7 research outputs found

    Knowledge management practices in higher learning institutions in Sarawak / Abang Ahmad Ridzuan, Hong Kian Sam and Mohd Asri Adanan

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    This is a cross-sectional survey study designed to explore the views of lecturers in three higher education institutions in Kuching on knowledge management practices in their organizations. The three higher education institutions were Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), MARA University of Technology Sarawak (UiTMCS) and Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus. Questionnaires were used to collect data from the respondents regarding the importance lecturers attached to knowledge management and the levels of knowledge management implementation in the higher education institutions. The findings revealed that most of the lecturers at the higher education institutions felt that knowledge management was important and the lecturers placed the levels of knowledge management implementation at their institutions as moderate. There was a significant but weak positive relationship between importance attached to knowledge management and knowledge management implementation. Findings also revealed that there were significant differences in the importance attached to knowledge management based on the lecturers’ gender and levels of education and a significant difference in the perceived levels of knowledge management implementation based on gender. However, there was no significant difference in the perceived levels of knowledge management implementation based on the lecturers’ level of education

    The Structural Model of Knowledge Management in Universities

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    Abstract The purpose of the present study was to provide a structural model of knowledge management in universities based on managers' entrepreneurship

    The role of information and communication technologies in knowledge management: from enabler to facilitator

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    This study focuses on the role of Information and communication technology (ICT) in support of effective knowledge management. Based on a comprehensive literature review, a knowledge management framework was developed for investigating the role of ICT in support of knowledge management. The framework not only centers on the dynamics of knowledge objects and processes, but also focuses on the impact of the internal knowledge management environment where organizational, managerial, structural, cultural and other related elements are intertwined and interplayed. Based on this research framework, two sets of hypotheses were proposed for testing: (a) whether ICT enables and facilitates conversions between knowledge objects and knowledge management processes, and (b) whether the internal knowledge management environment impacts the effective implementation of knowledge management projects. To test the hypotheses, a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methodologies including theoretical induction, continuous literature review, secondary data analysis, and the conduct of an online questionnaire survey and a case study was adopted in this study. The empirical findings were drawn from the secondary data analysis, case study and questionnaire survey. A questionnaire survey and a case study were conducted to obtain empirical data for testing and validating research hypotheses. To obtain a better understanding of current knowledge management best practices, secondary data were gathered and analyzed. In order to investigate the conversion processes of knowledge objects, an online survey was used to explore the experience, perceptions and opinions of respondents in the use of electronic resources at an individual level. To identify the factors that can determine success or failure in implementing knowledge management projects, a case study involving the pilot implementation of a knowledge portal was undertaken for collecting and analyzing empirical evidence from the field. The empirical findings confirm the ICT's enabling role in knowledge management. The results of this study further suggest that the conversion processes between data and information are fully supported by ICT, whereas the conversion processes between data and knowledge, and the conversion processes between information and knowledge are only partially supported by ICT. While knowledge codification and dissemination are increasingly supported by ICT, supportive technology for knowledge generation and application remains much less effective. The critical success factors impacting the implementation of knowledge management projects include organizational, structural, strategical, managerial, and cultural elements. These interlocking elements form the internal knowledge management environment in an organization. This study provides theoretical contributions by better understanding the nature of knowledge, the relationship between ICT and knowledge management, and the relationship between knowledge management and internal knowledge management environment. It also provides a contribution relevant to practitioners by developing a novel knowledge management framework, which can be used as a guideline of knowledge management efforts

    Flow in internet shopping: a validity study and an examination of a model specifying antecedents and consequences of flow

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    This dissertation studies the antecedents and consequences of the flow experience in online retailing environments. Flow is the enjoyable and engrossing experience that people feel when acting with total involvement. A review of previous studies suggests that applying the notion of flow to understand the online consumer experience is a promising but underdeveloped field with several conceptual and methodological issues. This dissertation attempts to contribute to our understanding of flow in online shopping in three ways. First, a three-part validity study was carried out using different approaches to construct validity and involving two sets of two flow measures: the Flow State Scale (FSS, Jackson and Marsh 1996) and the Internet Flow Scale (IFS). The first study related flow to behavioral criteria in online shopping. The second conducted a traditional construct validity study in which we developed and tested a nomological network of relationships between flow measures and other logically-related constructs. This study also included a Multitrait-Multimethod validity study. The third was a factorial validity study of the flow construct. These studies provided evidence of construct validity for flow and suggested that the FSS had advantages over the IFS in terms of validity. Second, this dissertation tested a comprehensive model of flow that included the underlying dimensions of flow, the mediating effects of perceived challenge and skill on flow, and antecedents and consequences of flow. Consequences of flow include perceived usefulness, affective responses to the site, and intentions to revisit and purchase. Overall, results based on data collected by a controlled experiment supported our model, suggesting that flow is a second-order construct and positively related to outcome variables. Thirdly, we studied the effect of Web site complexity on flow. Perceived site complexity was found to effect flow negatively. Investigating the effects of it on inducing flow in online shopping may eventually lead us to guidelines for improving the shopping experience by designing more capable Web sites

    Knowledge management as a strategic tool for human resource management : a study of selected higher educational institutions.

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville,Although higher educational institutions the world over are beginning to recognize the importance of knowledge management, such institutions are still on the “very first steps of the long ladder” in addressing, evaluating and implementing the benefits of knowledge management with particular reference to the human resource management sector. Knowledge management is a viable means through which higher educational institutions could gainfully capitalize on its intellectual and social capital. Implementing knowledge management principles could bring about improved human resource efficiency and effectiveness and a resultant improved performance at higher educational institutions fostering a culture of excellence. Institutions of higher learning should therefore embrace knowledge management principles and practices in order to adequately address the challenges in a society that is becoming increasingly knowledge based. Relevant knowledge for human resource managers could be located at three different places. Individual knowledge is acquired through personal work experiences. Secondary knowledge could be attained through others insights, experiences and perceptions. Finally, much valued codified knowledge could be found in knowledge repositories. The realistic value of knowledge could be derived through the combination of all three approaches. Against this backdrop, this study explores knowledge management as a strategic tool for human resource management in higher educational institutions. Specifically, the dimensions such as organizational culture, organizational performance, technology, management support, and the institutions mission and vision will be evaluated to understand knowledge management within higher educational institutions. A questionnaire/survey was administered to a sample representing senior, middle and junior human resource managers at selected higher educational institutions in South Africa, Mauritius and India. In addition, a semi-structured interview was conducted with executive managers responsible for the human resource function in the higher educational institutions. The study investigated the impact of policies, systems and processes that the higher educational institutions implemented in support of knowledge management and knowledge sharing. A triangulated research approach was adopted through the administration of survey questionnaires amongst human resource managers, conducting semistructured interviews with executive managers, and a comprehensive literature review backed up with a review of the findings of similar studies. The outcomes of the study demonstrate that significant benefits could be derived by HEI’s in adopting an integrative approach between the human resource and knowledge management functions. The research results provide convincing arguments to support the integration of human resource management and knowledge management initiatives in HEI’s and affirms the assumption that these two disciplines are mutually inclusive. Whilst the HRM function at HEI’s have demonstrated that they have the capability and resources to implement knowledge management initiatives, the results reflect that much ground needs to be covered to realize the full benefits of this endeavour. The research culminates in providing important recommendations and guidelines, as well as the development of an integrated normative model on how human resource departments at higher educational institutions could embrace knowledge management as a strategic human resource management tool. The study confirms that an effective knowledge management strategy for human resource management that is aligned to the organizations’ strategic objectives is imperative in the 21st century organizational era, and more specifically for higher educational institutions in South Africa

    Wissensmanagement im Bereich der universitären Forschung - Ergebnisse einer Delphi-Studie im Hochschulbereich

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    Wissensmanagement als Managementkonzept entstammte ursprünglich dem Umfeld von Unternehmen. Die vorliegende Dissertation behandelt nun das Thema Wissensmanagement im universitären Kontext bzw. im Besonderen in der universitären Forschung als der primären Stätte für Wissenserzeugung innerhalb unserer Gesellschaft. Die Relevanz der gewählten Themenstellung begründet sich unter anderem in den besonderen Herausforderungen - wie erhöhtem Wettbewerb, Internationalisierung und Ressourcenknappheit - mit welchen sich Universitäten aktuell konfrontiert sehen. Aus der Tatsache, dass es an Universitäten keinesfalls an Theorien und Modellen zum Wissensmanagement wohl aber an deren praktischer Umsetzung als Management-Methode mangelt, leitet sich das Ziel ab, konkrete Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten von Wissensmanagement im universitären Kontext zu untersuchen. Da es sich bei der behandelten Forschungsfrage um ein vergleichsweise unerforschtes Untersuchungsgebiet handelt, wurde ein exploratives Vorgehen als sinnvoll erachtet. Vor dem Hintergrund des hohen Grades an Abstraktheit sowie der Komplexität der untersuchten Thematik bot sich dabei eine Delphi-Befragung als geeignete und flexibel an die konkreten Erfordernisse anpassbare Erhebungsmethode an. Um belastbare und ausreichend konkrete Ergebnisse zu erzielen, wurden im Rahmen der Delphi-Studie drei Befragungsrunden durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse des empirischen Teils wurden in einem Interventionsraster konsolidiert, welches Faktoren und Einflussebenen aufzeigt, die zur Erreichung von Forschungszielen auf Ebene des einzelnen Forschers bzw. des Universitätsmanagements relevant sind. Die vorliegende Arbeit ist praxisorientiert ausgerichtet, um Verantwortlichen an Hochschulen einen gangbaren Weg aufzuzeigen, den Umgang mit universitären Wissensressourcen im Bereich der Forschung effizienter zu gestalten sowie die Innovativität und Kreativität universitärer Wissenschaftler zu fördern. Grob gliedert sich die Arbeit in die vier Blöcke: Einführung in den Gegenstandsbereich, theoretische Grundlagen, empirische Untersuchung und Resümee

    An Investigation of Knowledge Management within a University IT Group

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