23 research outputs found

    Toward an Effective SETA Program: An Action Research Approach

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    This study uses action research methods at a large US healthcare facility to create a security education training and awareness (SETA) program that is focused on three threats: phishing, unauthorized use of cloud services, and password sharing. The SETA training was based on self-regulation theory. Findings indicate that the training was effective at helping users to identify and avoid all three threats to the environment. Future research directions based on this study are also discussed

    Attitudes Towards a Moodle-based E-Learning Platform: A User Segmentation Perspective

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    The paper objective is to apply Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)-based usage and attitude variables for the predictive user segmentation of Moodle-based e-learning system in a university. The study explores the path models with latent variables estimated by partial least squares method (SmartPLS and plspm library of the R package were used for the parameter estimation) and uses the mixture models (FIMIX and REBUS) for model-based segmentation. Modified technology acceptance model (TAM) was estimated on the sample of 204 students of the Cracow University of Economics. As a result of segmentation analysis, 3 segments of “easiness seekers”, “emotionals” and “loyals” were identified and profiled. Keywords: Moodle, TAM, PLS-PM, clusterin

    Towards a Holistic Understanding of Technology-mediated Learning Appropriation

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    Information technology in the learning process is one major success factor for innovative learning scenarios. A necessary pre-condition is the faithful appropriation of technology-mediated learning (TML) to ensure learning outcomes. However, research still lacks insights concerning determinants and consequences of a faithful TML appropriation. Therefore, this research-in-progress paper presents a mixed-methods research approach to gain a holistic understanding of TML appropriation. First, based on the insights of adaptive structuration theory, a theoretical model is developed considering objective and subjective measures for TML appropriation as well as antecedents and consequences of TML appropriation. Second, the mixed-methods approach is presented in order to evaluate the theoretical model. Our expected contribution to theory includes an extension of both TML and adaptive structuration theory with an in-depth view of TML appropriation. Expected practical contributions include the derivation of design implications for TML services that are faithfully appropriated to ensure learning success of TML participants

    Reducing Computer Anxiety in Self-Paced Technology Training

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    Industry reports continue to highlight the importance and growth of e-learning. However, researcher, trainers and trainees all agree that e-learning is different in terms of the level of personalization and anxiety that it brings, and its impact on outcomes. This paper presents a research model to reframe the dominant theory in technology training, i.e. Socio-Cognitive theory and its impact on learning, including the impact of perceived anxiety and team-based learning. Results from an empirical study are presented. Results show that teams based e-learning can reduce perceived anxiety and thus, improve training outcomes. Theoretical and practical implications are also presented

    Does culture matter? A qualitative and comparative study on eLearning in Germany and China

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    eLearning offers the exciting opportunity to acquire new material at any time and any place. It is also a means to teach a large number of people simultaneously, which is an important aspect when thinking about challenges in fast growing countries like China. We suggest that the successful usage of eLearning requires the consideration of didactic socialization. While prior research has primarily focused on the overall success factors of eLearning, there is little understanding about how a specific learning culture context influences its usefulness. This study intends by a use of a proxy approach to investigate culture-sensitive success factors of eLearning measures regarding overall satisfaction and learning success. The results of the comparison of the German and East Asian learning context show that there are culturally specific requirements of eLearning success that cater to the specific didactic socialization

    Interaction Processes in Collaborative Learning Networks: A Social Interdependence Perspective

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    Information systems and communication tools such as online discussions forums are increasingly replacing traditional instructor-led learning methods with collaborative learning networks. Collaborative learning networks emphasize the distributed nature of learning and community-based sharing of knowledge, where people connect and collectively contribute knowledge to a learning community. However, the value realized through collaborative learning depends on social interaction processes that take place among members of a learning network. The aim of this paper is to present our ongoing research on social interaction processes, their determinants, and their effects on individual and group learning performance. We investigate the role of different social interaction processes in collaborative learning networks, where students’ learning is derived from (instead of with) the learning community. As a result, we aim to offer theoretical insights into how collaborative learning networks enhance the learning outcomes of both the individual and group

    The Effect of Learning on the Effective Use of Enterprise Systems

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    Enterprise systems must be used effectively to maximize their benefits. Given their complexity and integration of standard business processes, they pose significant challenges for employees’ learning. Users need to learn how to access a system and its data and how to leverage the information it provides to perform their daily tasks effectively. Based on a literature review, we identify three context-oriented forms of learning, which affect a user’s level of effective use: learning via instruction, self-learning, and learning via social interaction. We aim to conduct a longitudinal case study to explore learning during an implementation project and develop a research model to measure the effect of learning on individuals’ effective use of an enterprise system. The extension of the nomological network of the concept of effective use by an integration of the effect of different forms of learning will be the main contribution of our research


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    Prior research on ERP assimilation has primarily focused on influntial factors at the organizational level. In this study, we attempt to extend our understanding of individual level ERP assimilation from the perspective of social network theory. We designed a multi-case study to explore the relations between ERP usersÂŽ social networks and their levels of ERP assimilation based on the three dimensions of the social networks. We gathered data through interviews with 26 ERP users at different levels in five companies. Qualitative analysis was used to understand the effects of social networks and individual interactive learning. We found that user social networks play a significant role in individual level ERP assimilation through interactive learning behaviours among users. We also found five key factors that facilitate usersÂŽ assimilation of ERP knowledge: homogeneity (age, position and rank), tie content (instrumental and expressive ties), tie strength, external ties, and centrality. Our research has significant implications for managing assimilation of ERP systems and improving usersÂŽ ERP assimilation level in organizations


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    This is a study on information literacy (IL) in Business Majors. A Web-based questionnaire with used to investigate undergraduate Business students on their understanding of IL and assessment of their respective abilities and skills. The study used IL standards adopted by the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL). The study adopted the UTAUT model’s as a theoretical framework. The findings conveyed that external UTAUT factors (Social Factors and Facilitating Conditions) have positive effect on IL. Moreover, the findings emphasized the importance of the four factors and suggested the IL could be assessed in all contexts. Implications for discipline and practice are shared

    The Impact and Evolution of Individual’s Learning: An Empirical Study in Open Innovation Community

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    Learning is critical for individuals to increase their performance. However, this benefit of learning is not always realized. Previous studies have distinguished different classifications of learning approaches and reached inconsistent results. Therefore, this study further refines the classification of learning approaches in an open innovation community and explore the individual’s learning curve from a dynamic perspective. Specifically, we focus on whether and under what conditions learning can increase individual’s performance, and how individual\u27s learning curve changes over the tenure. To examine our hypotheses, we collect a dataset includes 48,820 game mods developed by 6,141 creators spanning 7-years from an open game innovation community. The results not only show the significant curve relationship between the four learning approaches and performance, but also demonstrate individual’s learning curve evolves over the tenure. This paper provides valuable suggestions and implications for individuals to choose appropriate learning approaches and obtain better performance under different tenures