2 research outputs found

    Dense Visual Odometry Using Genetic Algorithm

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    Our work aims to estimate the camera motion mounted on the head of a mobile robot or a moving object from RGB-D images in a static scene. The problem of motion estimation is transformed into a nonlinear least squares function. Methods for solving such problems are iterative. Various classic methods gave an iterative solution by linearizing this function. We can also use the metaheuristic optimization method to solve this problem and improve results. In this paper, a new algorithm is developed for visual odometry using a sequence of RGB-D images. This algorithm is based on a genetic algorithm. The proposed iterative genetic algorithm searches using particles to estimate the optimal motion and then compares it to the traditional methods. To evaluate our method, we use the root mean square error to compare it with the based energy method and another metaheuristic method. We prove the efficiency of our innovative algorithm on a large set of images.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Creation of 3D space geometry based on a 2D camera system in autonomous vehicle

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    Cilj ovog rada je izrada algoritma koji će pomoću seta slika primljenih s dvije paralelno postavljenje kamere stvoriti geometriju 3D prostora ispred automobila. Algoritam je osmišljen tako da uspoređuje blok oko zadanog elementa slike s blokovima oko elemenata slike koji se nalaze na istoj ordinati kao zadani element slike na drugoj slici. Postupak se ponavlja za svaki element slike na slici snimljenoj s lijevom kamerom koja se uzima da je referentna. S pronađenim parovima elemenata slike se računaju se 3D koordinate pomoću triangulacije kako bi se odredila udaljenost objekata, odnosno potencijalnih prepreka, od vozila. U radu je opisan pokušaj implementacije algoritma na ALPHA ploču koja sadrži 3 SoC-a naziva TDA2xx kojeg je razvila tvrtka Texas Instruments.The goal of this paper was to develop the algorithm which will, using a set of shots from two paralel cameras placed on top of a car, create the geometry of 3D space in front of a car. The algorithm is designed to compare a block around the given pixel with the blocks around the pixels that are set on the same ordinate as the given pixel on the second shot. The process is repeated for every pixel on the shot taken with the left camera which is the reference camera. Using the matched pixels the algorithm calculates 3D coordinates using triangulation to determine the distance between the objects, meaning potential obstacles, and the vehicle. Then is described attempt of alghorithm implementation on ALPHA bord which consists of three SoC named TDA2xx which is developed by the Texas Instruments company