28 research outputs found

    An Algebraic View of Space/Belief and Extrusion/Utterance for Concurrency/Epistemic Logic

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    International audienceWe enrich spatial constraint systems with operators to specify information and processes moving from a space to another. We shall refer to these news structures as spatial constraint systems with extrusion. We shall investigate the properties of this new family of constraint systems and illustrate their applications. From a computational point of view the new operators provide for pro-cess/information extrusion, a central concept in formalisms for mobile communication. From an epistemic point of view extrusion corresponds to a notion we shall call utterance; a piece of information that an agent communicates to others but that may be inconsistent with the agent's beliefs. Utterances can then be used to express instances of epistemic notions, which are common place in social media, such as hoaxes or intentional lies. Spatial constraint systems with extrusion can be seen as complete Heyting algebras equipped with maps to account for spatial and epistemic specification

    Belief, Knowledge, Lies and Other Utterances in an Algebra for Space and Extrusion

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    International audienceThe notion of constraint system (cs) is central to declarative formalisms from concurrency theory such as process calculi for concurrent constraint programming (ccp). Constraint systems are often represented as lattices: their elements, called constraints, represent partial information and their order corresponds to entailment. Recently a notion of n-agent spatial cs was introduced to represent information in concurrent constraint programs for spatially distributed multi-agent systems. From a computational point of view a spatial constraint system can be used to specify partial information holding in a given agent's space (local information). From an epistemic point of view a spatial cs can be used to specify information that a given agent considers true (beliefs). Spatial constraint systems, however, do not provide a mechanism for specifying the mobility of information/processes from one space to another. Information mobility is a fundamental aspect of concurrent systems. In this article we develop the theory of spatial constraint systems with operators to specify information and processes moving from a space to another. We shall investigate the properties of this new family of constraint systems and illustrate their applications. From a computational point of view the new operators provide for process/information extrusion, a central concept in formalisms for mobile communication. From an epistemic point of view extrusion corresponds I to a notion we shall call utterance; a piece of information that an agent communicate to others but that may be inconsistent with the agent's beliefs. Utterances can then be used to express instances of epistemic notions such as hoaxes or intentional lies which are common place in social media. Spatial constraint system can express the epistemic notion of belief by means of space functions that specify local information. We shall also show that spatial constraint can also express the epistemic notion of knowledge by means of a derived spatial operator that specifies global information

    Deriving Inverse Operators for Modal Logic

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    International audienceSpatial constraint systems are algebraic structures from concurrent constraint programming to specify spatial and epistemic behavior in multi-agent systems. We shall use spatial constraint systems to give an abstract characterization of the notion of normality in modal logic and to derive right inverse/reverse operators for modal languages. In particular, we shall identify the weakest condition for the existence of right inverses and show that the abstract notion of normality corresponds to the preservation of finite suprema. We shall apply our results to existing modal languages such as the weakest normal modal logic, Hennessy-Milner logic, and linear-time temporal logic. We shall discuss our results in the context of modal concepts such as bisimilarity and inconsistency invariance

    On the Expressiveness of Spatial Constraint Systems

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    In this paper we shall report on our progress using spatial constraint system as an abstract representation of modal and epistemic behaviour. First we shall give an introduction as well as the background to our work. Then, we present our preliminary results on the representation of modal behaviour by using spatial constraint systems. Then, we present our ongoing work on the characterization of the epistemic notion of knowledge. Finally, we discuss about the future work of our research

    A Rewriting Logic Approach to Stochastic and Spatial Constraint System Specification and Verification

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    This paper addresses the issue of specifying, simulating, and verifying reactive systems in rewriting logic. It presents an executable semantics for probabilistic, timed, and spatial concurrent constraint programming ---here called stochastic and spatial concurrent constraint systems (SSCC)--- in the rewriting logic semantic framework. The approach is based on an enhanced and generalized model of concurrent constraint programming (CCP) where computational hierarchical spaces can be assigned to belong to agents. The executable semantics faithfully represents and operationally captures the highly concurrent nature, uncertain behavior, and spatial and epistemic characteristics of reactive systems with flow of information. In SSCC, timing attributes ---represented by stochastic duration--- can be associated to processes, and exclusive and independent probabilistic choice is also supported. SMT solving technology, available from the Maude system, is used to realize the underlying constraint system of SSCC with quantifier-free formulas over integers and reals. This results in a fully executable real-time symbolic specification that can be used for quantitative analysis in the form of statistical model checking. The main features and capabilities of SSCC are illustrated with examples throughout the paper. This contribution is part of a larger research effort aimed at making available formal analysis techniques and tools, mathematically founded on the CCP approach, to the research community.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1805.0743

    Reasoning About Distributed Knowledge of Groups with Infinitely Many Agents

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    Spatial constraint systems (scs) are semantic structures for reasoning about spatial and epistemic information in concurrent systems. We develop the theory of scs to reason about the distributed information of potentially infinite groups. We characterize the notion of distributed information of a group of agents as the infimum of the set of join-preserving functions that represent the spaces of the agents in the group. We provide an alternative characterization of this notion as the greatest family of join-preserving functions that satisfy certain basic properties. We show compositionality results for these characterizations and conditions under which information that can be obtained by an infinite group can also be obtained by a finite group. Finally, we provide algorithms that compute the distributive group information of finite groups