5 research outputs found

    Diffusing Crisis Management Solutions through Living Labs: Opportunities and Challenges

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    Despite increasing focus on user involvement among the developers of crisis management technologies, the diffusion of these solutions in target user communities is slow. This paper discusses to what extent the Living Lab approach, based on open innovation and co-creation between users and developers, could facilitate the diffusion of crisis management solutions. Our analysis shows correspondence between the core principles of the Living Labs approach and the user interaction focus in development research in ISCRAM. However, the task urgency and criticality of crisis situations limits the possibility for testing and experimenting with technology in real use situations. Instead, the main distinguishing principle of the Living Lab approach is the nature and scope of stakeholder involvement. By creating an arena where community stakeholders participate equally with developers and researchers in sharing ideas and testing new technological solutions, chances for successful diffusion of these solutions in real use practice could be strengthened

    Diffusing Crisis Management Solutions through Living Labs: Opportunities and Challenges

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    ABSTRACT Despite increasing focus on user involvement among the developers of crisis management technologies, the diffusion of these solutions in target user communities is slow. This paper discusses to what extent the Living Lab approach, based on open innovation and co-creation between users and developers, could facilitate the diffusion of crisis management solutions. Our analysis shows correspondence between the core principles of the Living Labs approach and the user interaction focus in development research in ISCRAM. However, the task urgency and criticality of crisis situations limits the possibility for testing and experimenting with technology in real use situations. Instead, the main distinguishing principle of the Living Lab approach is the nature and scope of stakeholder involvement. By creating an arena where community stakeholders participate equally with developers and researchers in sharing ideas and testing new technological solutions, chances for successful diffusion of these solutions in real use practice could be strengthened

    Designing social media analytics tools to support non-market institutions: Four case studies using Twitter data

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    This research investigates the design of social media tools for non-market institutions, such as local government or community groups. At the core of this practice-based research is a software tool called LocalNets. LocalNets was developed to collect, analyse and visualise data from Twitter, thereby revealing information about community structure and community assets. It is anticipated that this information could help non- market institutions and the communities with which they work. Twitter users send messages to one another using the ‘@mention’ function. This activity is made visible publicly and has the potential to indicate a Twitter user’s participation in a ‘community structure’; that is, it can reveal an interpersonal network of social connections. Twitter activity also provides data about community assets (such as parks, shops and cinemas) when tweets mention these assets’ names. The context for this research is the Creative Exchange Hub (CX), one of four Knowledge Exchange Hubs for the Creative Economy funded by the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC). Under the theme of ‘Digital Public Space’, the CX Hub facilitated creative research collaborations between PhD researchers, academics and non-academic institutions. Building on the CX model, this PhD research forged partnerships between local councils, non-public sector institutions that work with communities, software developers and academics with relevant subject expertise. Development of the LocalNets tool was undertaken as an integral part of the research. As the software was developed, it was deployed in relevant contexts through partnerships with a range of non-market institutions, predominantly located in the UK, to explore its use in those contexts. Four projects are presented as design case studies: 1) a prototyping phase, 2) a project with the Royal Society of Arts in the London Borough of Hounslow, 3) a multi-partner project in Peterborough, and 4) a project with Newspeak House, a technology and politics co-working space located in London. The case studies were undertaken using an Action Design Research method, as articulated by Sein et al. Findings from these case studies are grouped into two categories. The first are ‘Implementation findings’ which relate specifically to the use of data from Twitter. Second there are six ‘situated design principles’ which were developed across the case studies, and which are proposed as having potential application beyond Twitter data. The ‘Implementation findings’ include that Twitter can be effective for locating participants for focus groups on community topics, and that the opinions expressed directly in tweets are rarely sufficient for the local government of community groups to respond to. These findings could benefit designers working with Twitter data. The six situated design principles were developed through the case studies: two apply Burt’s brokerage social capital theory, describing how network structure relates to social capital; two apply Donath’s signalling theory – which suggests how social media behaviours can indicate perceptions of community assets; and two situated design principles apply Borgatti and Halgin’s network flow model – a theory which draws together brokerage social capital and signalling theory. The principles are applicable to social media analytics tools and are relevant to the goals of non-market institutions. They are situated in the context of the case studies; however, they are potentially applicable to social media platforms other than Twitter. Linders identifies a paucity of research into social media tools for non-market institutions. The findings of this research, developed by deploying and testing the LocalNets social media analytics tool with non-market institutions, aim to address that research gap and to inform practitioner designers working in this area

    Usability of disaster apps : understanding the perspectives of the public as end-users : a dissertation presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Emergency Management at Massey University, Wellington, New Zealand

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    Listed in 2020 Dean's List of Exceptional ThesesMultiple smartphone applications (apps) exist that can enhance the public’s resilience to disasters. Despite the capabilities of these apps, they can only be effective if users find them usable. Availability does not automatically translate to usability nor does it guarantee continued usage by the target users. A disaster app will be of little or no value if a user abandons it after the initial download. It is, therefore, essential to understand the users’ perspectives on the usability of disaster apps. In the context of disaster apps, usability entails providing the elements that effectively facilitate users in retrieving critical information, and thus enabling them to make decisions during crises. Establishing good usability for effective systems relies upon focussing on the user whereby technological solutions match the user’s needs and expectations. However, most studies on the usability of disaster context technologies have been conducted with emergency responders, and only a few have investigated the publics’ perspectives as end-users. This doctoral project, written within a ‘PhD-thesis-with-publication’ format, addresses this gap by investigating the usability of disaster apps through the perspectives of the public end-users. The investigation takes an explicitly perceived usability standpoint where the experiences of the end-users are prioritised. Data analysis involved user-centric information to understand the public’s context and the mechanisms of disaster app usability. A mixed methods approach incorporates the qualitative analysis of app store data of 1,405 user reviews from 58 existing disaster apps, the quantitative analysis of 271 survey responses from actual disaster app users, and the qualitative analysis of usability inquiries with 18 members of the public. Insights gathered from this doctoral project highlight that end-users do not anticipate using disaster apps frequently, which poses particular challenges. Furthermore, despite the anticipated low frequency of use, because of the life-safety association of disasters apps, end-users have an expectation that the apps can operate with adequate usability when needed. This doctoral project provides focussed outcomes that consider such user perspectives. First, an app store analysis investigating user reviews identified new usability concerns particular to disaster apps. It highlighted users’ opinion on phone resource usage and relevance of content, among others. More importantly, it defined a new usability factor, app dependability, relating to the life-safety context of disaster apps. App dependability is the degree to which users’ perceive that an app can operate dependably during critical scenarios. Second, the quantitative results from this research have contributed towards producing a usability-continuance model, highlighting the usability factors that affect end-users’ intention to keep or uninstall a disaster app. The key influences for users’ intention to keep disaster apps are: (1) users’ perceptions as to whether the app delivers its function (app utility), (2) whether it does so dependably (app dependability), and (3) whether it presents information that can be easily understood (user-interface output). Subsequently, too much focus on (4) user-interface graphics and (5) user-interface input can encourage users to uninstall apps. Third, the results from the qualitative analysis of the inquiry data provide a basis for developing guidelines for disaster app usability. In the expectation of low level of engagement with disaster app users, the guidelines list recommendations addressing information salience, cognitive load, and trust. This doctoral project provides several contributions to the body of knowledge for usability and disaster apps. It reiterates the importance of investigating the usability of technological products for disasters and showcases the value of user-centric data in understanding usability. It has investigated usability with particular attention to the end-users’ perspectives on the context of disaster apps and, thus, produces a theoretical usability-continuance model to advance disaster app usability research and usability guidelines to encourage responsible design in practice

    Aligning Social Media, Mobile, Analytics, and Cloud Computing Technologies and Disaster Response

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    After nearly 2 decades of advances in information and communications technologies (ICT) including social media, mobile, analytics, and cloud computing, disaster response agencies in the United States have not been able to improve alignment between ICT-based information and disaster response actions. This grounded theory study explored emergency response ICT managers\u27 understanding of how social media, mobile, analytics, and cloud computing technologies (SMAC) are related to and can inform disaster response strategies. Sociotechnical theory served as the conceptual framework to ground the study. Data were collected from document reviews and semistructured interviews with 9 ICT managers from emergency management agencies in the state of Hawaii who had experience in responding to major disasters. The data were analyzed using open, axial coding, and selective coding. Three elements of a theory emerged from the findings: (a) the ICT managers were hesitant about SMAC technologies replacing first responder\u27s radios to interoperate between emergency response agencies during major disasters, (b) the ICT managers were receptive to converging conventional ICT with SMAC technologies, and (c) the ICT managers were receptive to joining legacy information sharing strategies with new information sharing strategies based on SMAC technologies. The emergent theory offers a framework for aligning SMAC technologies and disaster response strategies. The implications for positive social change include reduced interoperability failures between disaster agencies during major catastrophes, which may lower the risk of casualties and deaths to emergency responders and disaster victims, thus benefiting them and their communities