6 research outputs found

    Global-Scale Resource Survey and Performance Monitoring of Public OGC Web Map Services

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    One of the most widely-implemented service standards provided by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) to the user community is the Web Map Service (WMS). WMS is widely employed globally, but there is limited knowledge of the global distribution, adoption status or the service quality of these online WMS resources. To fill this void, we investigated global WMSs resources and performed distributed performance monitoring of these services. This paper explicates a distributed monitoring framework that was used to monitor 46,296 WMSs continuously for over one year and a crawling method to discover these WMSs. We analyzed server locations, provider types, themes, the spatiotemporal coverage of map layers and the service versions for 41,703 valid WMSs. Furthermore, we appraised the stability and performance of basic operations for 1210 selected WMSs (i.e., GetCapabilities and GetMap). We discuss the major reasons for request errors and performance issues, as well as the relationship between service response times and the spatiotemporal distribution of client monitoring sites. This paper will help service providers, end users and developers of standards to grasp the status of global WMS resources, as well as to understand the adoption status of OGC standards. The conclusions drawn in this paper can benefit geospatial resource discovery, service performance evaluation and guide service performance improvements.Comment: 24 pages; 15 figure

    Pemanfaatan Teknologi Web dan SMS Gateway Guna Meningkatkan Kualitas Layanan Perijinan

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    Meningkatnya minat investasi didalam negeri mempengaruhi tinggi rendahnya pertumbuhan ekonomi. Pemerintah serta instansi yang terkait mulai berbenah diri untuk memperbaiki kualitas layanannya. Dalam rangka pencapaian tujuan ditetapkan Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) layanan perijinan yaitu memberikan kepastian waktu penyelesaian pelayanan dan mewujudkan pelayanan yang mudah, cepat, tepat dan transparan maka Pemerintah Kabupaten Blora melalui Badan Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Perijinan (BPMPP) perlu menerapkan suatu sistem informasi yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan kualitas layanan perijinan kepada masyarakat. Dengan memanfaatkan teknologi web dan SMS gateway, prototype sistem informasi ini nantinya akan memberikan kemudahan bagi petugas layanan dalam memproses pendaftaran perijinan, menyusun naskah dokumen ijin yang akan diterbitkan serta memberikan kepastian status proses dari perijinan yang sedang diajukan oleh pengguna layanan.Meningkatnya minat investasi didalam negeri mempengaruhi tinggi rendahnya pertumbuhan ekonomi. Pemerintah serta instansi yang terkait mulai berbenah diri untuk memperbaiki kualitas layanannya. Dalam rangka pencapaian tujuan ditetapkan Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) layanan perijinan yaitu memberikan kepastian waktu penyelesaian pelayanan dan mewujudkan pelayanan yang mudah, cepat, tepat dan transparan maka Pemerintah Kabupaten Blora melalui Badan Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Perijinan (BPMPP) perlu menerapkan suatu sistem informasi yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan kualitas layanan perijinan kepada masyarakat. Dengan memanfaatkan teknologi web dan SMS gateway, prototype sistem informasi ini nantinya akan memberikan kemudahan bagi petugas layanan dalam memproses pendaftaran perijinan, menyusun naskah dokumen ijin yang akan diterbitkan serta memberikan kepastian status proses dari perijinan yang sedang diajukan oleh pengguna layanan

    CHOReOS perspective on the Future Internet and initial conceptual model (D1.2)

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    The D1.2 deliverable outlines the CHOReOS perspective on the Future Internet and its conceptualization. In particular, the deliverable focuses on: - Definition of the Future Internet and related Future Internet of Services and (Smart) Things, as considered within CHOReOS, further stressing the many dimensions underpinning the Ultra-Large Scale of the Future Internet; - Definition of the initial conceptual model of the CHOReOS Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) for the Future Internet, identifying the impact of the ULS dimensions upon the traditional SOA paradigms and associated infrastructure

    Service-Integration in Geschäftsprozessmanagementsystemen mit besonderem Fokus auf die Integration von ERP-Systemen unter Berücksichtigung des aktuellen Trends hin zum Cloud-Computing

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    Durch die konsequente Anwendung eines durchdachten Geschäftsprozess-mangements kann ein Unternehmen erreichen, sich seiner Abläufe zunächst bewusst zu werden und diese dann stetig zu verbessern. Doch nur wenn diese Geschäftsprozesse auch automatisiert werden, die Prozessdefinitionen also direkt auf entsprechenden Engines zur Ausführung gebracht werden, erreicht man echte Agilität mit einem effizienten Zusammenspiel von Business und IT. Diese Prozessautomatisierungen bestehen aus Orchestrierungen von Services, welche in einer „service-orientierten Architektur“ (SOA) die verschiedensten IT-Systeme kapseln, die wiederum die gesamten Daten des Unternehmens enthalten. Das effiziente Zusammenspiel von Geschäftsprozessmanagement und SOA hängt stark davon ab, wie gut von beiden Seiten auf die andere zugegangen wird. Auf der Seite der Prozesse ist es notwendig, dass die entsprechenden Modellierungstools und Ausführungsengines es erlauben, möglichst einfach, schnell und fehlerunanfällig Services einzubinden. Auf der Seite der Services müssen diese gut strukturiert und dokumentiert sein, damit sie gefunden und korrekt eingebunden werden können. In dieser Arbeit wird analysiert, wie sich die Situation heute an beiden Seiten darstellt. Ein besonderes Augenmerk wird dabei auf das Thema „Cloud-Computing“ gelegt, da gut beschriebene Services in diesem Bereich von existenzieller Wichtigkeit für die Anbieter sind. Weiterhin wird gezeigt, wie das Zusammenspiel mit Hilfe der Ideen aus dem Konzept „Extreme Model Driven Design“ (XMDD) besonders effizient und elegant realisiert werden kann. Einen besonderen Schwerpunkt bildet die Generierung von Prozessaktivitäten für große Servicesammlungen zum Beispiel von ERP-Systemen

    Information-seeking processes among primary school children in Australia and Malaysia

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    Interest in information behaviour and information seeking has encompassed the school context. As the Internet has become one of the most important sources of information in supporting primary children’s learning environments, information behaviour and information seeking by children has become a key issue that requires more in-depth research. Research in the present study was carried out in Malaysia and Australia. This research shows how children seek information within a school context, particularly the processes taken for information seeking. The research also identifies the challenges faced by school children in seeking information from the Internet. The research adapted Kuhlthau’s (1993) model of the six stages of the information search process – initiation, selection, exploration, formulation, collection and presentation – in order to address the research objectives. The research involved three phases of data collection. The first phase involved a broad survey (quantitative data) in order to allow generalisation of results from a primary school population to identify the usage, knowledge and challenges of using the Internet in the school setting. The next phase was observation. As the research focused on the information-seeking processes undertaken by primary school children, observation was the best way to carry out the investigation. It involved observation of children seeking information from the Internet as they performed information-seeking tasks in 20-minute sessions. Three sets of tasks were set. The observations were aided by the use of a checklist and note taking. The checklist was based on the Kuhlthau (1993) model of information seeking, and the note taking served as a memory aid that contained extensive detail from the observations. The final phase of the research involved interviews (qualitative data) with the teachers, directed at determining the primary school children’s information behaviour and how they undertook information seeking in the school settings. The research provides an understanding of information-seeking processes among primary school children and makes recommendations for information technology specialists on the design elements of information retrieval systems for primary school children based on the behavioural and information-seeking approaches used by the children and their teachers. A modified model of information-seeking processes is proposed. These modifications incorporate the use of the Internet in seeking information in the school environment