8 research outputs found

    Agent-Based Faults Monitoring in Automatic Teller Machines

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    Automated Teller Machine (ATM) has gained widespread acceptance as a convenient medium to facilitate financialtransaction without need for human agent. However, ATM deployers are facing challenges in maximizing the uptime of theirATMs as a result of wide gap in fault detection, notification and correction of the ATMs. One way to ameliorate thissituation is through intelligent monitoring of ATM by resident software agents that monitor the device real time and reportfaulty components real time to facilitate quick response. We proposed an architecture for rule-based, intelligent agent basedmonitoring and management of ATMs. Agents are used to perform remote monitoring on the ATMs and control functionsuch software maintenance. Such agents can detect basic events or correlate existing events that are stored in a database todetect faults. A system administrator can securely modify the monitoring policies and control functions of agents. Theframework presented here includes software fault monitor, hardware fault monitor and transaction monitor. A set of utilitysupport agents: caller agent and log agent are used to alert network operator and log error and transaction information in adatabase respectively. at-1, stuck-at-0 faults in digital circuits validate the point that faulty circuits dissipates more andhence draw more power.Key words: Automated Teller Machine (ATM), Intelligent Agents, Mobile Agents, Event Monitoring

    A network management framework using mobile agents

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    Network management of heterogeneous networks is still hard to achieve automatically and efficiently. In this study, we present a framework that has the ability to perform network management tasks on heterogeneous networks using mobile agents. This framework handles the inability of many network devices to run mobile agents. While the main focus of the project is the framework, we present an example of mobile agents that are able to locate a fixed set of network failures and detect the possible causes accurately. Experimental results show that some network management tasks can be more easily executed by mobile agents. In particular, search and diagnostic mobile agents are able to find more precisely a cause of a network failure by finding alternate paths to gather more data about the failure

    Momenta: Service Management Using Mobile Agents In A Corba Environment

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    This paper explores the mobility paradigm in the monitoring management of open distributed systems. A pool of monitoring mobile agents is defined to explore the managed environment based on a successive approach to potential problems. The implementation is performed using an open distributed environment based on CORBA objects. The use of mobile agents adds flexibility to the management task and the merge with static agents allows the scalability of the monitoring management. © 2001 Plenum Publishing Corporation.92203222Baldi, M., Picco, G.P., Evaluating the trade-offs of mobile code design paradigms in network management applications (1998) 20th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'98), , Kyoto, Japan, AprilVigna, G., (1998) Mobile Code Technologies, Paradigms, and Applications, , Tesi di Dotorado, Politécnico di Milano(1997) Mobile Agent System Interoperability Facilities Specification, , Object Management Group, OMG Document: orbos/97-10-05, November 10(1995) Standardized Performance Instrumentation and Interface Specification for Monitoring DCE Based Application, , OSF DCE RFC 33.0Queiroz, A., Madeira, E.R.M., Management of CORBA objects monitoring for the Multiware platform (1997) Proceedings of the ICODP'97, pp. 122-133. , Toronto, Canada, MayGoldszmidt, G.S., (1996) Distributed Management by Delegation, , Ph.D. Thesis, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Columbia UniversityRopelatto, P., Madeira, E.R.M., Schulze, B., Distributed objects management in CORBA environment using mobile agents (1998) Proceedings of the International Conference on Networks and Communication Systems-NCS'98, pp. 13-16. , lasted, Pittsburgh, May(1998) The Common Object Request Broker: Architecture and Specification, , Object Management GroupCORBA Services, Object Management Group, 1997(1997) CORBA Component Model: Initial Submission, , OMG Document orbos/97-11-07(1998) ORB Portability IDL/Java Language Mapping, , OMG TC Document orbos/98-01-06(1998) Fault Tolerant CORBA, , OMG TC Document orbos/98-03-05Usländer, T., User requirements and state-of-the-art in managing CORBA-based applications (1997) Journal of Network and Systems Management, 5 (4), pp. 459-463Usländer, T., Conor, D., An Enterprise CORBA Application Management Architecture (1999) Journal of Network and Systems Management, 7 (1), pp. 127-132The MAScOTTE Project: MAnagement Services for Object Oriented DisTributed SysTEms, , Esprit project 20804, tes.iitb.fhg.de/corba-assistant(1998) CORBA/TMN Interworking RFP Revised Submission, , OMG document telecom/98-10-10, October(2000), www.sun.com/software/Java-dynamic, Java™ Dynamic Management Kit - JDMKSun Microsystems Inc., DecemberJava™ Management Extensions (JMX), Sun Microsystems Inc., December 2000. java.sun.com/products/JavaManagement(2000), www-4.ibm.com/software/web-servers/appserv/cb/support, IBM Component Broker, IBM Corporation, DecemberGampel, O., Gregor, A., Hassen, S.B., Johnson, D., Jönsson, N., Racioppo, D., Stöllinger, H., Widengren, L., IBM component broker connector overview (1998) Redbook, , www.redbooks.ibm.com/redbooks/SG242022.html, JuneBalasubramanian, S., Ramamurthy, S., Mobile Computing Models, 1999., , www.cise.ufl.edu/~sr0/litsurvey.htmLange, D., Oshima, M., (1998) Programming and Deploying Java Mobile Agents with Aglets, , Addison Wesley(2000), www.trl.ibm.co.jp/aglets, Aglets Software Development Kit. IBM Corporation, DecemberJing, J., Helal, A., Elmagarmid, A., Client-Server Computing in Mobile Environments (1999) ACM Computing Surveys, 31 (2), pp. 117-157. , June(2000) Voyager, Object Space, , www.objectspace.com/products/voyager, December(1998) Java Language to IDL Mapping, , OMG TC Document orbos/98-07-19(2000), www.grasshopper.de, Grasshopper: The Agent Platform, IKV++GmbH, DecemberMagedanz, T., Glitho, R.H., Special Issue on Mobile Agent-based Network and Service Management (1999) Journal of Network and Systems Management, 7 (3). , SeptemberKnight, G., Hazemi, R., Mobile agents-based management in the INSERT project (1999) Journal of Network and Systems Management, 7 (3), pp. 271-293. , SeptemberBellavista, P., Corradi, A., Stefanelli, C., An open secure mobile agent framework for systems management (1999) Journal of Network and Systems Management, 7 (3), pp. 323-339. , SeptemberChoy, S., Breugst, M., Datta, M., Management issues of a mobile agent-based service environment (1999) Journal of Network and Systems Management, 7 (3), pp. 341-355. , SeptemberStallings, W., (1993) SNMP, SNMPv2 and CMIP: the Practical Guide to Network-Management Standards, , Addison-WesleyHaggerty, P., Seetharaman, K., The Benefits of CORBA-Based Network Management (1998) Commun. ACM, 41 (10), pp. 73-79. , October(1997) OrbixWeb™ Programmer's Guide, , Iona Technologies PLC, NovemberPortable Interceptor, , OMG published draft document ptc/00-03-03, cgi.omg.org/cgi-bin/doc?ptc/00-03-03Schulze, B., Madeira, E.R.M., Migration transparency in agent systems, IEICE transactions on communications (2000) IEICE/IEEE Joint Special Issue on Autonomous Decentralized Systems, E83-B (5), pp. 942-950. , May(2000) Java™ 2 Platform., , Sun Microsystems Inc., December java.sun.com/j2se(1997) Visibroker for Java Programmer's Guide, Release 3.0, , Visigenic Software, IncSchulze, B., Madeira, E.R.M., Contracting and moving agents in distributed applications based on a service-oriented architecture (1997) LNCS, 1219, pp. 74-85. , Springer-Verla