3 research outputs found

    Automatic Classification of Fish in Underwater Video; Pattern Matching - Affine Invariance and Beyond

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    Underwater video is used by marine biologists to observe, identify, and quantify living marine resources. Video sequences are typically analyzed manually, which is a time consuming and laborious process. Automating this process will significantly save time and cost. This work proposes a technique for automatic fish classification in underwater video. The steps involved are background subtracting, fish region tracking and classification using features. The background processing is used to separate moving objects from their surrounding environment. Tracking associates multiple views of the same fish in consecutive frames. This step is especially important since recognizing and classifying one or a few of the views as a species of interest may allow labeling the sequence as that particular species. Shape features are extracted using Fourier descriptors from each object and are presented to nearest neighbor classifier for classification. Finally, the nearest neighbor classifier results are combined using a probabilistic-like framework to classify an entire sequence. The majority of the existing pattern matching techniques focus on affine invariance, mainly because rotation, scale, translation and shear are common image transformations. However, in some situations, other transformations may be modeled as a small deformation on top of an affine transformation. The proposed algorithm complements the existing Fourier transform-based pattern matching methods in such a situation. First, the spatial domain pattern is decomposed into non-overlapping concentric circular rings with centers at the middle of the pattern. The Fourier transforms of the rings are computed, and are then mapped to polar domain. The algorithm assumes that the individual rings are rotated with respect to each other. The variable angles of rotation provide information about the directional features of the pattern. This angle of rotation is determined starting from the Fourier transform of the outermost ring and moving inwards to the innermost ring. Two different approaches, one using dynamic programming algorithm and second using a greedy algorithm, are used to determine the directional features of the pattern

    An MRF and Gaussian Curvature Based Shape Representation for Shape Matching

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    Matching and registration of shapes is a key issue in Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Medical Image Analysis. This paper presents a shape representation framework based on Gaussian curvature and Markov random fields (MRFs) for the purpose of shape matching. The method is based on a surface mesh model in ℝ3, which is projected into a two-dimensional space and there modeled as an extended boundary closed Markov random field. The surface is homeomorphic to double struk D sign2. The MRF encodes in the nodes entropy features of the corresponding similarities based on Gaussian curvature, and in the edges the spatial consistency of the meshes. Correspondence between two surface meshes is then established by performing probabilistic inference on the MRF via Gibbs sampling. The technique combines both geometric, topological, and probabilistic information, which can be used to represent shapes in three dimensional space, and can be generalized to higher dimensional spaces. As a result, the representation can be used for shape matching, registration, and statistical shape analysis