27 research outputs found

    A selectional auto-encoder approach for document image binarization

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    Binarization plays a key role in the automatic information retrieval from document images. This process is usually performed in the first stages of document analysis systems, and serves as a basis for subsequent steps. Hence it has to be robust in order to allow the full analysis workflow to be successful. Several methods for document image binarization have been proposed so far, most of which are based on hand-crafted image processing strategies. Recently, Convolutional Neural Networks have shown an amazing performance in many disparate duties related to computer vision. In this paper we discuss the use of convolutional auto-encoders devoted to learning an end-to-end map from an input image to its selectional output, in which activations indicate the likelihood of pixels to be either foreground or background. Once trained, documents can therefore be binarized by parsing them through the model and applying a global threshold. This approach has proven to outperform existing binarization strategies in a number of document types.This work was partially supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades through Juan de la Cierva - Formación grant (Ref. FJCI-2016-27873), and the Universidad de Alicante through grant GRE-16-04

    An Efficient Phase-Based Binarization Method for Degraded Historical Documents

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    Document image binarization is the first essential step in digitalizing images and is considered an essential technique in both document image analysis applications and optical character recognition operations, the binarization process is used to obtain a binary image from the original image, binary image is the proper presentation for image segmentation, recognition, and restoration as underlined by several studies which assure that the next step of document image analysis applications depends on the binarization result.  However, old and historical document images mainly suffering from several types of degradations, such as bleeding through the blur, uneven illumination and other types of degradations which makes the binarization process a difficult task. Therefore, extracting of foreground from a degraded background relies on the degradation, furthermore it also depends on the type of used paper and document age. Developed binarization methods are necessary to decrease the impact of the degradation in document background. To resolve this difficulty, this paper proposes an effective, enhanced binarization technique for degraded and historical document images. The proposed method is based on enhancing an existing binarization method by modifying parameters and adding a post-processing stage, thus improving the resulting binary images. This proposed technique is also robust, as there is no need for parameter tuning. After using document image binarization Contest (DIBCO) datasets to evaluate this proposed technique, our findings show that the proposed method efficiency is promising, producing better results than those obtained by some of the winners in the DIBCO

    BiNet:Degraded-Manuscript Binarization in Diverse Document Textures and Layouts using Deep Encoder-Decoder Networks

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    Handwritten document-image binarization is a semantic segmentation process to differentiate ink pixels from background pixels. It is one of the essential steps towards character recognition, writer identification, and script-style evolution analysis. The binarization task itself is challenging due to the vast diversity of writing styles, inks, and paper materials. It is even more difficult for historical manuscripts due to the aging and degradation of the documents over time. One of such manuscripts is the Dead Sea Scrolls (DSS) image collection, which poses extreme challenges for the existing binarization techniques. This article proposes a new binarization technique for the DSS images using the deep encoder-decoder networks. Although the artificial neural network proposed here is primarily designed to binarize the DSS images, it can be trained on different manuscript collections as well. Additionally, the use of transfer learning makes the network already utilizable for a wide range of handwritten documents, making it a unique multi-purpose tool for binarization. Qualitative results and several quantitative comparisons using both historical manuscripts and datasets from handwritten document image binarization competition (H-DIBCO and DIBCO) exhibit the robustness and the effectiveness of the system. The best performing network architecture proposed here is a variant of the U-Net encoder-decoders.Comment: 26 pages, 15 figures, 11 table

    A joint study of deep learning-based methods for identity document image binarization and its influence on attribute recognition

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    Text recognition has benefited considerably from deep learning research, as well as the preprocessing methods included in its workflow. Identity documents are critical in the field of document analysis and should be thoroughly researched in relation to this workflow. We propose to examine the link between deep learning-based binarization and recognition algorithms for this sort of documents on the MIDV-500 and MIDV-2020 datasets. We provide a series of experiments to illustrate the relation between the quality of the collected images with respect to the binarization results, as well as the influence of its output on final recognition performance. We show that deep learning-based binarization solutions are affected by the capture quality, which implies that they still need significant improvements. We also show that proper binarization results can improve the performance for many recognition methods. Our retrained U-Net-bin outperformed all other binarization methods, and the best result in recognition was obtained by Paddle Paddle OCR v2

    U-Net-bin: hacking the document image binarization contest

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    Image binarization is still a challenging task in a variety of applications. In particular, Document Image Binarization Contest (DIBCO) is organized regularly to track the state-of-the-art techniques for the historical document binarization. In this work we present a binarization method that was ranked first in the DIBCO`17 contest. It is a convolutional neural network (CNN) based method which uses U-Net architecture, originally designed for biomedical image segmentation. We describe our approach to training data preparation and contest ground truth examination and provide multiple insights on its construction (so called hacking). It led to more accurate historical document binarization problem statement with respect to the challenges one could face in the open access datasets. A docker container with the final network along with all the supplementary data we used in the training process has been published on Github.The work was partially funded by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (projects 17-29-07092 and 17-29-07093)

    Statistic Metrics for Evaluation of Binary Classifiers without Ground-Truth

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    International audienceIn this paper, are presented a number of statistically grounded performance evaluation metrics capable of evaluating binary classifiers in absence of annotated Ground Truth. These metrics are generic and can be applied to any type of classifier but are experimentally validated on binarization algorithms. The statistically grounded metrics were applied and compared with metrics based on annotated data. This approach has statistically significant better than random results in classifiers selection, and our evaluation metrics requiring no Ground Truth have high correlation with traditional metrics. The experiments were conducted on the images from the DIBCO binarization contests between 2009 and 2013