7 research outputs found

    Speech Enhancement Using Modulation-Domain Kalman Filtering with Active Speech Level Normalized Log-Spectrum Global Priors

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    We describe a single-channel speech enhancement algorithm that is based on modulation-domain Kalman filtering that tracks the inter-frame time evolution of the speech logpower spectrum in combination with the long-term average speech log-spectrum. We use offline-trained log-power spectrum global priors incorporated in the Kalman filter prediction and update steps for enhancing noise suppression. In particular, we train and utilize Gaussian mixture model priors for speech in the log-spectral domain that are normalized with respect to the active speech level. The Kalman filter update step uses the log-power spectrum global priors together with the local priors obtained from the Kalman filter prediction step. The logspectrum Kalman filtering algorithm, which uses the theoretical phase factor distribution and improves the modeling of the modulation features, is evaluated in terms of speech quality. Different algorithm configurations, dependent on whether global priors and/or Kalman filter noise tracking are used, are compared in various noise types

    Noise Compensation for Subspace Gaussian Mixture Models.

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    Joint uncertainty decoding (JUD) is an effective model-based noise compensation technique for conventional Gaussian mixture model (GMM) based speech recognition systems. In this paper, we apply JUD to subspace Gaussian mixture model (SGMM) based acoustic models. The total number of Gaussians in the SGMM acoustic model is usually much larger than for conventional GMMs, which limits the application of approaches which explicitly compensate each Gaussian, such as vector Taylor series (VTS). However, by clustering the Gaussian components into a number of regression classes, JUD-based noise compensation can be successfully applied to SGMM systems. We evaluate the JUD/SGMM technique using the Aurora 4 corpus, and the experimental results indicated that it is more accurate than conventional GMM-based systems using either VTS or JUD noise compensation. 1

    Phase-aware single-channel speech enhancement with modulation-domain Kalman filtering

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    We present a speech enhancement algorithm that performs modulation-domain Kalman filtering to track the speech phase using circular statistics, along with the log-spectra of speech and noise. In the proposed algorithm, the speech phase posterior is used to create an enhanced speech phase spectrum for the signal reconstruction of speech. The Kalman filter prediction step separately models the temporal inter-frame correlation of the speech and noise spectral log-amplitudes and of the speech phase, while the Kalman filter update step models their nonlinear relations under the assumption that speech and noise add in the complex short-time Fourier transform domain. The phase-sensitive enhancement algorithm is evaluated with speech quality and intelligibility metrics, using a variety of noise types over a range of SNRs. Instrumental measures predict that tracking the speech log-spectrum and phase with modulation-domain Kalman filtering leads to consistent improvements in speech quality, over both conventional enhancement algorithms and other algorithms that perform modulation-domain Kalman filtering