1,363 research outputs found

    Design concepts for the development of cooperative problem-solving systems

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    There are many problem-solving tasks that are too complex to fully automate given the current state of technology. Nevertheless, significant improvements in overall system performance could result from the introduction of well-designed computer aids. We have been studying the development of cognitive tools for one such problem-solving task, enroute flight path planning for commercial airlines. Our goal was two-fold. First, we were developing specific systems designs to help with this important practical problem. Second, we are using this context to explore general design concepts to guide in the development of cooperative problem-solving systems. These designs concepts are described

    Diverter Decision Aiding for In-Flight Diversions

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    It was determined that artificial intelligence technology can provide pilots with the help they need in making the complex decisions concerning en route changes in a flight plan. A diverter system should have the capability to take all of the available information and produce a recommendation to the pilot. Phase three illustrated that using Joshua to develop rules for an expert system and a Statice database provided additional flexibility by permitting the development of dynamic weighting of diversion relevant parameters. This increases the fidelity of the AI functions cited as useful in aiding the pilot to perform situational assessment, navigation rerouting, flight planning/replanning, and maneuver execution. Additionally, a prototype pilot-vehicle interface (PVI) was designed providing for the integration of both text and graphical based information. Advanced technologies were applied to PVI design, resulting in a hierarchical menu based architecture to increase the efficiency of information transfer while reducing expected workload. Additional efficiency was gained by integrating spatial and text displays into an integrated user interface

    Navigation and guidance requirements for commercial VTOL operations

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    The NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC) has undertaken a research program to develop the navigation, guidance, control, and flight management technology base needed by Government and industry in establishing systems design concepts and operating procedures for VTOL short-haul transportation systems in the 1980s time period. The VALT (VTOL Automatic Landing Technology) Program encompasses the investigation of operating systems and piloting techniques associated with VTOL operations under all-weather conditions from downtown vertiports; the definition of terminal air traffic and airspace requirements; and the development of avionics including navigation, guidance, controls, and displays for automated takeoff, cruise, and landing operations. The program includes requirements analyses, design studies, systems development, ground simulation, and flight validation efforts

    Identification of high-level functional/system requirements for future civil transports

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    In order to accommodate the rapid growth in commercial aviation throughout the remainder of this century, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is faced with a formidable challenge to upgrade and/or modernize the National Airspace System (NAS) without compromising safety or efficiency. A recurring theme in both the Aviation System Capital Investment Plan (CIP), which has replaced the NAS Plan, and the new FAA Plan for Research, Engineering, and Development (RE&D) rely on the application of new technologies and a greater use of automation. Identifying the high-level functional and system impacts of such modernization efforts on future civil transport operational requirements, particularly in terms of cockpit functionality and information transfer, was the primary objective of this project. The FAA planning documents for the NAS of the 2005 era and beyond were surveyed; major aircraft functional capabilities and system components required for such an operating environment were identified. A hierarchical structured analysis of the information processing and flows emanating from such functional/system components were conducted and the results documented in graphical form depicting the relationships between functions and systems

    Optimized Route Capability (ORC) Intelligent Offloading of Congested Arrival Routes

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    The Optimized Route Capability (ORC) concept is designed to enable intelligent offloading of congested arrival routes. When ORC predicts arrival route congestion as projected excess arrival meter fix delay, automation offers decision support to traffic managers by identifying candidate flights to strategically reroute to alternate meter fixes and alleviate the congestion. This concept was applied to a model of arrival operations into Houston International Airport. An arrival rush from the Northeast was simulated in fast-time to analyze ORC algorithm behavior. The results demonstrate how strategically rerouting a few flights to alternate meter fixes not only has the potential to manage meter fix delay (and possibly the need for traffic management initiatives applied upstream), but may also increase airport capacity utilization and reduce total flight delay

    Diverter AI based decision aid, phases 1 and 2

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    It was determined that a system to incorporate artificial intelligence (AI) into airborne flight management computers is feasible. The AI functions that would be most useful to the pilot are to perform situational assessment, evaluate outside influences on the contemplated rerouting, perform flight planning/replanning, and perform maneuver planning. A study of the software architecture and software tools capable of demonstrating Diverter was also made. A skeletal planner known as the Knowledge Acquisition Development Tool (KADET), which is a combination script-based and rule-based system, was used to implement the system. A prototype system was developed which demonstrates advanced in-flight planning/replanning capabilities

    Implications of Contingency Planning Support for Weather and Icing

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    A human-centered systems analysis was applied to the adverse aircraft weather encounter problem in order to identify desirable functions of weather and icing information. The importance of contingency planning was identified as emerging from a system safety design methodology as well as from results of other aviation decision-making studies. The relationship between contingency planning support and information on regions clear of adverse weather was investigated in a scenariobased analysis. A rapid prototype example of the key elements in the depiction of icing conditions was developed in a case study, and the implications for the components of the icing information system were articulated.National Aeronautics and Space Administration Glenn Research Center under grant NAG3-217

    Method and system for an automated tool for en route traffic controllers

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    A method and system for a new automation tool for en route air traffic controllers first finds all aircraft flying on inefficient routes, then determines whether it is possible to save time by bypassing some route segments, and finally whether the improved route is free of conflicts with other aircraft. The method displays all direct-to eligible aircraft to an air traffic controller in a list sorted by highest time savings. By allowing the air traffic controller to easily identify and work with the highest pay-off aircraft, the method of the present invention contributes to a significant increase in both air traffic controller and aircraft productivity. A graphical computer interface (GUI) is used to enable the air traffic controller to send the aircraft direct to a waypoint or fix closer to the destination airport by a simple point and click action

    Frequency analysis of hazardous material transportation incidents as a function of distance from origin to incident location

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    According to the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT), more than 3.1 billion tons of hazardous materials (HazMat) are shipped within the country annually. This averages to about 800,000 individual shipments of hazardous materials per day, of which 300,000 are shipments of petroleum/flammable-combustible liquids. This paper presents a temporal trend study (1995-2004) of 1,850 HazMat incidents occurring through the transportation of flammable-combustible liquids. The study was centered about HazMat shipments originating within five states (California, Illinois, Iowa, New Jersey, Texas) chosen for their geographic variations in size and location. The main objective of this study is to conduct a frequency analysis of HazMat incident as a function of distance between origin and incident location. Procedures for this study entailed compiling a sample of HazMat road incidents originating within the selected states and generating the great-circle distance from their originating location to sites of incident. The distance between origin and incident locations were attained through great-circle calculations because data compilation did not allow for the identification of specific routes utilized in commodity transport. Key findings of the analysis illustrated a bimodal distribution of incident frequency as a function of the great-circle log distance. The first mode presented an average distance of incident which was short haul in classification. The second mode presented an average distance of incident which was long-haul in classification. The study also addressed incidents as they occurred within primary phases within transportation. For all phases, incidents occurred at average distances which are long haul in classification. Time series forecasting suggests continuing trends in HazMat incidents. Findings of this study speculate fatigue to be a contributing factor for incident occurrences. This requires that more research be carried out on various aspects of flammable-combustible liquids such as hours-of-service regulations, fatigue and incident reporting

    Current Safety Nets Within the U.S. National Airspace System

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    There are over 70,000 flights managed per day in the National Airspace System, with approximately 7,000 aircraft in the air over the United States at any given time. Operators of each of these flights would prefer to fly a user-defined 4D trajectory (4DT), which includes arrival and departure times; preferred gates and runways at the airport; efficient, wind-optimal routes for departure, cruise and arrival phase of flight; and fuel efficient altitude profiles. To demonstrate the magnitude of this achievement a single flight from Los Angeles to Baltimore, accesses over 35 shared or constrained resources that are managed by roughly 30 air traffic controllers (at towers, approach control and en route sectors); along with traffic managers at 12 facilities, using over 22 different, independent automation system (including TBFM, ERAM, STARS, ASDE-X, FSM, TSD, GPWS, TCAS, etc.). In addition, dispatchers, ramp controllers and others utilize even more systems to manage each flights access to operator-managed resources. Flying an ideal 4DT requires successful coordination of all flight constraints among all flights, facilities, operators, pilots and controllers. Additionally, when conditions in the NAS change, the trajectories of one or more aircraft may need to be revised to avoid loss of flight efficiency, predictability, separation or system throughput. The Aviation Safety Network has released the 2016 airliner accident statistics showing a very low total of 19 fatal airliner accidents, resulting in 325 fatalities1. Despite several high profile accidents, the year 2016 turned out to be a very safe year for commercial aviation, Aviation Safety Network data show. Over the year 2016 the Aviation Safety Network recorded a total of 19 fatal airliner accidents [1], resulting in 325 fatalities. This makes 2016 the second safest year ever, both by number of fatal accidents as well as in terms of fatalities. In 2015 ASN recorded 16 accidents while in 2013 a total of 265 lives were lost. How can we keep it that way and not upset the apple cart by premature insertion of innovative technologies, functions, and procedures? In aviation, safety nets function as the last system defense against incidents and accidents. Current ground-based and airborne safety nets are well established and development to make them more efficient and reliable continues. Additionally, future air traffic control safety nets may emerge from new operational concepts
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