2 research outputs found


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    Computer security remains an important issue in the management of organizational information systems. Losses resulting from computer abuse and errors are substantial, and IS managers continue to cite security and control as a key management issue. With continued expansion of clistributed data processing and storage, the need to both prevent and detect violations also increases. This latter aspect, detection of computer abuse incidents, is the focus of this study. This empirical study examines the prevalence and sophistication of security software system installations across the United States. Using a victimization survey of 528 randomly-selected DPMA members, the study examines discovered incidents of computer abuse in organizations and attempts to identify relationships between comprehensive (i.e., sophisticated) security software and successful discovery of abuse. More comprehensive security software was found to be associated with greater ability to identify perpetrators of abuse and to discover more serious computer abuse incidents. Larger organizations used both a greater number and more sophisticated security software systems than smaller organizations. Wholesale/retail trade organizations used less comprehensive software than average, while manufacturing organizations and public utilities used more comprehensive software. Surprisingly, no relationships were found between the maturity of an organization\u27s security function and the number and/or sophistication of security software systems utilized

    Combating Fake News on Social Media: A Framework, Review, and Future Opportunities

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    Social media platforms facilitate the sharing of a vast magnitude of information in split seconds among users. However, some false information is also widely spread, generally referred to as “fake news”. This can have major negative impacts on individuals and societies. Unfortunately, people are often not able to correctly identify fake news from truth. Therefore, there is an urgent need to find effective mechanisms to fight fake news on social media. To this end, this paper adapts the Straub Model of Security Action Cycle to the context of combating fake news on social media. It uses the adapted framework to classify the vast literature on fake news to action cycle phases (i.e., deterrence, prevention, detection, and mitigation/remedy). Based on a systematic and inter-disciplinary review of the relevant literature, we analyze the status and challenges in each stage of combating fake news, followed by introducing future research directions. These efforts allow the development of a holistic view of the research frontier on fighting fake news online. We conclude that this is a multidisciplinary issue; and as such, a collaborative effort from different fields is needed to effectively address this problem