8,500 research outputs found

    Viterbi Training for PCFGs: Hardness Results and Competitiveness of Uniform Initialization

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    We consider the search for a maximum likelihood assignment of hidden derivations and grammar weights for a probabilistic context-free grammar, the problem approximately solved by “Viterbi training.” We show that solving and even approximating Viterbi training for PCFGs is NP-hard. We motivate the use of uniformat-random initialization for Viterbi EM as an optimal initializer in absence of further information about the correct model parameters, providing an approximate bound on the log-likelihood.

    Principles and Implementation of Deductive Parsing

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    We present a system for generating parsers based directly on the metaphor of parsing as deduction. Parsing algorithms can be represented directly as deduction systems, and a single deduction engine can interpret such deduction systems so as to implement the corresponding parser. The method generalizes easily to parsers for augmented phrase structure formalisms, such as definite-clause grammars and other logic grammar formalisms, and has been used for rapid prototyping of parsing algorithms for a variety of formalisms including variants of tree-adjoining grammars, categorial grammars, and lexicalized context-free grammars.Comment: 69 pages, includes full Prolog cod

    An Alternative Conception of Tree-Adjoining Derivation

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    The precise formulation of derivation for tree-adjoining grammars has important ramifications for a wide variety of uses of the formalism, from syntactic analysis to semantic interpretation and statistical language modeling. We argue that the definition of tree-adjoining derivation must be reformulated in order to manifest the proper linguistic dependencies in derivations. The particular proposal is both precisely characterizable through a definition of TAG derivations as equivalence classes of ordered derivation trees, and computationally operational, by virtue of a compilation to linear indexed grammars together with an efficient algorithm for recognition and parsing according to the compiled grammar.Comment: 33 page

    Grammar induction for mildly context sensitive languages using variational Bayesian inference

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    The following technical report presents a formal approach to probabilistic minimalist grammar induction. We describe a formalization of a minimalist grammar. Based on this grammar, we define a generative model for minimalist derivations. We then present a generalized algorithm for the application of variational Bayesian inference to lexicalized mildly context sensitive language grammars which in this paper is applied to the previously defined minimalist grammar

    Weakly Restricted Stochastic Grammars

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    A new type of stochastic grammars is introduced for investigation: weakly restricted stochastic grammars. In this paper we will concentrate on the consistency problem. To find conditions for stochastic grammars to be consistent, the theory of multitype Galton-Watson branching processes and generating functions is of central importance.\ud The unrestricted stochastic grammar formalism generates the same class of languages as the weakly restricted formalism. The inside-outside algorithm is adapted for use with weakly restricted grammars