4 research outputs found

    Framework for business web application families development using an ontological model and source code generators

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    Beskonačni ciklus ponovnog programiranja različitih obrazaca i modula poslovnih web aplikacija, na nekoliko različitih projekata, naveo je mnoge programere i istraživače da razmotre mogućnosti daljnje automatizacije njihovog razvoja. Kako bi se malim i srednjim poduzećima omogućila dostupnost poslovnog softvera razvijenog po mjeri, potrebno je smanjiti troškove razvoja, a zadržati ili čak povećati razinu kvalitete. Ponovno iskorištavanje postojećih artefakata i podizanje razine apstrakcije pri razvoju pokazali su se učinkovitim pravcima za automatizaciju proizvodnje obitelji softverskih proizvoda. U ovom istraživanju dizajniran je inovativan okvir za razvoj obitelji poslovnih web aplikacija, temeljen na ontološki potpomognutom, generativnom programiranju. Istraživanje je provedeno prema DSRM (engl. Design Science Research Methodology) metodologiji za provedbu istraživanja temeljenih na dizajnu. Rad započinje sistematskim pregledom literature s ciljem formiranja baze znanja na ovome području, a zatim slijedi faza dizajna i razvoja koja je rezultirala trima artefaktima: ontološkim modelom, generatorima programskog koda i razvojnim okvirom. Primjena dizajniranog razvojnog okvira demonstrirana je na dvjema studijama slučaja, a analiza rezultata pokazala je da okvir osigurava razvoj na visokoj razini apstrakcije, uz osiguranje visoke razine ponovne iskoristivosti ranije korištenih artefakata.The endless cycle of repetitive coding of various forms and business application modules, on several different projects, has led many developers and researchers wonder about the possibilities for further development automation. In order to enable small and medium-sized businesses to purchase custom-made business software, it is necessary to reduce the cost of development, but maintain or even increase the level of quality. Software reuse and higher abstraction levels are historically proven means for automating the production of software product families. This research proposes a framework for the development of business Web application families, based on an ontology-driven, generative programming approach. The research was conducted according to design science research methodology named Design Science Research Methodology. First, a systematic literature review was conducted to constitute a knowledge base in this field. Then, the design and development faze was carried out and it resulted in three artifacts: an ontological model, code generators and a development framework. The application of the designed framework was demonstrated in two case studies. The analysis of the results showed that the framework provides a higher level of abstraction then the classic development approach and provides high level of reusability of previously used artifacts. resulted in three artifacts: an ontological model, code generators and a development framework. The application of the designed framework was demonstrated in two case studies. The analysis of the results showed that the framework provides a higher level of abstraction then the classic development approach and provides high level of reusability of previously used artifacts

    Framework for business web application families development using an ontological model and source code generators

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    Beskonačni ciklus ponovnog programiranja različitih obrazaca i modula poslovnih web aplikacija, na nekoliko različitih projekata, naveo je mnoge programere i istraživače da razmotre mogućnosti daljnje automatizacije njihovog razvoja. Kako bi se malim i srednjim poduzećima omogućila dostupnost poslovnog softvera razvijenog po mjeri, potrebno je smanjiti troškove razvoja, a zadržati ili čak povećati razinu kvalitete. Ponovno iskorištavanje postojećih artefakata i podizanje razine apstrakcije pri razvoju pokazali su se učinkovitim pravcima za automatizaciju proizvodnje obitelji softverskih proizvoda. U ovom istraživanju dizajniran je inovativan okvir za razvoj obitelji poslovnih web aplikacija, temeljen na ontološki potpomognutom, generativnom programiranju. Istraživanje je provedeno prema DSRM (engl. Design Science Research Methodology) metodologiji za provedbu istraživanja temeljenih na dizajnu. Rad započinje sistematskim pregledom literature s ciljem formiranja baze znanja na ovome području, a zatim slijedi faza dizajna i razvoja koja je rezultirala trima artefaktima: ontološkim modelom, generatorima programskog koda i razvojnim okvirom. Primjena dizajniranog razvojnog okvira demonstrirana je na dvjema studijama slučaja, a analiza rezultata pokazala je da okvir osigurava razvoj na visokoj razini apstrakcije, uz osiguranje visoke razine ponovne iskoristivosti ranije korištenih artefakata.The endless cycle of repetitive coding of various forms and business application modules, on several different projects, has led many developers and researchers wonder about the possibilities for further development automation. In order to enable small and medium-sized businesses to purchase custom-made business software, it is necessary to reduce the cost of development, but maintain or even increase the level of quality. Software reuse and higher abstraction levels are historically proven means for automating the production of software product families. This research proposes a framework for the development of business Web application families, based on an ontology-driven, generative programming approach. The research was conducted according to design science research methodology named Design Science Research Methodology. First, a systematic literature review was conducted to constitute a knowledge base in this field. Then, the design and development faze was carried out and it resulted in three artifacts: an ontological model, code generators and a development framework. The application of the designed framework was demonstrated in two case studies. The analysis of the results showed that the framework provides a higher level of abstraction then the classic development approach and provides high level of reusability of previously used artifacts. resulted in three artifacts: an ontological model, code generators and a development framework. The application of the designed framework was demonstrated in two case studies. The analysis of the results showed that the framework provides a higher level of abstraction then the classic development approach and provides high level of reusability of previously used artifacts

    Framework for business web application families development using an ontological model and source code generators

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    Beskonačni ciklus ponovnog programiranja različitih obrazaca i modula poslovnih web aplikacija, na nekoliko različitih projekata, naveo je mnoge programere i istraživače da razmotre mogućnosti daljnje automatizacije njihovog razvoja. Kako bi se malim i srednjim poduzećima omogućila dostupnost poslovnog softvera razvijenog po mjeri, potrebno je smanjiti troškove razvoja, a zadržati ili čak povećati razinu kvalitete. Ponovno iskorištavanje postojećih artefakata i podizanje razine apstrakcije pri razvoju pokazali su se učinkovitim pravcima za automatizaciju proizvodnje obitelji softverskih proizvoda. U ovom istraživanju dizajniran je inovativan okvir za razvoj obitelji poslovnih web aplikacija, temeljen na ontološki potpomognutom, generativnom programiranju. Istraživanje je provedeno prema DSRM (engl. Design Science Research Methodology) metodologiji za provedbu istraživanja temeljenih na dizajnu. Rad započinje sistematskim pregledom literature s ciljem formiranja baze znanja na ovome području, a zatim slijedi faza dizajna i razvoja koja je rezultirala trima artefaktima: ontološkim modelom, generatorima programskog koda i razvojnim okvirom. Primjena dizajniranog razvojnog okvira demonstrirana je na dvjema studijama slučaja, a analiza rezultata pokazala je da okvir osigurava razvoj na visokoj razini apstrakcije, uz osiguranje visoke razine ponovne iskoristivosti ranije korištenih artefakata.The endless cycle of repetitive coding of various forms and business application modules, on several different projects, has led many developers and researchers wonder about the possibilities for further development automation. In order to enable small and medium-sized businesses to purchase custom-made business software, it is necessary to reduce the cost of development, but maintain or even increase the level of quality. Software reuse and higher abstraction levels are historically proven means for automating the production of software product families. This research proposes a framework for the development of business Web application families, based on an ontology-driven, generative programming approach. The research was conducted according to design science research methodology named Design Science Research Methodology. First, a systematic literature review was conducted to constitute a knowledge base in this field. Then, the design and development faze was carried out and it resulted in three artifacts: an ontological model, code generators and a development framework. The application of the designed framework was demonstrated in two case studies. The analysis of the results showed that the framework provides a higher level of abstraction then the classic development approach and provides high level of reusability of previously used artifacts. resulted in three artifacts: an ontological model, code generators and a development framework. The application of the designed framework was demonstrated in two case studies. The analysis of the results showed that the framework provides a higher level of abstraction then the classic development approach and provides high level of reusability of previously used artifacts

    Process Productivity Improvements through Semantic and Linked Data Technologies

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    Programa de Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología Informática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: José María Álvarez Rodríguez.- Secretario: Rafael Valencia García.- Vocal: Alejandro Rodríguez Gonzále