4 research outputs found

    An Ultra-Low-Power and Portable Digitally Controlled Oscillator for SoC Applications

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    저 잡음 디지털 위상동기루프의 합성

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    학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 전기·컴퓨터공학부, 2014. 2. 정덕균.As a device scaling proceeds, Charge Pump PLL has been confronted by many design challenges. Especially, a leakage current in loop filter and reduced dynamic range due to a lower operating voltage make it difficult to adopt a conventional analog PLL architecture for a highly scaled technology. To solve these issues, All Digital PLL (ADPLL) has been widely studied recently. ADPLL mitigates a filter leakage and a reduced dynamic range issues by replacing the analog circuits with digital ones. However, it is still difficult to get a low jitter under low supply voltage. In this thesis, we propose a dual loop architecture to achieve a low jitter even with a low supply voltage. And bottom-up based multi-step TDC and DCO are proposed to meet both fine resolution and wide operation range. In the aspect of design methodology, ADPLL has relied on a full custom design method although ADPLL is fully described in HDL (Hardware Description Language). We propose a new cell based layout technique to automatically synthesize the whole circuit and layout. The test chip has no linearity degradation although it is fully synthesized using a commercially available auto P&R tool. We has implemented an all digital pixel clock generator using the proposed dual loop architecture and the cell based layout technique. The entire circuit is automatically synthesized using 28nm CMOS technology. And s-domain linear model is utilized to optimize the jitter of the dual-loop PLL. Test chip occupies 0.032mm2, and achieves a 15ps_rms integrated jitter although it has extremely low input reference clock of 100 kHz. The whole circuit operates at 1.0V and consumes only 3.1mW.Abstract i Lists of Figures vii Lists of Tables xiii 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Thesis Motivation and Organization 1 1.1.1 Motivation 1 1.1.2 Thesis Organization 2 1.2 PLL Design Issues in Scaled CMOS Technology 3 1.2.1 Low Supply Voltage 4 1.2.2 High Leakage Current 6 1.2.3 Device Reliability: NBTI, HCI, TDDB, EM 8 1.2.4 Mismatch due to Proximity Effects: WPE, STI 11 1.3 Overview of Clock Synthesizers 14 1.3.1 Dual Voltage Charge Pump PLL 14 1.3.2 DLL Based Edge Combining Clock Multiplier 16 1.3.3 Recirculation DLL 17 1.3.4 Reference Injected PLL 18 1.3.5 All Digital PLL 19 1.3.6 Flying Adder Clock Synthesizer 20 1.3.7 Dual Loop Hybrid PLL 21 1.3.8 Comparisons 23 2. Tutorial of ADPLL Design 25 2.1 Introduction 25 2.1.1 Motivation for a pure digital 25 2.1.2 Conversion to digital domain 26 2.2 Functional Blocks 26 2.2.1 TDC, and PFD/Charge Pump 26 2.2.2 Digital Loop Filter and Analog R/C Loop Filter 29 2.2.3 DCO and VCO 34 2.2.4 S-domain Model of the Whole Loop 34 2.2.5 ADPLL Loop Design Flow 36 2.3 S-domain Noise Model 41 2.3.1 Noise Transfer Functions 41 2.3.2 Quantization Noise due to Limited TDC Resolution 45 2.3.3 Quantization Noise due to Divider ΔΣ Noise 46 2.3.4 Quantization Noise due to Limited DCO Resolution 47 2.3.5 Quantization Noise due to DCO ΔΣ Dithering 48 2.3.6 Random Noise of DCO and Input Clock 50 2.3.7 Over-all Phase Noise 50 3. Synthesizable All Digital Pixel Clock PLL Design 53 3.1 Overview 53 3.1.1 Introduction of Pixel Clock PLL 53 3.1.1 Design Specifications 55 3.2 Proposed Architecture 60 3.2.1 All Digital Dual Loop PLL 60 3.2.2 2-step controlled TDC 61 3.2.3 3-step controlled DCO 64 3.2.4 Digital Loop Filter 76 3.3 S-domain Noise Model 78 3.4 Loop Parameter Optimization Based on the s-domain Model 85 3.5 RTL and Gate Level Circuit Design 88 3.5.1 Overview of the design flow 88 3.5.2 Behavioral Simulation and Gate level synthesis 89 3.5.1 Preventing a meta-stability 90 3.5.1 Reusable Coding Style 92 3.6 Layout Synthesis 94 3.6.1 Auto P&R 94 3.6.2 Design of Unit Cells 97 3.6.3 Linearity Degradation in Synthesized TDC 98 3.6.4 Linearity Degradation in Synthesized DCO 106 3.7 Experiment Results 109 3.7.1 DCO measurement 109 3.7.2 PLL measurement 113 3.8 Conclusions 117 A. Device Technology Scaling Trends 118 A.1. Motivation for Technology Scaling 118 A.2. Constant Field Scaling 120 A.3. Quasi Constant Voltage Scaling 123 A.4. Device Technology Trends in Real World 124 B. Spice Simulation Tip for a DCO 137 C. Phase Noise to Jitter Conversion 141 Bibliography 144 초록 151Docto

    Exploiting robustness in asynchronous circuits to design fine-tunable systems

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    PhD ThesisRobustness property in a circuit defines its tolerance to the effects of process, voltage and temperature variations. The mode signaling and event communication between computing units in a asynchronous circuits makes them inherently robust. The level of robustness depends on the type of delay assumptions used in the design and specification process. In this thesis, two approaches to exploiting robustness in asynchronous circuits to design self-adapting and fine-tunable systems are investigated. In the first investigation, a Digitally Controllable Oscillator (DCO) and a computing unit are integrated such that the operating conditions of the computing unit modulated the operation of the DCO. In this investigation, the computing unit which is a self-timed counter interacts with the DCO in a four-phase handshake protocol. This mode of interaction ensures a DCO and computing unit system that can fine-tune its operation to adapt to the effects of variations. In this investigation, it is shown that such a system will operate correctly in wide range of voltage supply. In the second investigation, a Digital Pulse-Width Modulator (DPWM) with coarse and fine-tune controls is designed using two Kessels counters. The coarse control of the DPWM tuned the pulse ratio and pulse frequency while the fine-tune control exploited the robustness property of asynchronous circuits in an addition-based delay system to add or subtract delay(s) to the pulse width while maintaining a constant pulse frequency. The DPWM realized gave constant duty ratio regardless of the operating voltage. This type of DPWM has practical application in a DC-DC converter circuit to tune the output voltage of the converter in high resolution. The Kessels counter is a loadable self-timed modulo−n counter, which is realized by decomposition using Horner’s method, specified and verified using formal asynchronous design techniques. The decomposition method used introduced parallelism in the system by dividing the counter into a systolic array of cells, with each cell further decomposed into two parts that have distinct defined operations. Specification of the decomposed counter cell parts operation was in three stages. The first stage employed high-level specification using Labelled Petri nets (LPN). In this form, functional correctness of the decomposed counter is modelled and verified. In the second stage, a cell part is specified by combing all possible operations for that cell part in high-level form. With this approach, a combination of inputs from a defined control block activated the correct operation for a cell part. In the final stage, the LPNs were converted to Signal Transition Graphs, from which the logic circuits of the cells were synthesized using the WorkCraft Tool. In this thesis, the Kessels counter was implemented and fabricated in 350 nm CMOS Technology.Niger Delta Development Commission (NDD

    Clock Generator Circuits for Low-Power Heterogeneous Multiprocessor Systems-on-Chip

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    In this work concepts and circuits for local clock generation in low-power heterogeneous multiprocessor systems-on-chip (MPSoCs) are researched and developed. The targeted systems feature a globally asynchronous locally synchronous (GALS) clocking architecture and advanced power management functionality, as for example fine-grained ultra-fast dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS). To enable this functionality compact clock generators with low chip area, low power consumption, wide output frequency range and the capability for ultra-fast frequency changes are required. They are to be instantiated individually per core. For this purpose compact all digital phase-locked loop (ADPLL) frequency synthesizers are developed. The bang-bang ADPLL architecture is analyzed using a numerical system model and optimized for low jitter accumulation. A 65nm CMOS ADPLL is implemented, featuring a novel active current bias circuit which compensates the supply voltage and temperature sensitivity of the digitally controlled oscillator (DCO) for reduced digital tuning effort. Additionally, a 28nm ADPLL with a new ultra-fast lock-in scheme based on single-shot phase synchronization is proposed. The core clock is generated by an open-loop method using phase-switching between multi-phase DCO clocks at a fixed frequency. This allows instantaneous core frequency changes for ultra-fast DVFS without re-locking the closed loop ADPLL. The sensitivity of the open-loop clock generator with respect to phase mismatch is analyzed analytically and a compensation technique by cross-coupled inverter buffers is proposed. The clock generators show small area (0.0097mm2 (65nm), 0.00234mm2 (28nm)), low power consumption (2.7mW (65nm), 0.64mW (28nm)) and they provide core clock frequencies from 83MHz to 666MHz which can be changed instantaneously. The jitter performance is compliant to DDR2/DDR3 memory interface specifications. Additionally, high-speed clocks for novel serial on-chip data transceivers are generated. The ADPLL circuits have been verified successfully by 3 testchip implementations. They enable efficient realization of future low-power MPSoCs with advanced power management functionality in deep-submicron CMOS technologies.In dieser Arbeit werden Konzepte und Schaltungen zur lokalen Takterzeugung in heterogenen Multiprozessorsystemen (MPSoCs) mit geringer Verlustleistung erforscht und entwickelt. Diese Systeme besitzen eine global-asynchrone lokal-synchrone Architektur sowie Funktionalität zum Power Management, wie z.B. das feingranulare, schnelle Skalieren von Spannung und Taktfrequenz (DVFS). Um diese Funktionalität zu realisieren werden kompakte Taktgeneratoren benötigt, welche eine kleine Chipfläche einnehmen, wenig Verlustleitung aufnehmen, einen weiten Bereich an Ausgangsfrequenzen erzeugen und diese sehr schnell ändern können. Sie sollen individuell pro Prozessorkern integriert werden. Dazu werden kompakte volldigitale Phasenregelkreise (ADPLLs) entwickelt, wobei eine bang-bang ADPLL Architektur numerisch modelliert und für kleine Jitterakkumulation optimiert wird. Es wird eine 65nm CMOS ADPLL implementiert, welche eine neuartige Kompensationsschlatung für den digital gesteuerten Oszillator (DCO) zur Verringerung der Sensitivität bezüglich Versorgungsspannung und Temperatur beinhaltet. Zusätzlich wird eine 28nm CMOS ADPLL mit einer neuen Technik zum schnellen Einschwingen unter Nutzung eines Phasensynchronisierers realisiert. Der Prozessortakt wird durch ein neuartiges Phasenmultiplex- und Frequenzteilerverfahren erzeugt, welches es ermöglicht die Taktfrequenz sofort zu ändern um schnelles DVFS zu realisieren. Die Sensitivität dieses Frequenzgenerators bezüglich Phasen-Mismatch wird theoretisch analysiert und durch Verwendung von kreuzgekoppelten Taktverstärkern kompensiert. Die hier entwickelten Taktgeneratoren haben eine kleine Chipfläche (0.0097mm2 (65nm), 0.00234mm2 (28nm)) und Leistungsaufnahme (2.7mW (65nm), 0.64mW (28nm)). Sie stellen Frequenzen von 83MHz bis 666MHz bereit, welche sofort geändert werden können. Die Schaltungen erfüllen die Jitterspezifikationen von DDR2/DDR3 Speicherinterfaces. Zusätzliche können schnelle Takte für neuartige serielle on-Chip Verbindungen erzeugt werden. Die ADPLL Schaltungen wurden erfolgreich in 3 Testchips erprobt. Sie ermöglichen die effiziente Realisierung von zukünftigen MPSoCs mit Power Management in modernsten CMOS Technologien