703 research outputs found

    Robotics-Assisted Needle Steering for Percutaneous Interventions: Modeling and Experiments

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    Needle insertion and guidance plays an important role in medical procedures such as brachytherapy and biopsy. Flexible needles have the potential to facilitate precise targeting and avoid collisions during medical interventions while reducing trauma to the patient and post-puncture issues. Nevertheless, error introduced during guidance degrades the effectiveness of the planned therapy or diagnosis. Although steering using flexible bevel-tip needles provides great mobility and dexterity, a major barrier is the complexity of needle-tissue interaction that does not lend itself to intuitive control. To overcome this problem, a robotic system can be employed to perform trajectory planning and tracking by manipulation of the needle base. This research project focuses on a control-theoretic approach and draws on the rich literature from control and systems theory to model needle-tissue interaction and needle flexion and then design a robotics-based strategy for needle insertion/steering. The resulting solutions will directly benefit a wide range of needle-based interventions. The outcome of this computer-assisted approach will not only enable us to perform efficient preoperative trajectory planning, but will also provide more insight into needle-tissue interaction that will be helpful in developing advanced intraoperative algorithms for needle steering. Experimental validation of the proposed methodologies was carried out on a state of-the-art 5-DOF robotic system designed and constructed in-house primarily for prostate brachytherapy. The system is equipped with a Nano43 6-DOF force/torque sensor (ATI Industrial Automation) to measure forces and torques acting on the needle shaft. In our setup, an Aurora electromagnetic tracker (Northern Digital Inc.) is the sensing device used for measuring needle deflection. A multi-threaded application for control, sensor readings, data logging and communication over the ethernet was developed using Microsoft Visual C 2005, MATLAB 2007 and the QuaRC Toolbox (Quanser Inc.). Various artificial phantoms were developed so as to create a realistic medium in terms of elasticity and insertion force ranges; however, they simulated a uniform environment without exhibiting complexities of organic tissues. Experiments were also conducted on beef liver and fresh chicken breast, beef, and ham, to investigate the behavior of a variety biological tissues

    Intracortical Neural Probes with Post-Implant Self-Deployed Electrodes for Improved Chronic Stability.

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    This thesis presents a new class of implantable intracortical neural probe with small recording electrodes that deploy away from a larger main shank after insertion. This concept is hypothesized to enhance the performance of the electrodes in chronic applications. Today, electrodes that can be implanted into the brain for months or years, are an irreplaceable tool for brain machine interfaces and neuroscience studies. However, these chronically implanted neural probes suffer from continuous loss of signal quality, limiting their utility. Histological studies found a sheath of scar tissue with decreased neural density forming around probe shanks as part of an ongoing chronic inflammation. This was hypothesized to contribute to the deterioration of recorded signals. The neural probes developed in this thesis are designed to deploy electrodes outside this sheath such that they interface with healthier neurons. To achieve this, an actuation mechanism based on starch-hydrogel coated microsprings was integrated into the shank of neural probes. Recording electrodes were positioned at the tip of micrometer fine and flexible needles that were attached to the springs. Before insertion, the hydrogel dehydrates, retracting the springs. After insertion, the gel rehydrates, releasing the springs, which then deploy the electrodes. The actuation mechanism functions in a one-time release fashion, triggered by contact with biological fluids at body temperature. The deployment of the electrodes occurred over the course of two hours and can be divided into three stages: For the first 20 s, the electrodes did not deploy. Within the first three minutes they deployed by roughly 100 ”m (0.5 ”m/s). Tor the following two hours they deployed an additional 20 ”m (0.17 ”m/min). The employed design supported six deploying electrodes, each at the end of a 5 ”m wide and thick, and 100 ”m long needle. These were attached to a shank with 290 ”m width, 12 ”m thickness and 3 mm length. The shanks could be inserted into the cortex of rats through an opening in the pia without breaking. The acquired waveforms indicate that some of the deployed electrodes were able to record neural action potentials.PhDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/113317/1/egertd_1.pd

    Realistic tool-tissue interaction models for surgical simulation and planning

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    Surgical simulators present a safe and potentially effective method for surgical training, and can also be used in pre- and intra-operative surgical planning. Realistic modeling of medical interventions involving tool-tissue interactions has been considered to be a key requirement in the development of high-fidelity simulators and planners. The soft-tissue constitutive laws, organ geometry and boundary conditions imposed by the connective tissues surrounding the organ, and the shape of the surgical tool interacting with the organ are some of the factors that govern the accuracy of medical intervention planning.\ud \ud This thesis is divided into three parts. First, we compare the accuracy of linear and nonlinear constitutive laws for tissue. An important consequence of nonlinear models is the Poynting effect, in which shearing of tissue results in normal force; this effect is not seen in a linear elastic model. The magnitude of the normal force for myocardial tissue is shown to be larger than the human contact force discrimination threshold. Further, in order to investigate and quantify the role of the Poynting effect on material discrimination, we perform a multidimensional scaling study. Second, we consider the effects of organ geometry and boundary constraints in needle path planning. Using medical images and tissue mechanical properties, we develop a model of the prostate and surrounding organs. We show that, for needle procedures such as biopsy or brachytherapy, organ geometry and boundary constraints have more impact on target motion than tissue material parameters. Finally, we investigate the effects surgical tool shape on the accuracy of medical intervention planning. We consider the specific case of robotic needle steering, in which asymmetry of a bevel-tip needle results in the needle naturally bending when it is inserted into soft tissue. We present an analytical and finite element (FE) model for the loads developed at the bevel tip during needle-tissue interaction. The analytical model explains trends observed in the experiments. We incorporated physical parameters (rupture toughness and nonlinear material elasticity) into the FE model that included both contact and cohesive zone models to simulate tissue cleavage. The model shows that the tip forces are sensitive to the rupture toughness. In order to model the mechanics of deflection of the needle, we use an energy-based formulation that incorporates tissue-specific parameters such as rupture toughness, nonlinear material elasticity, and interaction stiffness, and needle geometric and material properties. Simulation results follow similar trends (deflection and radius of curvature) to those observed in macroscopic experimental studies of a robot-driven needle interacting with gels

    Survey on Current State-of-the-Art in Needle Insertion Robots: Open Challenges for Application in Real Surgery

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    AbstractMinimally invasive percutaneous treatment robots have become a popular area in medical robotics. Minimally invasive treatments are an important part of modern surgery; however percutaneous treatments are a difficult procedure for surgeons. They must carry out a procedure that has limited visibility, tool maneuverability and where the target and tissue surrounding it move because of the tool. Robot technology can overcome those limitations and increase the success of minimally invasive percutaneous treatment. In this paper we will present a review of the current state-of-the-art in robotic insertion needle for minimally invasive treatments, focusing on the limitations and challenges still open for their use in clinical application

    Energy shaping control for robotic needle insertion

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    This work investigates the use of energy shaping control to reduce deflection in slender beams with tip load and actuation at the base. The ultimate goal of this research is a buckling avoidance strategy for robotic-assisted needle insertion. To this end, the rigid-link model of a flexible beam actuated at the base and subject to tip load is proposed, and an energy shaping approach is employed to construct a nonlinear controller that accounts for external forces. A comparative simulation study highlights the benefits of the proposed approach over a linear control baseline and a simplified nonlinear control

    Development of an online progressive mathematical model of needle deflection for application to robotic-assisted percutaneous interventions

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    A highly flexible multipart needle is under development in the Mechatronics in Medicine Laboratory at Imperial College, with the aim to achieve multi-curvature trajectories inside biological soft tissue, such as to avoid obstacles during surgery. Currently, there is no dedicated software or analytical methodology for the analysis of the needle’s behaviour during the insertion process, which is instead described empirically on the basis of experimental trials on synthetic tissue phantoms. This analysis is crucial for needle and insertion trajectory design purposes. It is proposed that a real-time, progressive, mathematical model of the needle deflection during insertion be developed. This model can serve three purposes, namely, offline needle and trajectory design in a forward solution of the model, when the loads acting on needle from the substrate are known; online, real-time identification of the loads that act on the needle in a reverse solution, when the deflections at discrete points along the needle length are known; and the development of a sensitivity matrix, which enables the calculation of the corrective loads that are required to drive the needle back on track, if any deviations occur away from a predefined trajectory. Previously developed mathematical models of needle deflection inside soft tissue are limited to small deflection and linear strain. In some cases, identical tip path and body shape after full insertion of the needle are assumed. Also, the axial load acting on the needle is either ignored or is calculated from empirical formulae, while its inclusion would render the model nonlinear even for small deflection cases. These nonlinearities are a result of the effects of the axial and transverse forces at the tip being co-dependent, restricting the calculation of the independent effects of each on the needle’s deflection. As such, a model with small deflection assumptions incorporating tip axial forces can be called “quasi-nonlinear” and a methodology is proposed here to tackle the identification of such axial force in the linear range. During large deflection of the needle, discrepancies between the shape of the needle after the insertion and its tip path, computed during the insertion, also significantly increase, causing errors in a model based on the assumption that they are the same. Some of the models developed to date have also been dependent on existing or experimentally derived material models of soft tissue developed offline, which is inefficient for surgical applications, where the biological soft tissue can change radically and experimentation on the patient is limited. Conversely, a model is proposed in this thesis which, when solved inversely, provides an estimate for the contact stiffness of the substrate in a real-time manner. The study and the proposed model and techniques involved are limited to two dimensional projections of the needle movements, but can be easily extended to the 3-dimensional case. Results which demonstrate the accuracy and validity of the models developed are provided on the basis of simulations and via experimental trials of a multi-part 2D steering needle in gelatine.Open Acces

    A Novel Flexible and Steerable Probe for Minimally Invasive Soft Tissue Intervention

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    Current trends in surgical intervention favour a minimally invasive (MI) approach, in which complex procedures are performed through increasingly small incisions. Specifically, in neurosurgery, there is a need for minimally invasive keyhole access, which conflicts with the lack of maneuverability of conventional rigid instruments. In an attempt to address this fundamental shortcoming, this thesis describes the concept design, implementation and experimental validation of a novel flexible and steerable probe, named “STING” (Soft Tissue Intervention and Neurosurgical Guide), which is able to steer along curvilinear trajectories within a compliant medium. The underlying mechanism of motion of the flexible probe, based on the reciprocal movement of interlocked probe segments, is biologically inspired and was designed around the unique features of the ovipositor of certain parasitic wasps. Such insects are able to lay eggs by penetrating different kinds of “host” (e.g. wood, larva) with a very thin and flexible multi-part channel, thanks to a micro-toothed surface topography, coupled with a reciprocating “push and pull” motion of each segment. This thesis starts by exploring these foundations, where the “microtexturing” of the surface of a rigid probe prototype is shown to facilitate probe insertion into soft tissue (porcine brain), while gaining tissue purchase when the probe is tensioned outwards. Based on these findings, forward motion into soft tissue via a reciprocating mechanism is then demonstrated through a focused set of experimental trials in gelatine and agar gel. A flexible probe prototype (10 mm diameter), composed of four interconnected segments, is then presented and shown to be able to steer in a brain-like material along multiple curvilinear trajectories on a plane. The geometry and certain key features of the probe are optimised through finite element models, and a suitable actuation strategy is proposed, where the approach vector of the tip is found to be a function of the offset between interlocked segments. This concept of a “programmable bevel”, which enables the steering angle to be chosen with virtually infinite resolution, represents a world-first in percutaneous soft tissue surgery. The thesis concludes with a description of the integration and validation of a fully functional prototype within a larger neurosurgical robotic suite (EU FP7 ROBOCAST), which is followed by a summary of the corresponding implications for future work

    Semi-Automated Needle Steering in Biological Tissue Using an Ultrasound-Based Deflection Predictor

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    The performance of needle-based interventions depends on the accuracy of needle tip positioning. Here, a novel needle steering strategy is proposed that enhances accuracy of needle steering. In our approach the surgeon is in charge of needle insertion to ensure the safety of operation, while the needle tip bevel location is robotically controlled to minimize the targeting error. The system has two main components: (1) a real-time predictor for estimating future needle deflection as it is steered inside soft tissue, and (2) an online motion planner that calculates control decisions and steers the needle toward the target by iterative optimization of the needle deflection predictions. The predictor uses the ultrasound-based curvature information to estimate the needle deflection. Given the specification of anatomical obstacles and a target from preoperative images, the motion planner uses the deflection predictions to estimate control actions, i.e., the depth(s) at which the needle should be rotated to reach the target. Ex-vivo needle insertions are performed with and without obstacle to validate our approach. The results demonstrate the needle steering strategy guides the needle to the targets with a maximum error of 1.22 mm

    Dynamic analysis of a needle insertion for soft materials: Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian-based three-dimensional finite element analysis

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    Background: Our goal was to develop a three-dimensional finite element model that enables dynamic analysis of needle insertion for soft materials. To demonstrate large deformation and fracture, we used the arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) method for fluid analysis. We performed ALE-based finite element analysis for 3% agar gel and three types of copper needle with bevel tips. Methods: To evaluate simulation results, we compared the needle deflection and insertion force with corresponding experimental results acquired with a uniaxial manipulator. We studied the shear stress distribution of agar gel on various time scales. Results: For 30°, 45°, and 60°, differences in deflections of each needle between both sets of results were 2.424, 2.981, and 3.737. mm, respectively. For the insertion force, there was no significant difference for mismatching area error (p<0.05) between simulation and experimental results. Conclusions: Our results have the potential to be a stepping stone to develop pre-operative surgical planning to estimate an optimal needle insertion path for MR image-guided microwave coagulation therapy and for analyzing large deformation and fracture in biological tissues. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.Yamaguchi S., Tsutsui K., Satake K., et al. Dynamic analysis of a needle insertion for soft materials: Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian-based three-dimensional finite element analysis. Computers in Biology and Medicine 53, 42 (2014); https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compbiomed.2014.07.012
