3 research outputs found

    Selección de discriminadores de tráfico de red para clasificación en tiempo real

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    There are several techniques to select a set of traffic features for traffic classification. However, most studies ignore the domain knowledge where traffic analysis or classification is performed and do not consider the always moving information carried in the networks. This paper describes a selection process of online network-traffic discriminators. We obtained 24 traffic features that can be processed on the fly and propose them as a base attribute set for future domain-aware online analysis, processing, or classification. For the selection of a set of traffic discriminators, and to avoid the inconveniences mentioned, we carried out three steps. The first step is a context knowledge-based manual selection of traffic features that meet the condition of being obtained on the fly from the flow. The second step is focused on the quality analysis of previously selected attributes to ensure the relevance of each one when performing a traffic classification. In the third step, the implementation of several incremental learning algorithms verified the usefulness of such attributes in online traffic classification processes. Existen varias técnicas para seleccionar un conjunto de variables para clasificación del tráfico de red. Sin embargo, muchos estudios ignoran el ámbito del conocimiento en donde el análisis y clasificación del tráfico tiene lugar y no consideran la información, siempre en movimiento, que se transporta en dichas redes. Este artículo describe el proceso de selección de discriminadores tráfico de redes en línea. Se obtuvieron 24 características que pueden procesarse en tiempo real y se proponen como los conjuntos de atributos base para futuros análisis, procesamiento y calificación conscientes del dominio (domain-aware). Para la selección de un conjunto de discriminadores de tráfico y con el fin de evitar los inconvenientes mencionados anteriormente, se llevaron a cabo tres etapas. La primera consiste en la selección manual basada en el conocimiento contextual de las características de tráfico de red que tengan las condiciones de obtener en tiempo real a partir del flujo. La segunda etapa se enfoca en la calidad del análisis de los atributos previamente seleccionados para asegurar la relevancia de cada uno a la hora de efectuar la clasificación del tráfico. En la tercera etapa, la implementación de varios algoritmos de aprendizaje incremental verifican la idoneidad de tales atributos en procesos de clasificación de tráfico en línea

    SeLINA: a Self-Learning Insightful Network Analyzer

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    Understanding the behavior of a network from a large scale traffic dataset is a challenging problem. Big data frameworks offer scalable algorithms to extract information from raw data, but often require a sophisticated fine-tuning and a detailed knowledge of machine learning algorithms. To streamline this process, we propose SeLINA (Self-Learning Insightful Network Analyzer), a generic, self-tuning, simple tool to extract knowledge from network traffic measurements. SeLINA includes different data analytics techniques providing self-learning capabilities to state-of-the-art scalable approaches, jointly with parameter auto-selection to off-load the network expert from parameter tuning. We combine both unsupervised and supervised approaches to mine data with a scalable approach. SeLINA embeds mechanisms to check if the new data fits the model, to detect possible changes in the traffic, and to, possibly automatically, trigger model rebuilding. The result is a system that offers human-readable models of the data with minimal user intervention, supporting domain experts in extracting actionable knowledge and highlighting possibly meaningful interpretations. SeLINA's current implementation runs on Apache Spark. We tested it on large collections of realworld passive network measurements from a nationwide ISP, investigating YouTube and P2P traffic. The experimental results confirmed the ability of SeLINA to provide insights and detect changes in the data that suggest further analyse

    SeLINA: a Self-Learning Insightful Network Analyzer

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    Understanding the behavior of a network from a large scale traffic dataset is a challenging problem. Big data frameworks offer scalable algorithms to extract information from raw data, but often require a sophisticated fine-tuning and a detailed knowledge of machine learning algorithms. To streamline this process, we propose SeLINA (Self-Learning Insightful Network Analyzer), a generic, self-tuning, simple tool to extract knowledge from network traffic measurements. SeLINA includes different data analytics techniques providing self-learning capabilities to state-of-the-art scalable approaches, jointly with parameter auto-selection to off-load the network expert from parameter tuning. We combine both unsupervised and supervised approaches to mine data with a scalable approach. SeLINA embeds mechanisms to check if the new data fits the model, to detect possible changes in the traffic, and to, possibly automatically, trigger model rebuilding. The result is a system that offers human-readable models of the data with minimal user intervention, supporting domain experts in extracting actionable knowledge and highlighting possibly meaningful interpretations. SeLINA’s current implementation runs on Apache Spark. We tested it on large collections of realworld passive network measurements from a nationwide ISP, investigating YouTube and P2P traffic. The experimental results confirmed the ability of SeLINA to provide insights and detect changes in the data that suggest further analyses