6 research outputs found

    Simulation of the `GP´ MTD Device intended for the extraction of blood clots by using the Bond Graph technique

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    This article covers the analysis and research into a device recently developed by the University of Wolverhampton (UK), called a 'GP' MTD Mechanical Thrombectomy Device, under the direction of Dr G. Pearce. This device will improve the process of extracting thrombosis clots in the cerebral arteries. On the one hand, the development of the simulation model of this device is shown by using Bond-Graph formalism and, on the other hand, the optimization of its performance in the very near future, from the interpretation of the results

    Simulation of the GPTAD applied to the removal of blood clots that arise during Peripheral Vascular Disease

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    A number of thrombectomy devices using a variety of methods have now been developed to facilitate clot removal. We present research involving one such experimental device recently developed in the UK, called a 'GP' thrombus-aspiration-device (GPTAD). This device has the potential to bring about the extraction of a thrombus. Although the device is at a relatively early stage of development, the results look encouraging. We present an analysis of modelling this device using modelling techniques. Such modelling appears to be highly effective in simulating the device under a variety of conditions with a view to assisting in the optimisation of the GPTAD. The aim of this simulation model is to obtain the minimum pressure necessary to extract the clot and to verify that, both the pressure and the time required to complete the clot extraction are reasonable for use in clinical situations, and are consistent with any experimentally obtained data

    Analysis and simulation of the adhesion forces between clot and the artery wall for a novel thrombectomy device applied to the Middle Cerebral Artery

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    A number of Thrombectomy devices using a variety of methods have now been developed to facilitate clot removal. We present research involving one such experimental device recently developed in the UK, called a 'GP' Thrombus Aspiration Device (TAD). This device has the potential to improve the process of extracting thrombosis clots in the cerebral arteries. The development of a simulation model for this device is shown using Bond-Graph formalism applied to modeling and simulating the adhesion forces between the clot and the artery wall. Bond-Graph technique is a visual methodology that adds more transparency to the processes and it has turned out to be remarkably useful as it is a simple, effective method that can be applied to any physical system where there is a power exchange. Such modelling appears to be able to simulate the device under a variety of conditions which may assist in the optimisation of the `GP' TAD device if the novel design features of the device can be effectively incorporated into the model

    An investigation of the performance of a new Mechanical thrombectomy device using Bond Graph modelling: application to the extraction of blood clots in the middle cerebral artery

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    A number of thrombectomy devices using a variety of methods have now been developed to facilitate clot removal. We present research involving one such experimental device recently developed in the UK, called a ‘GP’ Thrombus Aspiration Device (GPTAD). This device has the potential to bring about the extraction of a thrombus. Although the device is at a relatively early stage of development, the results look encouraging. In this work, we present an analysis and modeling of the GPTAD by means of the bond graph technique; it seems to be a highly effective method of simulating the device under a variety of conditions. Such modeling is useful in optimizing the GPTAD and predicting the result of clot extraction. The aim of this simulation model is to obtain the minimum pressure necessary to extract the clot and to verify that both the pressure and the time required to complete the clot extraction are realistic for use in clinical situations, and are consistent with any experimentally obtained data. We therefore consider aspects of rheology and mechanics in our modeling

    Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Simulation for the Extraction of Blood Clot in Middle Cerebral Artery using ‘GP’ 2 Device

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    Stroke has become the number three killer disease in Malaysia following heart disease and cancer; with 110 of people dying from it every day. The effects of stroke often lead to life-changing, permanent impairment to the patients such as paralysis, speech and logic sequencing. Hence, recent studies are looking into stroke treatments with minimal after surgical effect to patients. One of the alternatives is using mechanical thrombectomy devices. In this project, the simulation for ‘GP’ 2 device which functions to extract the blood clot in the artery without damaging the arterial wall and causing downstream embolism is presented. The simulation will be carried out using computational fluid dynamics; applying the Volume of Fluid (VOF) model. In grid size selection, it is clear that finer grids results in higher accuracy calculations i.e. better results. However, this is achieved at the cost of prolonged computational time. From grid sensitivity study in identifying the optimum grid size that is fine enough to generate accurate calculations but large enough to avoid extra computational time; the grid size of 0.2mm is used. The design for ‘GP’ 2 Device has to be characterised to identify which of the two proposed designs is efficient for the suction of blood clot for 100% occlusion in the Middle Cerebral Artery. Design for ‘GP’ 2 Model 1 device is better at clot extraction than the Model 2 device because increase in surface area for suction favours same-suction principle rather than vortex creation to break the clot. Theoretically, higher pressure results in faster clot extraction. However, the value of pressure applied shall be observed closely so that no arterial damage is done and it can be applied for clinical tests. For both models, it can be shown that higher pressure extracts blood clot at lower time whereby the fastest clot extraction occurs at time 0.00498s for Model 1, and 0.01211s for Model 2 both at 60 kPa

    Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Simulation for the Extraction of Blood Clot in Middle Cerebral Artery using ‘GP’ 2 Device

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    Stroke has become the number three killer disease in Malaysia following heart disease and cancer; with 110 of people dying from it every day. The effects of stroke often lead to life-changing, permanent impairment to the patients such as paralysis, speech and logic sequencing. Hence, recent studies are looking into stroke treatments with minimal after surgical effect to patients. One of the alternatives is using mechanical thrombectomy devices. In this project, the simulation for ‘GP’ 2 device which functions to extract the blood clot in the artery without damaging the arterial wall and causing downstream embolism is presented. The simulation will be carried out using computational fluid dynamics; applying the Volume of Fluid (VOF) model. In grid size selection, it is clear that finer grids results in higher accuracy calculations i.e. better results. However, this is achieved at the cost of prolonged computational time. From grid sensitivity study in identifying the optimum grid size that is fine enough to generate accurate calculations but large enough to avoid extra computational time; the grid size of 0.2mm is used. The design for ‘GP’ 2 Device has to be characterised to identify which of the two proposed designs is efficient for the suction of blood clot for 100% occlusion in the Middle Cerebral Artery. Design for ‘GP’ 2 Model 1 device is better at clot extraction than the Model 2 device because increase in surface area for suction favours same-suction principle rather than vortex creation to break the clot. Theoretically, higher pressure results in faster clot extraction. However, the value of pressure applied shall be observed closely so that no arterial damage is done and it can be applied for clinical tests. For both models, it can be shown that higher pressure extracts blood clot at lower time whereby the fastest clot extraction occurs at time 0.00498s for Model 1, and 0.01211s for Model 2 both at 60 kPa