26 research outputs found

    Efficient Declarative Solutions in Picat for Optimal Multi-Agent Pathfinding

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    The multi-agent pathfinding (MAPF) problem has attracted considerable attention because of its relation to practical applications. The majority of solutions for MAPF are algorithmic. Recently, declarative solutions that reduce MAPF to encodings for off-the-shelf solvers have achieved remarkable success. We present a constraint-based declarative model for MAPF, together with its implementation in Picat, which uses SAT and MIP. We consider both the makespan and the sum-of-costs objectives, and propose a preprocessing technique for improving the performance of the model. Experimental results show that the implementation using SAT is highly competitive. We also analyze the high performance of the SAT solution by relating it to the SAT encoding algorithms that are used in the Picat compiler

    Scalable Robotic Intra-Logistics with Answer Set Programming

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    Over time, Answer Set Programming (ASP) has gained traction as a versatile logic programming semantics with performant processing systems, used by a growing number of significant applications in academia and industry. However, this development is threatened by a lack of commonly accepted design patterns and techniques for ASP to address dynamic application on a real-world scale. To this end, we identified robotic intra-logistics as representative scenario, a major domain of interest in the context of the fourth industrial revolution. For this setting, we aim to provide a scalable and efficient ASP-based solutions by (1) stipulating a standardized test and benchmark framework; (2) leveraging existing ASP techniques through new design patterns; and (3) extending ASP with new functionalities. In this paper we will expand on the subject matter as well as detail our current progress and future plans

    On the Computational Complexity of Multi-Agent Pathfinding on Directed Graphs

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    The determination of the computational complexity of multi-agent pathfinding on directed graphs has been an open problem for many years. For undirected graphs, solvability can be decided in polynomial time, as has been shown already in the eighties. Further, recently it has been shown that a special case on directed graphs is solvable in polynomial time. In this paper, we show that the problem is NP-hard in the general case. In addition, some upper bounds are proven