7,606 research outputs found

    An observational model for spatial logics

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    Spatiality is an important aspect of distributed systems because their computations depend both on the dynamic behaviour and on the structure of their components. Spatial logics have been proposed as the formal device for expressing spatial properties of systems. We define CCS∄, a CCS-like calculus whose semantics allows one to observe spatial aspects of systems on the top of which we define models of the spatial logic. Our alternative definition of models is proved equivalent to the standard one. Furthermore, logical equivalence is characterized in terms of the bisimilarity of CCS∄

    Quantum Non-Objectivity from Performativity of Quantum Phenomena

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    We analyze the logical foundations of quantum mechanics (QM) by stressing non-objectivity of quantum observables which is a consequence of the absence of logical atoms in QM. We argue that the matter of quantum non-objectivity is that, on the one hand, the formalism of QM constructed as a mathematical theory is self-consistent, but, on the other hand, quantum phenomena as results of experimenter's performances are not self-consistent. This self-inconsistency is an effect of that the language of QM differs much from the language of human performances. The first is the language of a mathematical theory which uses some Aristotelian and Russellian assumptions (e.g., the assumption that there are logical atoms). The second language consists of performative propositions which are self-inconsistent only from the viewpoint of conventional mathematical theory, but they satisfy another logic which is non-Aristotelian. Hence, the representation of quantum reality in linguistic terms may be different: from a mathematical theory to a logic of performative propositions. To solve quantum self-inconsistency, we apply the formalism of non-classical self-referent logics

    Can we learn anything from economic geography proper?.

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    This paper considers the ways geographers (proper) and (geographical) economists approach the study of economic geography. It argues that there are two areas where the approach of the latter is more robust than the former. First, formal models identify which assumptions are crucial in obtaining a particular result and enforce internal consistency when moving from micro to macro behaviour. Second, empirical work tends to be more rigorous. There is much greater emphasis on identifying and testing refutable predictions from theory and on dealing with issues of observational equivalence. But any approach can be improved and so the paper also identifies ways in which geographical economists could learn from the direction taken by economic geographers proper.

    Dynamic-Epistemic reasoning on distributed systems

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    We propose a new logic designed for modelling and reasoning about information flow and information exchange between spatially located (but potentially mobile), interconnected agents witnessing a distributed computation. This is a major problem in the field of distributed systems, covering many different issues, with potential applications from Computer Science and Economy to Chemistry and Systems Biology. Underpinning on the dual algebraical-coalgebraical characteristics of process calculi, we design a decidable and completely axiomatizad logic that combines the processalgebraical/ equational and the modal/coequational features and is developed for process-algebraical semantics. The construction is done by mixing operators from dynamic and epistemic logics with operators from spatial logics for distributed and mobile systems. This is the preliminary version of a paper that will appear in Proceedings of the second Conference on Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science (CALCO2007), LNCS 4624, Springer, 2007. The original publication is available at www.springerlink.co

    Vienna Circle and Logical Analysis of Relativity Theory

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    In this paper we present some of our school's results in the area of building up relativity theory (RT) as a hierarchy of theories in the sense of logic. We use plain first-order logic (FOL) as in the foundation of mathematics (FOM) and we build on experience gained in FOM. The main aims of our school are the following: We want to base the theory on simple, unambiguous axioms with clear meanings. It should be absolutely understandable for any reader what the axioms say and the reader can decide about each axiom whether he likes it. The theory should be built up from these axioms in a straightforward, logical manner. We want to provide an analysis of the logical structure of the theory. We investigate which axioms are needed for which predictions of RT. We want to make RT more transparent logically, easier to understand, easier to change, modular, and easier to teach. We want to obtain deeper understanding of RT. Our work can be considered as a case-study showing that the Vienna Circle's (VC) approach to doing science is workable and fruitful when performed with using the insights and tools of mathematical logic acquired since its formation years at the very time of the VC activity. We think that logical positivism was based on the insight and anticipation of what mathematical logic is capable when elaborated to some depth. Logical positivism, in great part represented by VC, influenced and took part in the birth of modern mathematical logic. The members of VC were brave forerunners and pioneers.Comment: 25 pages, 1 firgure

    Can We Learn Anything from Economic Geography Proper?

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    Abstract This paper considers the ways geographers (proper) and (geographical) economists approach the study of economic geography. It argues that there are two areas where the approach of the latter is more robust than the former. First, formal models both enforce internal consistency and allow one to move from micro to macro behaviour. Second, empirical work tends to be more rigorous, emphasising the importance of getting representative samples, testing whether findings are significant, identifying and testing empirical predictions from theory and dealing with issues of observational equivalence. But any approach can be improved and so the paper also identifies ways in which geographical economists could learn from the direction taken by economic geographers proper.Economic geography, geographical economics, regional science, relational economic geography
