2 research outputs found

    Pregled literature o empirijskim istraživanjima o utjecaju digitalnih igara na stilove učenja i višestruke inteligencije

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    The paper presents a review of literature resources that studied the effects of digital games on students\u27 learning and intelligence. The research included 5,740 scientific papers from 11 electronic repositories that presented various evidence of multidimensional impact of digital games on students. Categorization and application of multiple qualitative criteria identified 36 representative papers that presented empirical evidence. Various indicators and benchmarks used in papers were analysed, taking into account the methodological limitations. The results confirm the complex relations between digital games andlearning styles and multiple intelligences on which the recommendations and questions for future research are created.U radu se daje pregled literature koja prikazuje rezultate istraživanja o utjecaju digitalnih igara na učenje i inteligencije učenika. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 5740 znanstvenih radova iz 11 elektroničkih repozitorija, a koji su pružili raznolike dokaze o višedimenzionalnom utjecaju digitalnih igara na učenike. Kategorizacijom i primjenom višestrukih kvalitativnih kriterija pronađeno je 36 odgovarajućih radova koji su sadržavali empirijske dokaze. U radovima su analizirani raznovrsni indikatori i referentne točke, uzimajući u obzir metodološka ograničenja. Rezultati potvrđuju kompleksne veze između digitalnih igara i stilova učenja, kao i višestrukih inteligencija, na temelju kojih se stvaraju preporuke i pitanja za buduća istraživanja

    An Incremental Model for Developing Computer-based Learning Environments for Problem-based Learning

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    Problem-based learning (PBL) is a pedagogical strategy that centers learning activities around the investigation and development of solutions to complex and ill-structured authentic problems. It requires additional support and resources for students and instructors to use it in schools. Computer-based interactive learning environments have been used to provide students authentic and supportive settings for PBL. These systems, however, require significant upfront development effort before they can be put into use. In this paper, we describe an incremental model that allows instructors to author the learning environment during real use. In our model, an instructor is part of the feedback loop, complementing system feedback and collecting materials to be incorporated into the system. By working within the system, the instructor can observe detailed traces of student learning activities in the system and provide individualized coaching and critiquing. We describe our experience in developing Corrosion Investigator, a web-based learning environment, as an exemplar of our model. We focus on how the system is designed to facilitate instructor involvement and support incremental authoring. We present empirical results showing materials collected through use and benefits to the students and teachers. 1