2 research outputs found

    Modular industrial equipment in cyber-physical production system: Architecture and integration

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    The design of numerical control systems for industrial machinery is a difficult task, especially when you create universal modular equipment with computer numerical control (CNC). This article presents a modular approach to the design of such systems. The modular control system under consideration is based on a multi-agent network, in which each entity (module) acts as an integral and indivisible part of the object as well as the enlarged structure. This approach allows one to combine the advantages of classical hierarchical control systems with the flexibility and reliability of decentralized multi-agent networks and also to carry out seamless integration of equipment built on the basis of this architecture into a cyber-physical production system (CPPS). The proposed architecture is implemented in the control system of a universal industrial platform. As an example, the apparatus for selective laser curing of a photopolymer to the surfaces of arbitrary shapes is represented. The general structure of the installation determined by the basic hardware and software modules and the network communication protocol are described

    An Object-Oriented Execution Model for a Machine Controller Holon

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