2 research outputs found

    An Optimal Execution Time Estimate of Static versus Dynamic Allocation in Multiprocessor Systems

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    Consider a multiprocessor with kk identical processors, executing parallel programs consisting of nn processes. Let Ts(P)T_s(P) and Td(P)T_d(P) denote the execution times for the program PP with optimal static and dynamic allocations respectively, i. e. allocations giving minimal execution time. We derive a general and explicit formula for the maximal execution time ratio g(n,k)=maxTs(P)/Td(P)g(n,k)=\max T_s(P)/T_d(P), where the maximum is taken over all programs PP consisting of nn processes. Any interprocess dependency structure for the programs PP is allowed, only avoiding deadlock. Overhead for synchronization and reallocation is neglected. Basic properties of the function g(n,k)g(n,k) are established, from which we obtain a global description of the function. Plots of g(n,k)g(n,k) are included. The results are obtained by investigating a mathematical formulation. The mathematical tools involved are essentially tools of elementary combinatorics. The formula is a combinatorial function applied on certain extremal matrices corresponding to extremal programs. It is mathematically complicated but rapidly computed for reasonable nn and kk, in contrast to the np-completeness of the problems of finding optimal allocations

    An Optimal Execution Time Estimate of Static Versus Dynamic Allocation in Multiprocessor Systems

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    Consider a multiprocessor with k identical processors, executing parallel programs consisting of n processes. Let Ts-s/(P) and Td-d/(P) denote the execution times for the program P with optimal static and dynamic allocations, respectively, i.e., allocations giving minimal execution time. We derive a general and explicit formula for the following maximal execution time ratio: g(n, k) EQmaxTEQ max T-s/(P)/T/(P)/T-d$/(P), where the maximum is taken over all programs P consisting of n processes. Any interprocess dependency structure for the programs P is allowed only by avoiding deadlock. Overhead for synchronization and reallocation is neglected. Basic properties of the function g(n, k) are established, from which we obtain a global description of the function. Plots of g(n, k) are included. The results are obtained by investigating a mathematical formulation. The mathematical tools involved are essentially tools of elementary combinatorics. The formula is a combinatorial function applied on certain extremal matrices corresponding to extremal programs. It is mathematically complicated but rapidly computed for reasonable n and k, in contrast to the np-completeness of the problems of finding optimal allocations