912 research outputs found

    Computing Approximate Nash Equilibria in Polymatrix Games

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    In an ϵ\epsilon-Nash equilibrium, a player can gain at most ϵ\epsilon by unilaterally changing his behaviour. For two-player (bimatrix) games with payoffs in [0,1][0,1], the best-knownϵ\epsilon achievable in polynomial time is 0.3393. In general, for nn-player games an ϵ\epsilon-Nash equilibrium can be computed in polynomial time for an ϵ\epsilon that is an increasing function of nn but does not depend on the number of strategies of the players. For three-player and four-player games the corresponding values of ϵ\epsilon are 0.6022 and 0.7153, respectively. Polymatrix games are a restriction of general nn-player games where a player's payoff is the sum of payoffs from a number of bimatrix games. There exists a very small but constant ϵ\epsilon such that computing an ϵ\epsilon-Nash equilibrium of a polymatrix game is \PPAD-hard. Our main result is that a (0.5+δ)(0.5+\delta)-Nash equilibrium of an nn-player polymatrix game can be computed in time polynomial in the input size and 1δ\frac{1}{\delta}. Inspired by the algorithm of Tsaknakis and Spirakis, our algorithm uses gradient descent on the maximum regret of the players. We also show that this algorithm can be applied to efficiently find a (0.5+δ)(0.5+\delta)-Nash equilibrium in a two-player Bayesian game

    Complexity Theory, Game Theory, and Economics: The Barbados Lectures

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    This document collects the lecture notes from my mini-course "Complexity Theory, Game Theory, and Economics," taught at the Bellairs Research Institute of McGill University, Holetown, Barbados, February 19--23, 2017, as the 29th McGill Invitational Workshop on Computational Complexity. The goal of this mini-course is twofold: (i) to explain how complexity theory has helped illuminate several barriers in economics and game theory; and (ii) to illustrate how game-theoretic questions have led to new and interesting complexity theory, including recent several breakthroughs. It consists of two five-lecture sequences: the Solar Lectures, focusing on the communication and computational complexity of computing equilibria; and the Lunar Lectures, focusing on applications of complexity theory in game theory and economics. No background in game theory is assumed.Comment: Revised v2 from December 2019 corrects some errors in and adds some recent citations to v1 Revised v3 corrects a few typos in v

    Separable and Low-Rank Continuous Games

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    In this paper, we study nonzero-sum separable games, which are continuous games whose payoffs take a sum-of-products form. Included in this subclass are all finite games and polynomial games. We investigate the structure of equilibria in separable games. We show that these games admit finitely supported Nash equilibria. Motivated by the bounds on the supports of mixed equilibria in two-player finite games in terms of the ranks of the payoff matrices, we define the notion of the rank of an n-player continuous game and use this to provide bounds on the cardinality of the support of equilibrium strategies. We present a general characterization theorem that states that a continuous game has finite rank if and only if it is separable. Using our rank results, we present an efficient algorithm for computing approximate equilibria of two-player separable games with fixed strategy spaces in time polynomial in the rank of the game

    A Size-Free CLT for Poisson Multinomials and its Applications

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    An (n,k)(n,k)-Poisson Multinomial Distribution (PMD) is the distribution of the sum of nn independent random vectors supported on the set Bk={e1,,ek}{\cal B}_k=\{e_1,\ldots,e_k\} of standard basis vectors in Rk\mathbb{R}^k. We show that any (n,k)(n,k)-PMD is poly(kσ){\rm poly}\left({k\over \sigma}\right)-close in total variation distance to the (appropriately discretized) multi-dimensional Gaussian with the same first two moments, removing the dependence on nn from the Central Limit Theorem of Valiant and Valiant. Interestingly, our CLT is obtained by bootstrapping the Valiant-Valiant CLT itself through the structural characterization of PMDs shown in recent work by Daskalakis, Kamath, and Tzamos. In turn, our stronger CLT can be leveraged to obtain an efficient PTAS for approximate Nash equilibria in anonymous games, significantly improving the state of the art, and matching qualitatively the running time dependence on nn and 1/ε1/\varepsilon of the best known algorithm for two-strategy anonymous games. Our new CLT also enables the construction of covers for the set of (n,k)(n,k)-PMDs, which are proper and whose size is shown to be essentially optimal. Our cover construction combines our CLT with the Shapley-Folkman theorem and recent sparsification results for Laplacian matrices by Batson, Spielman, and Srivastava. Our cover size lower bound is based on an algebraic geometric construction. Finally, leveraging the structural properties of the Fourier spectrum of PMDs we show that these distributions can be learned from Ok(1/ε2)O_k(1/\varepsilon^2) samples in polyk(1/ε){\rm poly}_k(1/\varepsilon)-time, removing the quasi-polynomial dependence of the running time on 1/ε1/\varepsilon from the algorithm of Daskalakis, Kamath, and Tzamos.Comment: To appear in STOC 201

    A Polynomial-Time Algorithm for 1/3-Approximate Nash Equilibria in Bimatrix Games

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    Since the celebrated PPAD-completeness result for Nash equilibria in bimatrix games, a long line of research has focused on polynomial-time algorithms that compute ?-approximate Nash equilibria. Finding the best possible approximation guarantee that we can have in polynomial time has been a fundamental and non-trivial pursuit on settling the complexity of approximate equilibria. Despite a significant amount of effort, the algorithm of Tsaknakis and Spirakis [Tsaknakis and Spirakis, 2008], with an approximation guarantee of (0.3393+?), remains the state of the art over the last 15 years. In this paper, we propose a new refinement of the Tsaknakis-Spirakis algorithm, resulting in a polynomial-time algorithm that computes a (1/3+?)-Nash equilibrium, for any constant ? > 0. The main idea of our approach is to go beyond the use of convex combinations of primal and dual strategies, as defined in the optimization framework of [Tsaknakis and Spirakis, 2008], and enrich the pool of strategies from which we build the strategy profiles that we output in certain bottleneck cases of the algorithm

    The Complexity of Non-Monotone Markets

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    We introduce the notion of non-monotone utilities, which covers a wide variety of utility functions in economic theory. We then prove that it is PPAD-hard to compute an approximate Arrow-Debreu market equilibrium in markets with linear and non-monotone utilities. Building on this result, we settle the long-standing open problem regarding the computation of an approximate Arrow-Debreu market equilibrium in markets with CES utility functions, by proving that it is PPAD-complete when the Constant Elasticity of Substitution parameter \rho is any constant less than -1

    A Polynomial-Time Algorithm for 1/2-Well-Supported Nash Equilibria in Bimatrix Games

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    Since the seminal PPAD-completeness result for computing a Nash equilibrium even in two-player games, an important line of research has focused on relaxations achievable in polynomial time. In this paper, we consider the notion of ε\varepsilon-well-supported Nash equilibrium, where ε[0,1]\varepsilon \in [0,1] corresponds to the approximation guarantee. Put simply, in an ε\varepsilon-well-supported equilibrium, every player chooses with positive probability actions that are within ε\varepsilon of the maximum achievable payoff, against the other player's strategy. Ever since the initial approximation guarantee of 2/3 for well-supported equilibria, which was established more than a decade ago, the progress on this problem has been extremely slow and incremental. Notably, the small improvements to 0.6608, and finally to 0.6528, were achieved by algorithms of growing complexity. Our main result is a simple and intuitive algorithm, that improves the approximation guarantee to 1/2. Our algorithm is based on linear programming and in particular on exploiting suitably defined zero-sum games that arise from the payoff matrices of the two players. As a byproduct, we show how to achieve the same approximation guarantee in a query-efficient way