3 research outputs found


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    A social networking site (SNS) or social media is an online platform that people use to build social networks or social relations with other people who share similar personal or career interests, activities, backgrounds or real-life connections. The advent of Social Networking sites and its resources have revolutionized the communication and social relation world. This paper aims to assess the user perception towards SNS like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. In the study data was obtained through structured questionnaire collected from 250 users and the research data was tested using Percentage analysis, chi-square and spearman’s rank correlation. Factor of gender, age and purpose of social networking sites of Facebook users have significant association with level of perception. Age, occupation and annual income of Twitter users have significant association with level of perception and Gender, age and occupation of Linkedin users have significant association with level of perception. The study says there is a moderate association between ranks of Facebook and Twitter. Facebook was the most popular site compared to other Social Networking sites

    Higher education libraries in the Republic of India

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    Na Sveučilištu Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku tijekom 2016. godine boravilo je više studenata i znanstvenika na međunarodnoj razmjeni preko različitih projekata, a među njima su i dva znanstvenika iz Republike Indije. Njihov boravak na Sveučilištu te korištenje fondova i usluga knjižnica Odjela za fiziku i Prehrambeno-tehnološkoga fakulteta Osijek bio je povod razgovoru o načinu rada knjižnica u Republici Indiji s naglaskom na organizaciji i radu visokoškolskih knjižnica. Dan je osvrt na mrežne stranice, kataloge i repozitorije pojedine knjižnice, društvenim mrežama kao oblicima komunikacije među knjižnicama i korisnicima, radnom vremenu pojedine knjižnice i dostupnosti radova u čitaonicama, postojanju članarina te čitateljskim navikama (tiskana građa u odnosu na e-građu) korisnika knjižniceDuring 2016 many students and researchers visited Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek through different exchange projects. Among them were two scientists from the Republic of India. Their visit and their usage of the libraries at the Department of Physics and Faculty of Food Technology was the occasion to have an interview with them about the functioning of the libraries in India. The interview focused on the library web pages, their catalogues and repositories, social networks as the forms of communication between the libraries and library users, library working hours and availability of articles in the reading rooms, membership organization and reading habits (paper books versus e-books) of library users