6 research outputs found

    ジユウ エネルギー ゲンリ ト ソノ ゲンゴ ガクシュウ キョウイク ヘノ シサ 4E ニンチ ヨソク セイカクサ ト フクザツサ ノ トレード オフ エピステミック ジョウドウ ニヨル ナイハツテキ モチベーション 4ギノウ 

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    近年の認知神経科学やバイオフィジックスにおける注目すべき理論的枠組みの一つである能動的推論もしくは自由エネルギー原理(FEP)は、脳、さらには生命システムのダイナミクスの画期的な統一理論として有望視されています。この論文では、FEP のいくつかの重要な概念を非常に簡略化しながら紹介し、外国語学習研究者や教育実践者がそこから何を学べるのかを論じます。具体的には、次のようなトピックが理論的に検討されます。(1)身体化され、状況に埋め込まれ、現成的で、拡張された4E 認知(2)遍在する予測:無意識的推論としての知覚、予測に基づく学習(3) 自由エネルギーの最小化:知覚と行動の本質的な不可分性、正確さと複雑さのトレードオフ、CAF(4) 時間的深さへ:期待自由エネルギー、探索を生み出す内発的モチベーション、情動価、エピステミック情動(5) まだ見ぬab initio 理論にむけて:四技能、七技能、CEFR-CV、ボーム量子論における内蔵秩序、パース的探

    The Emperor’s New Markov Blankets

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    Markov blankets have been used to settle disputes central to philosophy of mind and cognition. Their development from a technical concept in Bayesian inference to a central concept within the free-energy principle is analysed. We propose to distinguish between instrumental Pearl blankets and realist Friston blankets. Pearl blankets are substantiated by the empirical literature but can do limited philosophical work. Friston blankets can do philosophical work, but require strong theoretical assumptions. Both are conflated in the current literature on the free-energy principle. Consequently, we propose that distinguishing between an instrumental and a realist research program will help clarify the literature

    Why does prenatal infection prime the brain for psychosis?

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    In this thesis, I interrogate the mechanisms of association between immune insults in prenatal development and psychotic disorders, with a particular focus on schizophrenia. Schizophrenia has been cast, from different neuroscientific perspectives, as a polygenic disorder, as a neurodevelopmental disorder and as a sensory processing disorder. The dysconnection hypothesis draws together these strands of research to construct a coherent picture of how schizophrenia may arise, specifically implicating a functional synaptopathy as the aetiological core of psychotic symptoms. One strand that has not yet been woven into this tapestry is the immune system, which has been overwhelmingly linked with psychosis in recent years. I set out to bridge these interpretations using a variety of methods, namely, statistical genetics, cell biology, electroencephalography and theoretical neurobiology. Chapter 1 is a transcriptome-wide association study of the mismatch negativity (MMN), exploring the genetic underpinnings of sensory processing itself. The MMN is an electroencephalographic signature that is consistently altered in patients with psychosis. Chapter 2 is a differential gene expression study of human neural progenitor cells stimulated in vitro with pro-inflammatory cytokines, showing suppressed transcriptional responses to inflammation in cells from people with schizophrenia. These findings are potentially important for the understanding of synaptic dysfunction in schizophrenia that may underwrite false inference of the kind associated with delusions and hallucinations. Finally, Chapter 3 considers the immune system itself as performing an elementary kind of inference: immunoceptive inference. This offers a first principles account of the immune response that extends the reach of immunology in helping to understand psychiatric disorders, as well as a new way of understanding interactions between the immune system and the brain

    Building better than we know: The residential built environment, trust, social behaviour, biology, and health

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    Over the last decade there has been a renewed interest in identifying exactly how aspects of the residential built environment “get under the skin” and affect the physical health of not only of those who dwell within, but reside and commute among, disorderly and deteriorating neighbourhoods. This thesis is focused on better understanding how aspects of the social environment are crystallised in the residential built environment, and in particular the proximate environmental, behavioural, and perceptual mechanisms that account for how our interaction with the residential built environment modulates both our social behaviour and physical health. Building on Wilson and O’Brien’s evolutionary construct of Community Perception, Chapter 1 reviews the relevant literature from across the evolutionary human sciences, social psychology, applied social epidemiology, and social neuroscience to propose a biologically plausible pathway from the residential built environment to physical health. The empirical chapters (Chapters 2 to 4), then test this framework through both experimental and observational studies. Employing an eye tracking paradigm, in Chapter 2 we learn about the perceptual mechanisms that account for how residential maintenance has a significant impact on our assessment of the social environment. In Chapter 3 we find no significant difference in social behaviour, assayed through a behavioural economics paradigm, following affective priming via different levels of residential maintenance. A result which could be a consequence of methodological factors, or a finding due to the absence of task-specific relevance of the maintenance cue in a socially neutral experimental framing. In Chapter 4, through an analysis of the UK Household Longitudinal Study biomarker data asset, we find that residential maintenance is significantly associated with poor physical health. Chapter 5 then assesses the validity of the thesis’s proposed framework, the thesis’s contribution to the burgeoning field of inquiry, and considers future work towards generating impactful evidence-based public policy proposals

    An Investigation of the Free Energy Principle for Emotion Recognition

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    This paper offers a prospectus of what might be achievable in the development of emotional recognition devices. It provides a conceptual overview of the free energy principle; including Markov blankets, active inference, and-in particular-a discussion of selfhood and theory of mind, followed by a brief explanation of how these concepts can explain both neural and cultural models of emotional inference. The underlying hypothesis is that emotion recognition and inference devices will evolve from state-of-the-art deep learning models into active inference schemes that go beyond marketing applications and become adjunct to psychiatric practice. Specifically, this paper proposes that a second wave of emotion recognition devices will be equipped with an emotional lexicon (or the ability to epistemically search for one), allowing the device to resolve uncertainty about emotional states by actively eliciting responses from the user and learning from these responses. Following this, a third wave of emotional devices will converge upon the user's generative model, resulting in the machine and human engaging in a reciprocal, prosocial emotional interaction, i.e., sharing a generative model of emotional states