2 research outputs found

    Implementasi Simple Reflex Autonomous Smart Mopping The Floor

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat prototipe atau model robot peralatan rumah tangga pintar mengepel lantai datar (ubin, tembok, kayu) dengan pendekatan penggunaan perangkat elektronika Arduino dan peralatan komponen elektronika serta mekatronika pendukungnya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lanjutan untuk mengimplementasikan konsep  robot Simple Reflex Autonomous Smart Mopping the Floor (SRASMF). Implementasi pemodelan robot SRASMF diantaranya adalah proses pengkodean program (coding and debugging) berdasarkan hasil perakitan model. Pengkodean program dilakukan terhadap fungsi persepsi (percepts), fungsi aktuator (actuators), dan fungsi aksi (actions) model robot SRASMF.  Robot SRASMF merupakan model robot cerdas (Intelligent Agent) yang dilengkapi sensor dan actuator yang dapat bekerja sendiri dalam lingkungannya (environment) dengan karakteristik bergerak maju mengepel lantai datar, mundur menghindari rintangan, berputar belok kiri, berputar belok kanan, dan berhenti. Hasil pengamatan 7 kali percobaan terhadap kinerja operasi model robot SRASMF, pada lingkungan ruang persegi panjang dengan luas lantai ubin berukuran 2m (lebar) x 5m (panjang) (sekitar 25 jumlah ubin berukuran 60cm2) dapat melakukan fungsi dan pergerakan sesuai yang didefinisikan. Luas ruangan lantai percobaan dengan ukuran sekitar 10 (sepuluh) meter persegi dapat diselesaikan dalam kecepatan rerata waktu 3 menit 39 detik. Dalam hal ini model robot SRASMF membuat sendiri lintasannya sekitar 4 (empat) lintasan imajiner pada ruang berukuran tersebut. AbstractThis study aims to create a prototype or robot model of smart household appliances to mop flat floors (tiles, walls, wood) with an approach using Arduino electronic devices and supporting electronic and mechatronic components. This research is a follow-up study to implement the concept of the Simple Reflex Autonomous Smart Mopping the Floor (SRASMF) robot. The implementation of SRASMF robot modeling includes coding and debugging processes based on the results of model assembly. Program coding is performed on the perception, actuator, and action function of the SRASMF robot model. The SRASMF robot is an intelligent robot model (Intelligent Agent) equipped with sensors and actuators that can work independently in their environment with the characteristics of moving forward, mopping the floor flat, backward avoiding obstacles, turning left, turning right, and stopping. The results of observations from 7 experiments on the operational performance of the SRASMF robot model, in a rectangular room environment with a tiled floor area measuring 2m (width) x 5m (length) (approximately 25 tiles measuring 60cm2) can perform functions and movements as defined. The experimental floor area with a size of about 10 (ten) square meters can be completed in an average of 3 minutes 39 seconds. In this case, the SRASMF robot model creates its own trajectory of about 4 (four) imaginary paths in that sized space

    Towards Automation and Improved Fuel Economy with System Architecture Design of a Non-Road Working Machine

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    Increasing levels of automation and interest in fuel economy have been affecting the system design of non-road working machines. Both fuel economy and automation have been active research areas in non-road working machines. It is unlikely that in the near future electrification will solve the energy challenges of machines operating for long periods in forests, mines or fields. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the fuel efficiency of such machines with conventional technology, taking into account the fact that automation, along with the diversity of subcontractors and performance requirements, has increased the complexity of these machines. A modular abstraction layer architecture is proposed for the machine level to support the development of automation and comparison of fuel economy. The architecture is developed and selected on the premise that a machine is operated with different automation levels between manual and autonomous operation and employs alternative control methods for different operation conditions. The designed system architecture is compared with alternative approaches by using trade-off analysis with defined scoring functions. For improving fuel economy and demonstrating the capability of the designed architecture, a modular power management architecture is realised to meet the performance requirements of the machine. This architecture breaks the system down into smaller modules to facilitate design and development. Further, the architecture separates control of the power sources from the consumers, providing a new degree of freedom in designing the subsystems, as the consumer modules are not coupled with the engine. The improvement in fuel economy is based on the MinRpm control strategy, which is integrated with the power management architecture. The objective of MinRpm is to minimise the rotational speed of the engine, which leads to the engine operating with higher partial loads and in a higher fuel efficiency region. In addition, the components and subsystems that use relative constant torque use less energy when the rotational speed is lower. Devices of this kind are typically fans, fixed displacement pumps and oil coolers, in which the torque demand is not highly dependent on the rotational speed of the engine. The proposed modular power management architecture with the MinRpm control strategy does not require any new components to make improvements in fuel economy, which, in turn, reduces the implementation costs. In both simulations and in experimental tests with a municipal wheel loader, the control method resulted in fuel savings of 11 to 22% compared with a series-production machine on the market. The comparison is realised by integrating the emulated series-production machine control with the same system architecture that was developed for the power management system with MinRpm approach. Therefore, both control methods are realised with the same wheel loader, which eliminates discrepancy of the component properties. Realisation of the alternative control methods in the designed system architecture demonstrates the compatibility needed when the machine is operated with different operating modes from manual to autonomous. Before fully autonomous machines become real, a different level of automation is needed to perform efficiently and safely in all operation conditions. Therefore, the designed system architecture is capable of rerouting control signals and control flows, while safety features are guaranteed when the control mode is changed