1,478 research outputs found

    Recent advances in coding theory for near error-free communications

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    Channel and source coding theories are discussed. The following subject areas are covered: large constraint length convolutional codes (the Galileo code); decoder design (the big Viterbi decoder); Voyager's and Galileo's data compression scheme; current research in data compression for images; neural networks for soft decoding; neural networks for source decoding; finite-state codes; and fractals for data compression

    Turbo Decoding and Detection for Wireless Applications

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    A historical perspective of turbo coding and turbo transceivers inspired by the generic turbo principles is provided, as it evolved from Shannon’s visionary predictions. More specifically, we commence by discussing the turbo principles, which have been shown to be capable of performing close to Shannon’s capacity limit. We continue by reviewing the classic maximum a posteriori probability decoder. These discussions are followed by studying the effect of a range of system parameters in a systematic fashion, in order to gauge their performance ramifications. In the second part of this treatise, we focus our attention on the family of iterative receivers designed for wireless communication systems, which were partly inspired by the invention of turbo codes. More specifically, the family of iteratively detected joint coding and modulation schemes, turbo equalization, concatenated spacetime and channel coding arrangements, as well as multi-user detection and three-stage multimedia systems are highlighted

    Convolutional coded dual header pulse interval modulation for line of sight photonic wireless links.

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    The analysis and simulation for convolutional coded dual header pulse interval modulation (CC-DH-PIM) scheme using a rate ½ convolutional code with the constraint length of 3 is presented. Decoding is implemented using the Viterbi algorithm with a hard decision. Mathematical analysis for the slot error rate (SER) upper bounds is presented and results are compared with the simulated data for a number of different modulation techniques. The authors show that the coded DH-PIM outperforms the pulse position modulation (PPM) scheme and offers >4 dB code gain at the SER of 10?4 compared to the standard DH-PIM. Results presented show that the CC-DH-PIM with a higher constraint length of 7 offers a code gain of 2 dB at SER of 10?5 compared to the CC-DH-PIM with a constraint length of 3. However, in CC-DH-PIM the improvement in the error performance is achieved at the cost of reduced transmission throughput compared to the standard DH-PIM

    Self-concatenated code design and its application in power-efficient cooperative communications

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    In this tutorial, we have focused on the design of binary self-concatenated coding schemes with the help of EXtrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) charts and Union bound analysis. The design methodology of future iteratively decoded self-concatenated aided cooperative communication schemes is presented. In doing so, we will identify the most important milestones in the area of channel coding, concatenated coding schemes and cooperative communication systems till date and suggest future research directions

    Transmission and detection for space-time block coding and v-blast systems

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    This dissertation focuses on topics of data transmission and detection of space -time block codes (STBC). The STBCs can be divided into two main categories, namely, the orthogonal space-time block codes (OSTBC) and the quasi-orthogonal space-time codes (Q-OSTBC). The space-time block coded systems from transceiver design perspective for both narrow-band and frequency selective wireless environment are studied. The dissertation also processes and studies a fast iterative detection scheme for a high-rate space-time transmission system, the V-BLAST system. In Chapter 2, a new OSTBC scheme with full-rate and full-diversity, which can be used on QPSK transceiver systems with four transmit antennas and any number of receivers is studied. The newly proposed coding scheme is a non-linear coding. Compared with full-diversity QOSTBC, an obvious advantage of our proposed new OSTBC is that the coded signals transmitted through all four transmit antennas do not experience any constellation expansion. In Chapter 3, a new fast coherent detection algorithm is proposed to provide maximum likelihood (ML) detection for Q-OSTBC. The new detection scheme is also very useful to analysis the diversity property of Q-OSTBC and design full diversity Q-OSTBC codes. The complexity of the new proposed detection algorithm can be independent to the modulation order and is especially suitable for high data rate transmission. In Chapter 4, the space-time coding schemes in frequency selective channels are studied. Q-OSTC transmission and detection schemes are firstly extended for frequency selective wireless environment. A new block based quasi-orthogonal space-time block encoding and decoding (Q-OSTBC) scheme for a wireless system with four transmit antennas is proposed in frequency selective fading channels. The proposed MLSE detection scheme effectively combats channel dispersion and frequency selectivity due to multipath, yet still provides full diversity gain. However, since the computational complexity of MLSE detection increases exponentially with the maximum delay of the frequency selective channel, a fast sub-optimal detection scheme using MMSE equalizer is also proposed, especially for channels with large delays. The Chapter 5 focuses on the V-BLAST system, an important high-rate space-time data transmission scheme. A reduced complexity ML detection scheme for VBLAST systems, which uses a pre-decoder guided local exhaustive search is proposed and studied. A polygon searching algorithm and an ordered successive interference cancellation (O-SIC) sphere searching algorithm are major components of the proposed multi-step ML detectors. At reasonable high SNRs, our algorithms have low complexity comparable to that of O-SIC algorithm, while they provide significant performance improvement. Another new low complexity algorithm termed ordered group-wise interference cancellation (O-GIC) is also proposed for the detection of high dimensional V-BLAST systems. The O-GIC based detection scheme is a sub-optimal detection scheme, however, it outperforms the O-SIC

    Study of information transfer optimization for communication satellites

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    The results are presented of a study of source coding, modulation/channel coding, and systems techniques for application to teleconferencing over high data rate digital communication satellite links. Simultaneous transmission of video, voice, data, and/or graphics is possible in various teleconferencing modes and one-way, two-way, and broadcast modes are considered. A satellite channel model including filters, limiter, a TWT, detectors, and an optimized equalizer is treated in detail. A complete analysis is presented for one set of system assumptions which exclude nonlinear gain and phase distortion in the TWT. Modulation, demodulation, and channel coding are considered, based on an additive white Gaussian noise channel model which is an idealization of an equalized channel. Source coding with emphasis on video data compression is reviewed, and the experimental facility utilized to test promising techniques is fully described

    Space-Time Codes Concatenated with Turbo Codes over Fading Channels

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    The uses of space-time code (STC) and iterative processing have enabled robust communications over fading channels at previously unachievable signal-to-noise ratios. Maintaining desired transmission rate while improving the diversity from STC is challenging, and the performance of the STC suffers considerably due to lack of channel state information (CSI). This dissertation research addresses issues of considerable importance in the design of STC with emphasis on efficient concatenation of channel coding and STC with theoretical bound derivation of the proposed schemes, iterative space-time trellis coding (STTC), and differential space-time codes. First, we concatenate space-time block code (STBC) with turbo code for improving diversity gain as well as coding gain. Proper soft-information sharing is indispensable to the iterative decoding process. We derive the required soft outputs from STBC decoders for passing to outer turbo code. Traditionally, the performance of STBC schemes has been evaluated under perfect channel estimation. For fast time-varying channel, obtaining the CSI is tedious if not impossible. We introduce a scheme of calculating the CSI at the receiver from the received signal without the explicit channel estimation. The encoder of STTC, which is generally decoded using Viterbi like algorithm, is based on a trellis structure. This trellis structure provides an inherent advantage for the STTC scheme that an iterative decoding is feasible with the minimal addition computational complexity. An iteratively decoded space-time trellis coding (ISTTC) is proposed in this dissertation, where the STTC schemes are used as constituent codes of turbo code. Then, the performance upper bound of the proposed ISTTC is derived. Finally, for implementing STBC without channel estimation and maintaining trans- mission rate, we concatenate differential space-time block codes (DSTBC) with ISTTC. The serial concatenation of DSTBC or STBC with ISTTC offers improving performance, even without an outer channel code. These schemes reduce the system complexity com- pared to the standalone ISTTC and increase the transmission rate under the same SNR condition. Detailed design procedures of these proposed schemes are analyzed