227 research outputs found

    Recovery from Linear Measurements with Complexity-Matching Universal Signal Estimation

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    We study the compressed sensing (CS) signal estimation problem where an input signal is measured via a linear matrix multiplication under additive noise. While this setup usually assumes sparsity or compressibility in the input signal during recovery, the signal structure that can be leveraged is often not known a priori. In this paper, we consider universal CS recovery, where the statistics of a stationary ergodic signal source are estimated simultaneously with the signal itself. Inspired by Kolmogorov complexity and minimum description length, we focus on a maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation framework that leverages universal priors to match the complexity of the source. Our framework can also be applied to general linear inverse problems where more measurements than in CS might be needed. We provide theoretical results that support the algorithmic feasibility of universal MAP estimation using a Markov chain Monte Carlo implementation, which is computationally challenging. We incorporate some techniques to accelerate the algorithm while providing comparable and in many cases better reconstruction quality than existing algorithms. Experimental results show the promise of universality in CS, particularly for low-complexity sources that do not exhibit standard sparsity or compressibility.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figure

    Lossy Compression of Exponential and Laplacian Sources using Expansion Coding

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    A general method of source coding over expansion is proposed in this paper, which enables one to reduce the problem of compressing an analog (continuous-valued source) to a set of much simpler problems, compressing discrete sources. Specifically, the focus is on lossy compression of exponential and Laplacian sources, which is subsequently expanded using a finite alphabet prior to being quantized. Due to decomposability property of such sources, the resulting random variables post expansion are independent and discrete. Thus, each of the expanded levels corresponds to an independent discrete source coding problem, and the original problem is reduced to coding over these parallel sources with a total distortion constraint. Any feasible solution to the optimization problem is an achievable rate distortion pair of the original continuous-valued source compression problem. Although finding the solution to this optimization problem at every distortion is hard, we show that our expansion coding scheme presents a good solution in the low distrotion regime. Further, by adopting low-complexity codes designed for discrete source coding, the total coding complexity can be tractable in practice.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Estimation of the Rate-Distortion Function

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    Motivated by questions in lossy data compression and by theoretical considerations, we examine the problem of estimating the rate-distortion function of an unknown (not necessarily discrete-valued) source from empirical data. Our focus is the behavior of the so-called "plug-in" estimator, which is simply the rate-distortion function of the empirical distribution of the observed data. Sufficient conditions are given for its consistency, and examples are provided to demonstrate that in certain cases it fails to converge to the true rate-distortion function. The analysis of its performance is complicated by the fact that the rate-distortion function is not continuous in the source distribution; the underlying mathematical problem is closely related to the classical problem of establishing the consistency of maximum likelihood estimators. General consistency results are given for the plug-in estimator applied to a broad class of sources, including all stationary and ergodic ones. A more general class of estimation problems is also considered, arising in the context of lossy data compression when the allowed class of coding distributions is restricted; analogous results are developed for the plug-in estimator in that case. Finally, consistency theorems are formulated for modified (e.g., penalized) versions of the plug-in, and for estimating the optimal reproduction distribution.Comment: 18 pages, no figures [v2: removed an example with an error; corrected typos; a shortened version will appear in IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory

    Rate-Distortion via Markov Chain Monte Carlo

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    We propose an approach to lossy source coding, utilizing ideas from Gibbs sampling, simulated annealing, and Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). The idea is to sample a reconstruction sequence from a Boltzmann distribution associated with an energy function that incorporates the distortion between the source and reconstruction, the compressibility of the reconstruction, and the point sought on the rate-distortion curve. To sample from this distribution, we use a `heat bath algorithm': Starting from an initial candidate reconstruction (say the original source sequence), at every iteration, an index i is chosen and the i-th sequence component is replaced by drawing from the conditional probability distribution for that component given all the rest. At the end of this process, the encoder conveys the reconstruction to the decoder using universal lossless compression. The complexity of each iteration is independent of the sequence length and only linearly dependent on a certain context parameter (which grows sub-logarithmically with the sequence length). We show that the proposed algorithms achieve optimum rate-distortion performance in the limits of large number of iterations, and sequence length, when employed on any stationary ergodic source. Experimentation shows promising initial results. Employing our lossy compressors on noisy data, with appropriately chosen distortion measure and level, followed by a simple de-randomization operation, results in a family of denoisers that compares favorably (both theoretically and in practice) with other MCMC-based schemes, and with the Discrete Universal Denoiser (DUDE).Comment: 35 pages, 16 figures, Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Lossy compression of discrete sources via Viterbi algorithm

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    We present a new lossy compressor for discrete-valued sources. For coding a sequence xnx^n, the encoder starts by assigning a certain cost to each possible reconstruction sequence. It then finds the one that minimizes this cost and describes it losslessly to the decoder via a universal lossless compressor. The cost of each sequence is a linear combination of its distance from the sequence xnx^n and a linear function of its kthk^{\rm th} order empirical distribution. The structure of the cost function allows the encoder to employ the Viterbi algorithm to recover the minimizer of the cost. We identify a choice of the coefficients comprising the linear function of the empirical distribution used in the cost function which ensures that the algorithm universally achieves the optimum rate-distortion performance of any stationary ergodic source in the limit of large nn, provided that kk diverges as o(logn)o(\log n). Iterative techniques for approximating the coefficients, which alleviate the computational burden of finding the optimal coefficients, are proposed and studied.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures, Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor