753 research outputs found

    A Distributed Asynchronous Method of Multipliers for Constrained Nonconvex Optimization

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    This paper presents a fully asynchronous and distributed approach for tackling optimization problems in which both the objective function and the constraints may be nonconvex. In the considered network setting each node is active upon triggering of a local timer and has access only to a portion of the objective function and to a subset of the constraints. In the proposed technique, based on the method of multipliers, each node performs, when it wakes up, either a descent step on a local augmented Lagrangian or an ascent step on the local multiplier vector. Nodes realize when to switch from the descent step to the ascent one through an asynchronous distributed logic-AND, which detects when all the nodes have reached a predefined tolerance in the minimization of the augmented Lagrangian. It is shown that the resulting distributed algorithm is equivalent to a block coordinate descent for the minimization of the global augmented Lagrangian. This allows one to extend the properties of the centralized method of multipliers to the considered distributed framework. Two application examples are presented to validate the proposed approach: a distributed source localization problem and the parameter estimation of a neural network.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1803.0648

    An Alternating Trust Region Algorithm for Distributed Linearly Constrained Nonlinear Programs, Application to the AC Optimal Power Flow

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    A novel trust region method for solving linearly constrained nonlinear programs is presented. The proposed technique is amenable to a distributed implementation, as its salient ingredient is an alternating projected gradient sweep in place of the Cauchy point computation. It is proven that the algorithm yields a sequence that globally converges to a critical point. As a result of some changes to the standard trust region method, namely a proximal regularisation of the trust region subproblem, it is shown that the local convergence rate is linear with an arbitrarily small ratio. Thus, convergence is locally almost superlinear, under standard regularity assumptions. The proposed method is successfully applied to compute local solutions to alternating current optimal power flow problems in transmission and distribution networks. Moreover, the new mechanism for computing a Cauchy point compares favourably against the standard projected search as for its activity detection properties

    Dual Descent ALM and ADMM

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    Classical primal-dual algorithms attempt to solve maxμminxL(x,μ)\max_{\mu}\min_{x} \mathcal{L}(x,\mu) by alternatively minimizing over the primal variable xx through primal descent and maximizing the dual variable μ\mu through dual ascent. However, when L(x,μ)\mathcal{L}(x,\mu) is highly nonconvex with complex constraints in xx, the minimization over xx may not achieve global optimality, and hence the dual ascent step loses its valid intuition. This observation motivates us to propose a new class of primal-dual algorithms for nonconvex constrained optimization with the key feature to reverse dual ascent to a conceptually new dual descent, in a sense, elevating the dual variable to the same status as the primal variable. Surprisingly, this new dual scheme achieves some best iteration complexities for solving nonconvex optimization problems. In particular, when the dual descent step is scaled by a fractional constant, we name it scaled dual descent (SDD), otherwise, unscaled dual descent (UDD). For nonconvex multiblock optimization with nonlinear equality constraints, we propose SDD-ADMM and show that it finds an ϵ\epsilon-stationary solution in O(ϵ4)\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^{-4}) iterations. The complexity is further improved to O(ϵ3)\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^{-3}) and O(ϵ2)\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^{-2}) under proper conditions. We also propose UDD-ALM, combining UDD with ALM, for weakly convex minimization over affine constraints. We show that UDD-ALM finds an ϵ\epsilon-stationary solution in O(ϵ2)\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^{-2}) iterations. These complexity bounds for both algorithms either achieve or improve the best-known results in the ADMM and ALM literature. Moreover, SDD-ADMM addresses a long-standing limitation of existing ADMM frameworks

    Optimization Methods for Inverse Problems

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    Optimization plays an important role in solving many inverse problems. Indeed, the task of inversion often either involves or is fully cast as a solution of an optimization problem. In this light, the mere non-linear, non-convex, and large-scale nature of many of these inversions gives rise to some very challenging optimization problems. The inverse problem community has long been developing various techniques for solving such optimization tasks. However, other, seemingly disjoint communities, such as that of machine learning, have developed, almost in parallel, interesting alternative methods which might have stayed under the radar of the inverse problem community. In this survey, we aim to change that. In doing so, we first discuss current state-of-the-art optimization methods widely used in inverse problems. We then survey recent related advances in addressing similar challenges in problems faced by the machine learning community, and discuss their potential advantages for solving inverse problems. By highlighting the similarities among the optimization challenges faced by the inverse problem and the machine learning communities, we hope that this survey can serve as a bridge in bringing together these two communities and encourage cross fertilization of ideas.Comment: 13 page

    Algorithms for Difference-of-Convex (DC) Programs Based on Difference-of-Moreau-Envelopes Smoothing

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    In this paper we consider minimization of a difference-of-convex (DC) function with and without linear constraints. We first study a smooth approximation of a generic DC function, termed difference-of-Moreau-envelopes (DME) smoothing, where both components of the DC function are replaced by their respective Moreau envelopes. The resulting smooth approximation is shown to be Lipschitz differentiable, capture stationary points, local, and global minima of the original DC function, and enjoy some growth conditions, such as level-boundedness and coercivity, for broad classes of DC functions. We then develop four algorithms for solving DC programs with and without linear constraints based on the DME smoothing. In particular, for a smoothed DC program without linear constraints, we show that the classic gradient descent method as well as an inexact variant can obtain a stationary solution in the limit with a convergence rate of O(K1/2)\mathcal{O}(K^{-1/2}), where KK is the number of proximal evaluations of both components. Furthermore, when the DC program is explicitly constrained in an affine subspace, we combine the smoothing technique with the augmented Lagrangian function and derive two variants of the augmented Lagrangian method (ALM), named LCDC-ALM and composite LCDC-ALM, focusing on different structures of the DC objective function. We show that both algorithms find an ϵ\epsilon-approximate stationary solution of the original DC program in O(ϵ2)\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^{-2}) iterations. Comparing to existing methods designed for linearly constrained weakly convex minimization, the proposed ALM-based algorithms can be applied to a broader class of problems, where the objective contains a nonsmooth concave component. Finally, numerical experiments are presented to demonstrate the performance of the proposed algorithms