64,449 research outputs found

    An Overview of User-level Usage Monitoring in Cloud Environment

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    Cloud computing monitors applications, virtual and physical resources to ensure performance capacity, workload management, optimize future application updates and so on. Current state-of-the-art monitoring solutions in the cloud focus on monitoring in application/service level, virtual and physical (infrastructure) level. While some of the researchers have identified the importance of monitoring users, there is still need for developing solutions, implementation and evaluation in this domain. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to extract end-user usage of cloud services from their interactions with the interfaces provided to access the services called User-level Usage Monitoring. We provide the principles necessary for the usage data extraction process and analyse existing cloud monitoring techniques from the identified principles. Understanding end-user usage patterns and behaviour can help developers and architects to assess how applications work and which features of the application are critical for the users

    A solution for secure use of Kibana and Elasticsearch in multi-user environment

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    Monitoring is indispensable to check status, activities, or resource usage of IT services. A combination of Kibana and Elasticsearch is used for monitoring in many places such as KEK, CC-IN2P3, CERN, and also non-HEP communities. Kibana provides a web interface for rich visualization, and Elasticsearch is a scalable distributed search engine. However, these tools do not support authentication and authorization features by default. In the case of single Kibana and Elasticsearch services shared among many users, any user who can access Kibana can retrieve other's information from Elasticsearch. In multi-user environment, in order to protect own data from others or share part of data among a group, fine-grained access control is necessary. The CERN cloud service group had provided cloud utilization dashboard to each user by Elasticsearch and Kibana. They had deployed a homemade Elasticsearch plugin to restrict data access based on a user authenticated by the CERN Single Sign On system. It enabled each user to have a separated Kibana dashboard for cloud usage, and the user could not access to other's one. Based on the solution, we propose an alternative one which enables user/group based Elasticsearch access control and Kibana objects separation. It is more flexible and can be applied to not only the cloud service but also the other various situations. We confirmed our solution works fine in CC-IN2P3. Moreover, a pre-production platform for CC-IN2P3 has been under construction. We will describe our solution for the secure use of Kibana and Elasticsearch including integration of Kerberos authentication, development of a Kibana plugin which allows Kibana objects to be separated based on user/group, and contribution to Search Guard which is an Elasticsearch plugin enabling user/group based access control. We will also describe the effect on performance from using Search Guard.Comment: International Symposium on Grids and Clouds 2017 (ISGC 2017

    BonFIRE: A multi-cloud test facility for internet of services experimentation

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    BonFIRE offers a Future Internet, multi-site, cloud testbed, targeted at the Internet of Services community, that supports large scale testing of applications, services and systems over multiple, geographically distributed, heterogeneous cloud testbeds. The aim of BonFIRE is to provide an infrastructure that gives experimenters the ability to control and monitor the execution of their experiments to a degree that is not found in traditional cloud facilities. The BonFIRE architecture has been designed to support key functionalities such as: resource management; monitoring of virtual and physical infrastructure metrics; elasticity; single document experiment descriptions; and scheduling. As for January 2012 BonFIRE release 2 is operational, supporting seven pilot experiments. Future releases will enhance the offering, including the interconnecting with networking facilities to provide access to routers, switches and bandwidth-on-demand systems. BonFIRE will be open for general use late 2012