4,980 research outputs found


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    Changes in demographics and patterns of investment in human capital are creating increased scope for international trade in professional services. The scope for mutually beneficial trade is, however, inhibited not only by quotas and discriminatory taxation, but also by domestic regulation -- including a range of qualification and licensing requirements and procedures. To illustrate the nature and implications of these regulatory impediments, this paper presents a detailed description of the regulatory requirements faced in the United States market by four types of Indian professionals: doctors, engineers, architects, and accountants. India is one of the largest exporters of skilled services, and the United States is one of the largest importers of skilled services, so these two countries reflect broader global trends. The paper argues that regulatory discrimination, for example through preferential recognition agreements, has implications both for the pattern of trade and for welfare. It presents some illustrative estimates that suggest the economic cost of regulations may be substantial. The paper concludes by examining how the trade-inhibiting impact of regulatory requirements could be addressed through bilateral and multilateral negotiations.Accreditation; architect; architects; Architecture; barriers to entry; board meeting; candidate; candidates; career; career advancement; Certificate;

    Talent Is Ready: Promising Practices for Helping Immigrant Professionals

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    Outlines the need to better integrate highly skilled immigrants into the workforce, promising practices in assessment and advising, skill building, and organizational capacity building; and tips and insights for nonprofits, funders, and policy makers

    Paper Lives: Certification vs. Licensure

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    Since the mid-1990s certification has increasingly been considered as a tool to increase the chance to find job particularly by youngsters. However under the circumstances that exist today it is known that having certificates does not automatically lead to get job, even contrary job seekers may remain jobless after they pay huge amounts of money to certfication firms. The very fast increase in the number of certfying firms confirms the fact that there is an ongoing demand for short term qualification courses. Another process which accompanies to private certification is that the loosing ground in public education that despite corporations still care about diplomas in hiring they reject job applications in the case of absence of certificates. In this study certification as a popular phenomenon has been compared with licensure in the context of waged engineers and their chambers. As a consequence of the analyses made for this study, it may be concluded that there is a capital accumulation which is carried out via two layers of working classes: masses who are obliged to be certified and waged laborers who work in certification industry in order to improve skills of those who are in need to be certified. During reviewing of literature it has also been witnessed that the academic writings focusing on the numbers, wages and working conditions of trainers hired by certification firms is virtually non exist. Therefore study suggests further researches especially on waged trainers working in private certification firms

    Southern Adventist University Undergraduate Catalog 2022-2023

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    Southern Adventist University\u27s undergraduate catalog for the academic year 2022-2023.https://knowledge.e.southern.edu/undergrad_catalog/1121/thumbnail.jp

    Ethical Behavior and Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behavior Applied to the Decision to Obtain Professional Credentials

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    Currently, the requirement to obtain and maintain professional credentials within the engineering discipline varies among the five military departments within the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). However, there may be an ethical requirement to do so. The purpose of this research was to investigate ethical theory and behavior theory, and their influence on the decision to obtain and maintain professional credentials. Individual Moral Philosophy (IMP) is one approach describing ethical thought. The Ethics Position Questionnaire (EPQ) measures the two dimensions of IMP: idealism and relativism. The Theory of Planned Behavior (ToPB) is used in research to predict behavior intentions and subsequently behavior from three factors: attitude toward a behavior, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control. A six-section survey (100 questions) was distributed to two separate groups of military engineers and thirty-seven responses were received. Confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation modeling, and multiple regression analysis were used to validate the ToPB and subsequently test the impact of the two dimensions of IMP from the EPQ on attitude. Results showed support for the predictive ability of attitude, norms, and control on intentions, and the addition of the two dimensions from the EPQ as predictors of attitude toward a behavior

    Southern Adventist University Undergraduate Catalog 2023-2024

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    Southern Adventist University\u27s undergraduate catalog for the academic year 2023-2024.https://knowledge.e.southern.edu/undergrad_catalog/1123/thumbnail.jp

    Preparing the Future Workforce: Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Policy in K12 Education in Wisconsin

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    Last December, the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education Coalition - a national organization of more than 600 groups representing knowledge workers, educators, scientists, engineers, and technicians wrote to President-elect Obama urging him to "not lose sight of the critical role that STEM education plays in enabling the United States to remain the economic and technological leader of the 21st century global marketplace." While that imperative appears to have resonated in Washington, has it and should it resonate in Madison? This report attempts to answer that question by examining the extent to which STEM skills are a necessity for tomorrow's Wisconsin workforce, whether our schools are preparing students to be STEM-savvy workers, and where STEM falls in the state's list of educational priorities

    Professional Occupations, Knowledge-Driven Firms, and Entrepreneurship – A National and Regional Analysis

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    Baker Hughes’ FCPA experiences illustrate the corruption risks and difficulties that multinational corporations encounter in conducting international business. The subsequent creation of a new Baker Hughes Code of Conduct, FCPA Compliance Guide, and Anti-Corruption Compliance Program provide you with a view of the corporate governance policies that companies can implement to help avoid costly penalties and investigations

    Professional Occupations, Knowledge-Driven Firms, and Entrepreneurship – A National and Regional Analysis

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    Baker Hughes’ FCPA experiences illustrate the corruption risks and difficulties that multinational corporations encounter in conducting international business. The subsequent creation of a new Baker Hughes Code of Conduct, FCPA Compliance Guide, and Anti-Corruption Compliance Program provide you with a view of the corporate governance policies that companies can implement to help avoid costly penalties and investigations

    Documenting the Brain Drain of «la Crème de la Crème»: Three Case-Studies on International Migration at the Upper Tail of the Education Distribution

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    Most of the recent literature on the effects of the brain drain on source countries consists of theoretical papers and cross-country empirical studies. In this paper we complement the literature through three case studies on very different regional and professional contexts: the African medical brain drain, the exodus of European researchers to the United States, and the contribution of the Indian diaspora to the rise of the IT sector in India. While the three case studies concern the very upper tail of the skill and education distribution, their effects of source countries are contrasted: clearly negative in the case of the exodus of European researchers, clearly positive in the case of the Indian diaspora’s contribution to putting India on the IT global map, and mixed in the case of the medical brain drain out of Africa.Brain drain, international migration, African medical brain drain, European brain drain, Indian diaspora