3 research outputs found

    Proposed Solutions for the Main Challenges and Security Issues in IoT Smart Home Technology

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    The IoT has become a trend in recent years, and the smart home system has achieved great interest due to its need and requirement from consumers around the world. Smart home technology refers to the devices that are connected over the internet to monitor, support, and control the home in order to make our life easier. The revolution in technology has made homes more convenient, efficient, and even simpler. However, there are some challenges and obstacles that need to take into consideration when using a smart home system. Based on a comprehensive survey, this study aims to provide an overview of the critical security issues for IoT smart home systems and propose potential solutions to mitigate these risks by understanding vulnerabilities and applying security measures to ensure that the IoT system is more reliable and safe. The challenges and security issues highlighted with an emphasis on providing solutions, as well as smart home approaches and IoT layers

    A Systematic Review of LPWAN and Short-Range Network using AI to Enhance Internet of Things

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) has recently been used frequently, especially concerning the Internet of Things (IoT). However, IoT devices cannot work alone, assisted by Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) for long-distance communication and Short-Range Network for a short distance. However, few reviews about AI can help LPWAN and Short-Range Network. Therefore, the author took the opportunity to do this review. This study aims to review LPWAN and Short-Range Networks AI papers in systematically enhancing IoT performance. Reviews are also used to systematically maximize LPWAN systems and Short-Range networks to enhance IoT quality and discuss results that can be applied to a specific scope. The author utilizes selected reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis (PRISMA). The authors conducted a systematic review of all study results in support of the authors' objectives. Also, the authors identify development and related study opportunities. The author found 79 suitable papers in this systematic review, so a discussion of the presented papers was carried out. Several technologies are widely used, such as LPWAN in general, with several papers originating from China. Many reports from conferences last year and papers related to this matter were from 2020-2021. The study is expected to inspire experimental studies in finding relevant scientific papers and become another review


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    Burung puyuh termasuk hewan yang mudah stres selain itu bau kotoran burung puyuh lebih tajam daripada unggas lainnya sehingga penempatan kandang puyuh biasanya berada pada daerah jauh dari pemukiman. Namun dengan penempatan kandang yang jauh dari pemukiman tersebut muncul masalah pada segi monitoring, pemilik kandang perlu bolak-balik untuk mengecek keadaan kandang selain itu dengan jauhnya kandang dari pemukiman muncul potensi akan pencurian ternak. Oleh karena itu, hal tersebut mendasari penelitian ini untuk menerapkan sistem monitoring dengan penerapan konsep Wireless Sensor Network menggunakan protokol LoRa. Sistem dirancang dengan menggunakan LoRa karena memiliki jangkauan jauh dengan memerlukan konsumsi daya yang rendah. Hasil evaluasi sistem yang didapatkan pertama adalah fungsionalitas dari sistem dapat berjalan dengan baik. Kedua, yaitu komunikasi dari sistem dapat dengan baik mengirimkan hasil deteksi dari node sensor sampai dengan pemilik kandang puyuh. Ketiga, kinerja LoRa dengan hasil packet loss yang bagus berada pada jarak 100 meter dengan kondisi Non-Line Of Sight yaitu 0,33% dan masuk kategori sangat bagus, packet loss yang jelek berada pada jarak 400 meter dengan kondisi NLos yaitu 38% dan masuk kategori jelek, delay yang rendah adalah pada jarak 200 meter dengan kondisi Line Of Sight yaitu 20,63 ms dan masuk kategori sangat bagus, dan delay yang paling tinggi berada pada jarak 100 meter dengan kondisi Non-Line Of Sight yaitu 23,05 ms dan masuk pada kategori sangat bagus. Terakhir, kinerja MQTT yaitu delay yang didapatkan adalah 521,885 ms dan masuk kategori jelek, dan packet loss yang didapatkan adalah 1% yang masuk pada kategori sangat bagus