44 research outputs found

    GIS-Based Transport Accessibility Analysis to Community Facilities in Mid-Sized Cities

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    Transport accessibility is an important issue for the sustainable development of cities. This work presents a GIS-based accessibility analysis approach that can be applied to assess accessibility to community facilities in medium-sized cities using publicly available data. For that purpose, a case study was developed using the road network and public transport data from Covilhã municipality, in Portugal. Data collected on websites were treated and organized to build the network dataset and perform network analyses with the aid of the ArcGis® Network Analyst extension (creation of service areas and Origin-Destiny (OD) cost matrices). Four accessibility evaluation analyses were performed for two transport modes: accessibility to the municipality main community facilities by private and urban public transport (isochronous and OD matrices), by inter-urban public transport (time); and accessibility by private transport between civil parishes (isochronous and OD matrices). The population and the territory covered by different travel times were also determined. The case study results showed that the accessibility in Covilhã is quite reasonable, either using private transport inside the municipality (maximum 30 minutes for covering nearly 95% of the resident population and 83% of the territory), or urban public transport inside the urban perimeter (maximum 50 minutes). However, the periphery civil parishes of the municipality have lower levels of accessibility for inter-urban public transport (reaching 115 minutes). The utility of the approach was validated through the results obtained in the case study, where it was possible to observe patterns of accessibility across the municipality for the considered modes, making it possible to improve the overall accessibility through the identification of priority areas of intervention.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The use of accessibility measures to assess efficiency and equito effects of high speed rail projects: Application to the case of Spain.

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    The construction of a high speed rail project may both contribute to strategic transport policy goals, and at the same time it may result in negative impacts. Among them, this paper addresses the issue of the conflict between efficiency (economic) vs. equity (social) effects of high speed rail projects. If the only objective was the maximization of economic growth, the best solution would attempt to improve rail connections between major activity centres. However, this strategy would have a negative impact on equity, as it would lead to more polarized spatial development patterns. Current transport assessment methodologies lack a common procedure to deal with this trade-off. In this context, the paper develops a spatial analysis procedure, based in the use of accessibility measures, to address these conflicting effects. On the one hand, efficiency effects are measured in terms of accessibility improvements. On the other hand, changes in the distribution of regional accessibility values are used to assess equity implications, via the calculation of a set of inequality indices. The proposed procedure is intended to support transport planners when confronted with the task to optimize efficiency and equity objectives. The validity of the methodology is tested with its application to alternative corridor developments of the Spanish high speed network based on the 2020 scenario included in the Spanish Strategic Transport and Infrastructure Plan 2005-2020 (PEIT)

    The Geographical Accessibility of Inpatient Services Used for Heart-Related Ambulatory Cara Sensitive Conditions in Kentucky

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    A report submitted by Timothy S. Hare to the Research and Creative Productions Committee in 2005 on geographical accessibility of inpatient hospital services used to treat heart-related ambulatory care sensitive (ACS) conditions in Kentucky

    Social impacts of high speed rail projects: addressing spatial equity effects.

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    Equity issues are increasingly included among social impacts of transportation investments. Equity implications take into account the distribution of effects among different societal groups (social equity) or regions (spatial equity). The analysis of the spatial distribution of effects is crucial, as certain transportation investments may contribute to increase imbalances between regions, i.e. negative spatial equity impacts. The planning process of a new high speed rail (HSR) corridor should take into account these equity considerations. HSR specific features make it a serious candidate to result in negative equity impacts. These are mainly the significant differences in commercial speeds between HSR and conventional rail, and the spatial separation between HSR stations. In this context, this paper describes and validates a methodology to assess spatial equity impacts of HSR based in the calculation of accessibility indicators. Accessibility analysis is a special type of spatial analysis technique which is increasingly used to assess spatial equity impacts of transportation investments. The proposed methodology is intended to support transport planners when confronted with the task to optimize efficiency and equity objectives. The validity of the methodology is tested with its application to alternative corridor developments of the Spanish HSR network based on the 2020 scenario included in the Spanish Strategic Transport and Infrastructure Plan 2005-2020 (PEIT). The case study application shows that the results are heavily influenced by the selection of the accessibility indicator, each one providing a complementary perspective on equity measurement. In addition, results highlight the important role played by the selection of the commercial speed. In particular, increasing commercial speeds from 220 km/h to 300 km/h in a given corridor results in significant negative impacts on spatial equity, as differences between locations with and without a HSR station are highlighted

    Análisis conceptual de la distribución espacial de planes gubernamentales utilizando herramientas GIS

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    A partir de la aplicación de políticas de fortalecimiento institucional de la Subsecretaría de Empleo de la Provincia de Tucumán producto de una reingeniería total de un sistema de programas de empleo, se muestran los resultados preliminares correspondientes a la carga del sistema con la información de aplicación del plan Progresar en lo referente a la distribución espacial de las asignaciones en contraste con variables espaciales publicadas por organismos nacionales y provinciales a través de un GIS (Geograhic Information System, Sistema de Información Geográfica). Debido al incremento de producción de información geoespacial de organismos públicos la misma necesita ser geoprocesada adecuadamente para proveer de un marco de visualización de datos e indicadores sociales geográficamente relacionados, despegando el uso de los GIS de los fines netamente científicos para los cuales fueron originalmente creados, sino para proyectar su implementación como herramientas de entendimiento y asimilación de políticas sociales que maximicen el éxito de aplicación de planes de impacto masivo en la población.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Análisis conceptual de la distribución espacial de planes gubernamentales utilizando herramientas GIS

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    A partir de la aplicación de políticas de fortalecimiento institucional de la Subsecretaría de Empleo de la Provincia de Tucumán producto de una reingeniería total de un sistema de programas de empleo, se muestran los resultados preliminares correspondientes a la carga del sistema con la información de aplicación del plan Progresar en lo referente a la distribución espacial de las asignaciones en contraste con variables espaciales publicadas por organismos nacionales y provinciales a través de un GIS (Geograhic Information System, Sistema de Información Geográfica). Debido al incremento de producción de información geoespacial de organismos públicos la misma necesita ser geoprocesada adecuadamente para proveer de un marco de visualización de datos e indicadores sociales geográficamente relacionados, despegando el uso de los GIS de los fines netamente científicos para los cuales fueron originalmente creados, sino para proyectar su implementación como herramientas de entendimiento y asimilación de políticas sociales que maximicen el éxito de aplicación de planes de impacto masivo en la población.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Mapping social vulnerability to flood hazard in Norfolk, England

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    In this paper, we present a method to assess social vulnerability through the creation of an Open Source Vulnerability Index (OS-VI). The OS-VI provides context to environmental hazards and allows NGOs and local agencies to better tailor services and provide targeted pre-emptive vulnerability reduction and resilience-building programmes. A deductive indicator-based approach is utilised to incorporate a wide range of vulnerability indicators known to influence vulnerability. Unlike many vulnerability indices, the OS-VI incorporates flood risk as well as the loss of capabilities and the importance of key services (health facilities and food stores) through the measurement of accessibility when determining an area's level of social vulnerability. The index was developed using open-source mapping and analysis software and is composed completely of open-source data from national data sets. The OS-VI was designed at the national level, with data for all proxy indicators available across the entirety of England and Wales. For this paper, a case study is presented concerned with one English county, Norfolk


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    Baghdad city depended on the private auto in transport and this led to great problems with increasing congestion and traffic problems. Existing public transport suffers from poor accessibility to opportunities which is considered the main existing problem. The local agency decided to construct Baghdad Elevated Train as one of the keys to solve this problem and decrease congestion. This study aims to discuss the changes that the installing of the planned train line could make, by using the Geographical Information System (GIS) to model the transportation networks (sidewalks, public transport network, and the planned elevated train) for two scenarios, first for the current public transport network and second for the long-term situation of the adding of the planned train, furthermore, to find the coverage area for each station and determine the population can be served for each station depending on the census of the zones for the year 2020. The modeled network databases were used to create the closest facility between the centroid of the 43 zones and the selected facilities (Commercial, Educational, Governmental, and Hospitals). The results revealed that the additional service of the train reduced the travel time between Al-Sadr City to four destinations selected for the mentioned facilities by the following percentages (62%, 40%, 46%, and 65%) respectively. Moreover, the population coverage stated that stations 8, 9, and 10 are the most populated

    استخدام نظم المعلومات لقياس سهولة (GIS) الجغرافية الوصول إلى مراكز الرعاية الصحية في مدينة المفرق

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    تهدف الدراسة إلى قياس وتحليل وتقييم سهولة الوصول إلى مراكز الرعاية الصحية في مدينة المفرق كمؤشر على مدى كفاءة توزيعها وملاءمتها مكانيا في تقديم الخدمة الصحية بالنسبة للأحياء السكنية في المدينة باستخدام أدوات التحليل المكاني والشبكي في نظم المعلومات الجغرافية، كما تسعى الدراسة إلى تحديد نطاقات خدمة المراكز الصحية في المدينة وتحليل خصائص مواقعها المكانية طبقا لإمكانية الوصول إليها، وتوصلت الدراسة إلى أن هناك تباين في إمكانية الوصول بين المراكز الصحية في مدينة المفرق؛ إذ ظهر أن موقعي مركز صحي حي الحسين ومركز صحي الحي الجنوبي كانا الأسهل وصولا من موقعي مركز صحي المفرق الشامل ومركز صحي المفرق الأولي بناء على عامل المسافة والزمن. وتبين أن معظم الأحياء السكنية الواقعة على هوامش وأطراف المدينة وبالذات في الأجزاء الشمالية والجنوبية منها تعاني من صعوبة في الوصول لأنها تقع خارج نطاق الخدمة الصحية، وتوصلت الدراسة أيضا إلى أهمية التحليل الشبكي باستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية القائم على دراسة شبكة الطرق في تقييم وقياس سهولة الوصول إلى الخدمات الصحية بشكل خاص والخدمات العامة الأخرى بشكل عام والتي يمكن اعتماد نتائجها كمؤشر عام لمدى كفاءة التوزيع المكاني لمختلف الخدمات

    Transport Accessibility Analysis Using GIS: Assessing Sustainable Transport in London

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    Transport accessibility is an important driver of urban growth and key to the sustainable development of cities. This paper presents a simple GIS-based tool developed to allow the rapid analysis of accessibility by different transport modes. Designed to be flexible and use publicly-available data, this tool (built in ArcGIS) uses generalized cost to measure transport costs across networks including monetary and distance components. The utility of the tool is demonstrated on London, UK, showing the differing patterns of accessibility across the city by different modes. It is shown that these patterns can be examined spatially, by accessibility to particular destinations (e.g., employment locations), or as a global measure across a whole city system. A number of future infrastructure scenarios are tested, examining the potential for increasing the use of low-carbon forms of transport. It is shown that private car journeys are still the least cost mode choice in London, but that infrastructure investments can play a part in reducing the cost of more sustainable transport options. Document type: Articl