28 research outputs found

    Una metodología para detección de cambios en imágenes SPOT-Pan

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    La capacidad de un algoritmo para detectar cambios varía según el tipo de cambio, y depende de la metodología seleccionada. Existe una serie de técnicas digitales de detección de cambios que, en general, se pueden agrupar en dos categorías: aquellas en las que se detecta información binaria cambio o no cambio, y aquellas en las que se detecta al detalle "origen-destino" en la trayectoria del cambi

    A Convolutional Neural Network with Parallel Multi-Scale Spatial Pooling to Detect Temporal Changes in SAR Images

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    In synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image change detection, it is quite challenging to exploit the changing information from the noisy difference image subject to the speckle. In this paper, we propose a multi-scale spatial pooling (MSSP) network to exploit the changed information from the noisy difference image. Being different from the traditional convolutional network with only mono-scale pooling kernels, in the proposed method, multi-scale pooling kernels are equipped in a convolutional network to exploit the spatial context information on changed regions from the difference image. Furthermore, to verify the generalization of the proposed method, we apply our proposed method to the cross-dataset bitemporal SAR image change detection, where the MSSP network (MSSP-Net) is trained on a dataset and then applied to an unknown testing dataset. We compare the proposed method with other state-of-arts and the comparisons are performed on four challenging datasets of bitemporal SAR images. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed method obtains comparable results with S-PCA-Net on YR-A and YR-B dataset and outperforms other state-of-art methods, especially on the Sendai-A and Sendai-B datasets with more complex scenes. More important, MSSP-Net is more efficient than S-PCA-Net and convolutional neural networks (CNN) with less executing time in both training and testing phases

    Mapping Mangrove Extent and Change: A Globally Applicable Approach

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    This study demonstrates a globally applicable method for monitoring mangrove forest extent at high spatial resolution. A 2010 mangrove baseline was classified for 16 study areas using a combination of ALOS PALSAR and Landsat composite imagery within a random forests classifier. A novel map-to-image change method was used to detect annual and decadal changes in extent using ALOS PALSAR/JERS-1 imagery. The map-to-image method presented makes fewer assumptions of the data than existing methods, is less sensitive to variation between scenes due to environmental factors (e.g., tide or soil moisture) and is able to automatically identify a change threshold. Change maps were derived from the 2010 baseline to 1996 using JERS-1 SAR and to 2007, 2008 and 2009 using ALOS PALSAR. This study demonstrated results for 16 known hotspots of mangrove change distributed globally, with a total mangrove area of 2,529,760 ha. The method was demonstrated to have accuracies consistently in excess of 90% (overall accuracy: 92.293.3%, kappa: 0.86) for mapping baseline extent. The accuracies of the change maps were more variable and were dependent upon the time period between images and number of change features. Total change from 1996 to 2010 was 204,850 ha (127,990 ha gain, 76,860 ha loss), with the highest gains observed in French Guiana (15,570 ha) and the highest losses observed in East Kalimantan, Indonesia (23,003 ha). Changes in mangrove extent were the consequence of both natural and anthropogenic drivers, yielding net increases or decreases in extent dependent upon the study site. These updated maps are of importance to the mangrove research community, particularly as the continual updating of the baseline with currently available and anticipated spaceborne sensors. It is recommended that mangrove baselines are updated on at least a 5-year interval to suit the requirements of policy makers

    Online change detection techniques in time series: an overview

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    Time-series change detection has been studied in several fields. From sensor data, engineering systems, medical diagnosis, and financial markets to user actions on a network, huge amounts of temporal data are generated. There is a need for a clear separation between normal and abnormal behaviour of the system in order to investigate causes or forecast change. Characteristics include irregularities, deviations, anomalies, outliers, novelties or surprising patterns. The efficient detection of such patterns is challenging, especially when constraints need to be taken into account, such as the data velocity, volume, limited time for reacting to events, and the details of the temporal sequence.This paper reviews the main techniques for time series change point detection, focusing on online methods. Performance criteria including complexity, time granularity, and robustness is used to compare techniques, followed by a discussion about current challenges and open issue