2 research outputs found

    A Meta Model Based Extension of BPMN 2.0 for Mobile Context Sensitive Business Processes and Applications

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    Smart devices like smartphones or tablets have become ubiquitous, which affected many daily work activities like maintaining contacts via a mobile CRM anywhere, anytime. Thus, business processes can now be executed independently of an employee’s location. In addition, mobile devices have the possibility to measure physical quantities through sensors, like location or acceleration. Moreover, the connection to wireless networks made it possible to query context information like customer history. These context information can be used to adapt mobile business processes and the mobile application that support them. But in order to use this advantage, mobile sensor data has to be reflected in the business process model. As current languages for process aware information systems, such as BPMN, do not support the influence of mobile context information, we propose an extension of the BPMN that will enable the modeling of mobile context sensitive business processes

    Sistem Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru (PPDB) Online di SMA Muhammadiyah Al-Kautsar Program Khusus Kartasura Berbasis Website

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    The application of online-based new student admissions (PPDB) is an online acceptance of new students with an admissions system designed to automate the selection of new student admissions starting from the registration process, the selection examination process, to the process of announcing the results of the selection. All processes in accepting new students are carried out online and on a real time basis which are managed automatically by a computerized system and can be viewed at any time via the website and in real time. Acceptance of new students at SMA Muhammadiyah Al-Kautsar PK Kartasura is still very ineffective and takes a lot of time, because they have to go through different stages and go through different links, as well as contact persons who have to contact applicants which is very unacceptable. efficient. The purpose of this study was to develop a website-based PPDB Online system at SMA Muhammadiyah Al-Kautsar to make it easier for prospective students to register at the school and to make it easier for school staff to work. The method used is one of the SDLC methods, namely the waterfall method which has 5 stages including analysis, design, coding, testing, maintenance. The coding stage in this study uses the MERN stack. The system has gone through the stages of black-box testing which results in the conclusion that all the features contained in the system are running properly as they should. This PPDB Online system can process all needs related to the PPDB process at Muhammadiyah Al-Kautsar PK Kartasura High School