51 research outputs found

    A scheduling strategy for shared memory multiprocessors

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    technical reportAn efficient scheduling strategy for shared memory multiprocessors is described. The rapid dissemination of tasks to available procesors and ready queues is crucial to the performance of any parallel system. Such overheads determine the attainable speedup and performance of the system. Poor techniques used to address this can lead to severe degradation in performance particulary with high processor counts. This work has been conducted in the context of a parallel functional language-CoF, where the parallelism is usually fine grained and the efficient assignment of tasks to processors even more important. In such systems, observing strict queue semantics (i.e., FIFO) is not essesntial. This allows for very efficient algorithms such as that described here. On the BBN GP1000, our technique was superior in performance to the centralized queue and has the potential of performing well on a fully configured GP1000

    Three Highly Parallel Computer Architectures and Their Suitability for Three Representative Artificial Intelligence Problems

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    Virtually all current Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications are designed to run on sequential (von Neumann) computer architectures. As a result, current systems do not scale up. As knowledge is added to these systems, a point is reached where their performance quickly degrades. The performance of a von Neumann machine is limited by the bandwidth between memory and processor (the von Neumann bottleneck). The bottleneck is avoided by distributing the processing power across the memory of the computer. In this scheme the memory becomes the processor (a smart memory ). This paper highlights the relationship between three representative AI application domains, namely knowledge representation, rule-based expert systems, and vision, and their parallel hardware realizations. Three machines, covering a wide range of fundamental properties of parallel processors, namely module granularity, concurrency control, and communication geometry, are reviewed: the Connection Machine (a fine-grained SIMD hypercube), DADO (a medium-grained MIMD/SIMD/MSIMD tree-machine), and the Butterfly (a coarse-grained MIMD Butterflyswitch machine)

    An abstract machine for parallel graph reduction

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    technical reportAn abstract machine for parallel graph reduction on a shared memory multiprocessor is described. This is intended primarily for normal order (lazy) evaluation of functional programs. It is absolutely essential in such a design to adapt an efficient sequential model since during execution under limited resources available, performance will be reduced in the limit to that of the sequential engine. Parallel evaluation of normal order functional languages performed naively can result in poor overall performance despite the availability of sufficient processing elements and parallelism in the application. Needless context switching, task migration and continuation building may occur when a sequential thread of control would have sufficed. Furthermore, the compiler using static information cannot be fully aware of the availability of resources and their optimal utilization at any moment in run time. Indeed this may vary between runs which further aggravates the job of the compiler writer in generating optimal and compact code for programs. The benefits derived from this model are: 1) it is based on the G-machine so that execution under limited resources will default to a performance close to that of the G-machine; 2) the additional instructions needed to control the complexities of parallel evaluation are extremely simple, almost trivializing the job of the compiler writer; 3) attempts are made where possible to avoid context switching and task migration by retaining a sequential thread of control (made more clear in the paper), and 4) the method has demonstrated good overall performance on a shared memory multiprocessor

    Ground Systems Development Environment (GSDE) interface requirements analysis

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    A set of procedural and functional requirements are presented for the interface between software development environments and software integration and test systems used for space station ground systems software. The requirements focus on the need for centralized configuration management of software as it is transitioned from development to formal, target based testing. This concludes the GSDE Interface Requirements study. A summary is presented of findings concerning the interface itself, possible interface and prototyping directions for further study, and results of the investigation of the Cronus distributed applications environment

    State-of-the-art Assessment For Simulated Forces

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    Summary of the review of the state of the art in simulated forces conducted to support the research objectives of Research and Development for Intelligent Simulated Forces

    Semantic definition of a subset of the structured query language (SQL)

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    Journal ArticleSQL is a relational database definition and manipulation language. Portions of the manipulation language are readily described in terms of relational algebra. The semantics of a subset of the SQL select statement is described. The select statement allows the user to query the database. The select statement is shown to be equivalent to a series of relational and set operations. The semantics are described in terms of abstract data types for relation schemes, tuples, and relations. Certain forms of the union or intersection of two select statements are shown to have equivalent single select statement forms

    Literature Review For Networking And Communication Technology

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    Report documents the results of a literature search performed in the area of networking and communication technology

    A distributed object-oriented graphical programming system

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    technical reportThis report presents the design of a distributed parallel object system (DPOS) and its implementation using a graphical editing interface. DPOS brings together concepts of object-oriented programming and graphical programming with aspects of modern functional languages. Programs are defined as networks of active processes called "Process Objects" and interconnecting communications lines. These active objects are independent single threaded programs that employ much of the modularity, encapsulation of function, and encapsulation of data found in sequential object-oriented programming. The system defines a clear and simple approach to generating and managing parallelism and interprocess communication in a distributed parallel environment. DPOS contributes several new solutions to the problems of distributed parallel programming that are improvements over existing systems. The key improvements of this system include: a more complete and versatile means of dynamic process creation; the specification of complex network topologies in an intuitively clear and understandable way; seperation of the management of parallelism from the definition of computation; automatic resolution of low level critical section issues; the ability to design and develop separate processes as traditional single threaded programs; the encapsulation and incremental development of programs subnetworks; application of graphical programming concepts to high level programming

    Centre for Information Science Research Annual Report, 1987-1991

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    Annual reports from various departments of the AN