6 research outputs found

    Development of an integrated web-based indoor parking system with sensors

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    Growing number of vehicles in recent years has an impact to road capacity and parking spaces. Even with support of an efficient public transport, some users prefer to use their personal vehicles. Hence, it resulted in lack of parking space in public areas. Looking for parking spaces is time, money and fuel consuming and causes unnecessary stress to drivers. This work will design and develop the sensing infrastructure which will be used as a part of an integrated smart parking system that integrates the sensing capability with wireless transmission to the central web portal. Then, the central web portal will provide a platform for vehicle parking reservation system made online through a computer. This system also permits drivers to make a reservation on available parking slots utilizing ID code keyed in for authentication and several indicators to denote availability, non-availability and reservation status at the parking slot. The communication technologies used has to upload and download information to and from the web. This work has shown that the development was successful for a single floor parking system and can be upgraded to multi-storey parking complex

    Designation of a paid parking zone in 艁贸d藕

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    This article has two aims: cognitive and methodological. The first one focuses ondelineating city areas (of 艁贸d藕 in this case), in relation to whicha conscious parking policy should be implemented, including differentiation of the base parking feeand dynamics of parking cost increment in time. The methodological aim, in turn, consists in elaborating a research algorithmbased exclusively on the geographical information system,which is based on generallyavailable vector data,together with data obtainedfrom intelligenttransport systems. For their realization of the authors of this article elaborated their own methodology. It consists of five stages. The basic research unit isthe surveying district. The area on the basis of which the research was made is the 艁贸d藕 urban zone defined in the Strategy of Spatial Developmentfor 艁贸d藕 (2012). Each research stage corresponds to defining the powerofimpact of the variablewhich, as an research overview shows, affectsthe parking policy. Since the research is conducted on the basisdifferent variablesat individual stagesand finally thecoefficient assumes the form of five elements, it is necessary to standardize partial results. The article usesa procedure based on thequotient of the difference between the calculated valueand the averagefor the wholegroupdivided by standard deviation. The results of the conducted researchin the cognitive scopeshow that problems connected with parking organizationdo not concern only the very city centre (mostly the district of 艢r贸dmie艣cie). Particular attention should be drawn to areasnext to the city鈥檚 main transport arteries which golatitudinally (for instance, Pi艂sudski avenue) ormeridionally (e.g. Ko艣ciuszki street, Zachodnia street)

    The bathroom of the future - prospects for information and control

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    Across sectors, innovative data collection at a device level and command and control appliances, are providing an opportunity for improved resource efficiencies, facilities management and user experiences. The applications of intelligent technologies and localised networks are growing rapidly. This discussion paper demonstrates the value and potential applications of smart water management technologies specifically focused on commercial bathroom products. The work was commissioned by the GWA Bathrooms and Kitchens Group. The paper has been developed using available knowledge, with a literature scan of fixture driven innovations, innovations in collecting and using data from fixtures and other monitoring devices

    An Intelligent Parking Management System for Urban Areas

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    In this article we describe a low-cost, minimally-intrusive system for the efficient management of parking spaces on both public roads and controlled zones. This system is based on wireless networks of photoelectric sensors that are deployed on the access roads into and out of these areas. The sensors detect the passage of vehicles on these roads and communicate this information to a data centre, thus making it possible to know the number of vehicles in the controlled zone and the occupancy levels in real-time. This information may be communicated to drivers to facilitate their search for a parking space and to authorities so that they may take steps to control traffic when congestion is detected