147 research outputs found

    Nonconvex Stochastic Bregman Proximal Gradient Method with Application to Deep Learning

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    The widely used stochastic gradient methods for minimizing nonconvex composite objective functions require the Lipschitz smoothness of the differentiable part. But the requirement does not hold true for problem classes including quadratic inverse problems and training neural networks. To address this issue, we investigate a family of stochastic Bregman proximal gradient (SBPG) methods, which only require smooth adaptivity of the differentiable part. SBPG replaces the upper quadratic approximation used in SGD with the Bregman proximity measure, resulting in a better approximation model that captures the non-Lipschitz gradients of the nonconvex objective. We formulate the vanilla SBPG and establish its convergence properties under nonconvex setting without finite-sum structure. Experimental results on quadratic inverse problems testify the robustness of SBPG. Moreover, we propose a momentum-based version of SBPG (MSBPG) and prove it has improved convergence properties. We apply MSBPG to the training of deep neural networks with a polynomial kernel function, which ensures the smooth adaptivity of the loss function. Experimental results on representative benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of MSBPG in training neural networks. Since the additional computation cost of MSBPG compared with SGD is negligible in large-scale optimization, MSBPG can potentially be employed as an universal open-source optimizer in the future.Comment: 37 page

    Catalyst Acceleration for Gradient-Based Non-Convex Optimization

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    We introduce a generic scheme to solve nonconvex optimization problems using gradient-based algorithms originally designed for minimizing convex functions. Even though these methods may originally require convexity to operate, the proposed approach allows one to use them on weakly convex objectives, which covers a large class of non-convex functions typically appearing in machine learning and signal processing. In general, the scheme is guaranteed to produce a stationary point with a worst-case efficiency typical of first-order methods, and when the objective turns out to be convex, it automatically accelerates in the sense of Nesterov and achieves near-optimal convergence rate in function values. These properties are achieved without assuming any knowledge about the convexity of the objective, by automatically adapting to the unknown weak convexity constant. We conclude the paper by showing promising experimental results obtained by applying our approach to incremental algorithms such as SVRG and SAGA for sparse matrix factorization and for learning neural networks

    Differentially Private Accelerated Optimization Algorithms

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    We present two classes of differentially private optimization algorithms derived from the well-known accelerated first-order methods. The first algorithm is inspired by Polyak's heavy ball method and employs a smoothing approach to decrease the accumulated noise on the gradient steps required for differential privacy. The second class of algorithms are based on Nesterov's accelerated gradient method and its recent multi-stage variant. We propose a noise dividing mechanism for the iterations of Nesterov's method in order to improve the error behavior of the algorithm. The convergence rate analyses are provided for both the heavy ball and the Nesterov's accelerated gradient method with the help of the dynamical system analysis techniques. Finally, we conclude with our numerical experiments showing that the presented algorithms have advantages over the well-known differentially private algorithms.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figure