42,522 research outputs found

    On convergence of the maximum block improvement method

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    Abstract. The MBI (maximum block improvement) method is a greedy approach to solving optimization problems where the decision variables can be grouped into a finite number of blocks. Assuming that optimizing over one block of variables while fixing all others is relatively easy, the MBI method updates the block of variables corresponding to the maximally improving block at each iteration, which is arguably a most natural and simple process to tackle block-structured problems with great potentials for engineering applications. In this paper we establish global and local linear convergence results for this method. The global convergence is established under the Lojasiewicz inequality assumption, while the local analysis invokes second-order assumptions. We study in particular the tensor optimization model with spherical constraints. Conditions for linear convergence of the famous power method for computing the maximum eigenvalue of a matrix follow in this framework as a special case. The condition is interpreted in various other forms for the rank-one tensor optimization model under spherical constraints. Numerical experiments are shown to support the convergence property of the MBI method

    Saffman-Taylor fingers with kinetic undercooling

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    The mathematical model of a steadily propagating Saffman-Taylor finger in a Hele-Shaw channel has applications to two-dimensional interacting streamer discharges which are aligned in a periodic array. In the streamer context, the relevant regularisation on the interface is not provided by surface tension, but instead has been postulated to involve a mechanism equivalent to kinetic undercooling, which acts to penalise high velocities and prevent blow-up of the unregularised solution. Previous asymptotic results for the Hele-Shaw finger problem with kinetic undercooling suggest that for a given value of the kinetic undercooling parameter, there is a discrete set of possible finger shapes, each analytic at the nose and occupying a different fraction of the channel width. In the limit in which the kinetic undercooling parameter vanishes, the fraction for each family approaches 1/2, suggesting that this 'selection' of 1/2 by kinetic undercooling is qualitatively similar to the well-known analogue with surface tension. We treat the numerical problem of computing these Saffman-Taylor fingers with kinetic undercooling, which turns out to be more subtle than the analogue with surface tension, since kinetic undercooling permits finger shapes which are corner-free but not analytic. We provide numerical evidence for the selection mechanism by setting up a problem with both kinetic undercooling and surface tension, and numerically taking the limit that the surface tension vanishes.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication by Physical Review

    Conformal mapping methods for interfacial dynamics

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    The article provides a pedagogical review aimed at graduate students in materials science, physics, and applied mathematics, focusing on recent developments in the subject. Following a brief summary of concepts from complex analysis, the article begins with an overview of continuous conformal-map dynamics. This includes problems of interfacial motion driven by harmonic fields (such as viscous fingering and void electromigration), bi-harmonic fields (such as viscous sintering and elastic pore evolution), and non-harmonic, conformally invariant fields (such as growth by advection-diffusion and electro-deposition). The second part of the article is devoted to iterated conformal maps for analogous problems in stochastic interfacial dynamics (such as diffusion-limited aggregation, dielectric breakdown, brittle fracture, and advection-diffusion-limited aggregation). The third part notes that all of these models can be extended to curved surfaces by an auxilliary conformal mapping from the complex plane, such as stereographic projection to a sphere. The article concludes with an outlook for further research.Comment: 37 pages, 12 (mostly color) figure

    Analytic solution for nonlinear shock acceleration in the Bohm limit

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    The selfconsistent steady state solution for a strong shock, significantly modified by accelerated particles is obtained on the level of a kinetic description, assuming Bohm-type diffusion. The original problem that is commonly formulated in terms of the diffusion-convection equation for the distribution function of energetic particles, coupled with the thermal plasma through the momentum flux continuity equation, is reduced to a nonlinear integral equation in one variable. Its solution provides selfconsistently both the particle spectrum and the structure of the hydrodynamic flow. A critical system parameter governing the acceleration process is found to be Λ=M3/4Λ1\Lambda = M^{-3/4}\Lambda_1 , where Λ1=ηp1/mc \Lambda_1 =\eta p_1/mc , with a suitably normalized injection rate η \eta , the Mach number M >> 1, and the cut-off momentum p1 p_1 . We particularly focus on an efficient solution, in which almost all the energy of the flow is converted into a few energetic particles. It was found that (i) for this efficient solution (or, equivalently, for multiple solutions) to exist, the parameter ζ=ηp0p1/mc \zeta =\eta\sqrt{p_0 p_1}/mc must exceed a critical value ζcr1\zeta_{cr} \sim 1 (p0p_0 is the injection momentum), (ii) the total shock compression ratio r increases with M and saturates at a level that scales as $ r \propto \Lambda_1 (iii) the downstream power-law spectrum has the universal index q=3.5 over a broad momentum range. (iv) completely smooth shock transitions do not appear in the steady state kinetic description.Comment: 39 pages, 3 PostScript figures, uses aasms4.sty, to appear in Aug. 20, 1997 issue ApJ, vol. 48