-shrinkage projection (ESP) method to perform the surrogate variable analysis and solve the hidden confounder and harmonization problems in the neuroimaging studies. Our ESP can eliminate the signals from primary variable while preserving the eigenvalue-gap between hidden confounder and noises, which enables hidden confounders estimation from the projected data. We then investigate the statistical properties of the estimated hidden confounders and uncover the natural connection with ridge regression. Numerical experiments are used to illustrate the finite-sample performance.Doctor of Philosoph

    Short fiber bundle filtering and test-retest reproducibility of the Superficial White Matter

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    In recent years, there has been a growing interest in studying the Superficial White Matter (SWM). The SWM consists of short association fibers connecting near giry of the cortex, with a complex organization due to their close relationship with the cortical folding patterns. Therefore, their segmentation from dMRI tractography datasets requires dedicated methodologies to identify the main fiber bundle shape and deal with spurious fibers. This paper presents an enhanced short fiber bundle segmentation based on a SWM bundle atlas and the filtering of noisy fibers. The method was tuned and evaluated over HCP test-retest probabilistic tractography datasets (44 subjects). We propose four fiber bundle filters to remove spurious fibers. Furthermore, we include the identification of the main fiber fascicle to obtain well-defined fiber bundles. First, we identified four main bundle shapes in the SWM atlas, and performed a filter tuning in a subset of 28 subjects. The filter based on the Convex Hull provided the highest similarity between corresponding test-retest fiber bundles. Subsequently, we applied the best filter in the 16 remaining subjects for all atlas bundles, showing that filtered fiber bundles significantly improve test-retest reproducibility indices when removing between ten and twenty percent of the fibers. Additionally, we applied the bundle segmentation with and without filtering to the ABIDE-II database. The fiber bundle filtering allowed us to obtain a higher number of bundles with significant differences in fractional anisotropy, mean diffusivity, and radial diffusivity of Autism Spectrum Disorder patients relative to controls