565 research outputs found

    On the Relations Between Diffie-Hellman and ID-Based Key Agreement from Pairings

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    This paper studies the relationships between the traditional Diffie-Hellman key agreement protocol and the identity-based (ID-based) key agreement protocol from pairings. For the Sakai-Ohgishi-Kasahara (SOK) ID-based key construction, we show that identical to the Diffie-Hellman protocol, the SOK key agreement protocol also has three variants, namely \emph{ephemeral}, \emph{semi-static} and \emph{static} versions. Upon this, we build solid relations between authenticated Diffie-Hellman (Auth-DH) protocols and ID-based authenticated key agreement (IB-AK) protocols, whereby we present two \emph{substitution rules} for this two types of protocols. The rules enable a conversion between the two types of protocols. In particular, we obtain the \emph{real} ID-based version of the well-known MQV (and HMQV) protocol. Similarly, for the Sakai-Kasahara (SK) key construction, we show that the key transport protocol underlining the SK ID-based encryption scheme (which we call the "SK protocol") has its non-ID counterpart, namely the Hughes protocol. Based on this observation, we establish relations between corresponding ID-based and non-ID-based protocols. In particular, we propose a highly enhanced version of the McCullagh-Barreto protocol

    Still Wrong Use of Pairings in Cryptography

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    Several pairing-based cryptographic protocols are recently proposed with a wide variety of new novel applications including the ones in emerging technologies like cloud computing, internet of things (IoT), e-health systems and wearable technologies. There have been however a wide range of incorrect use of these primitives. The paper of Galbraith, Paterson, and Smart (2006) pointed out most of the issues related to the incorrect use of pairing-based cryptography. However, we noticed that some recently proposed applications still do not use these primitives correctly. This leads to unrealizable, insecure or too inefficient designs of pairing-based protocols. We observed that one reason is not being aware of the recent advancements on solving the discrete logarithm problems in some groups. The main purpose of this article is to give an understandable, informative, and the most up-to-date criteria for the correct use of pairing-based cryptography. We thereby deliberately avoid most of the technical details and rather give special emphasis on the importance of the correct use of bilinear maps by realizing secure cryptographic protocols. We list a collection of some recent papers having wrong security assumptions or realizability/efficiency issues. Finally, we give a compact and an up-to-date recipe of the correct use of pairings.Comment: 25 page

    Two-Party Threshold Key Agreement Protocol for MANETs using Pairings

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    In MANET environment, the nodes are mobile i.e., nodes move in and out dynamically. This causes difficulty in maintaining a central trusted authority say Certification Authority CA or Key Generation Centre KCG. In addition most of cryptographic techniques need a key to be shared between the two communicating entities. So to introduce security in MANET environment, there is a basic need of sharing a key between the two communicating entities without the use of central trusted authority. So we present a decentralized two-party key agreement protocol using pairings and threshold cryptography ideas. Our model is based on Joux2019;s three-party key agreement protocol which does not authenticate the users and hence is vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attack. This model protects from man-in-the-middle attack using threshold cryptography

    Two secure non-symmetric role Key-Agreement protocols

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    Recently, some two-party Authenticated Key Agreement protocols over elliptic curve based algebraic groups, in the context of Identity-Based cryptography have been proposed. The main contribution of this category of protocols is to reduce the complexity of performing algebraic operations through eliminating the need to using Bilinear Pairings. In this paper, we proposed two novel Identity-Based Authenticated Key Agreement protocols over non-symmetric role participants without using Bilinear Pairings. The results show that our proposed schemes beside of supporting security requirements of Key Agreement protocols, require a subset of operations with low complexity in compare with related protocols in this scientific area

    Analysis of two pairing-based three-party password authenticated key exchange protocols

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    Password-Authenticated Key Exchange (PAKE) protocols allow parties to share secret keys in an authentic manner based on an easily memorizable password. Recently, Nam et al. showed that a provably secure three-party password-based authenticated key exchange protocol using Weil pairing by Wen et al. is vulnerable to a man-in-the-middle attack. In doing so, Nam et al. showed the flaws in the proof of Wen et al. and described how to fix the problem so that their attack no longer works. In this paper, we show that both Wen et al. and Nam et al. variants fall to key compromise impersonation by any adversary. Our results underline the fact that although the provable security approach is necessary to designing PAKEs, gaps still exist between what can be proven and what are really secure in practice

    An Authenticated Key Agreement Scheme using Vector Decomposition

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    Encryption using vector decomposition problem (VDP) on higher dimensional vector spaces is a novel method in cryptography. Yoshida has shown that the VDP on a two-dimensional vector space is at least as hard as the computational Diffie-Hellman problem on a one-dimensional subspace under certain conditions. Steven Galbraith has shown that for certain curves, the VDP is at most as hard as the discrete logarithm problem on a one-dimensional subspace. Okomoto and Takashima proposed encryption scheme and signature schemes using VDP. An authenticated key agreement scheme using vector decomposition problem is proposed in this pape