34,677 research outputs found

    Discretized Radial Projections in Rd\mathbb{R}^d

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    We generalize a Furstenberg-type result of Orponen-Shmerkin to higher dimensions, leading to an ϵ\epsilon-improvement in Kaufman's projection theorem for hyperplanes and an unconditional discretized radial projection theorem in the spirit of Orponen-Shmerkin-Wang. Our proof relies on a new incidence estimate for δ\delta-tubes and a quasi-product set of δ\delta-balls in Rd\mathbb{R}^d.Comment: 58 page

    Incidences between points and lines in three dimensions

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    We give a fairly elementary and simple proof that shows that the number of incidences between mm points and nn lines in R3{\mathbb R}^3, so that no plane contains more than ss lines, is O(m1/2n3/4+m2/3n1/3s1/3+m+n) O\left(m^{1/2}n^{3/4}+ m^{2/3}n^{1/3}s^{1/3} + m + n\right) (in the precise statement, the constant of proportionality of the first and third terms depends, in a rather weak manner, on the relation between mm and nn). This bound, originally obtained by Guth and Katz~\cite{GK2} as a major step in their solution of Erd{\H o}s's distinct distances problem, is also a major new result in incidence geometry, an area that has picked up considerable momentum in the past six years. Its original proof uses fairly involved machinery from algebraic and differential geometry, so it is highly desirable to simplify the proof, in the interest of better understanding the geometric structure of the problem, and providing new tools for tackling similar problems. This has recently been undertaken by Guth~\cite{Gu14}. The present paper presents a different and simpler derivation, with better bounds than those in \cite{Gu14}, and without the restrictive assumptions made there. Our result has a potential for applications to other incidence problems in higher dimensions

    A point-line incidence identity in finite fields, and applications

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    Let E⊆Fq2E \subseteq \mathbb{F}_q^2 be a set in the 2-dimensional vector space over a finite field with qq elements. We prove an identity for the second moment of its incidence function and deduce a variety of existing results from the literature, not all naturally associated with lines in Fq2\mathbb{F}_q^2, in a unified and elementary way.Comment: 30 page
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