6 research outputs found

    The Effect of Green Organizational Culture and Green Innovation in influencing Competitive Advantage and Environmental Performance

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    The preset study investigated the role of green organizational culture as the antecedent of both green product and process innovation. In addition, the current examination also analyzed the unique contribution of both product and process innovation in prompting organizational competitiveness and environmental performance in Malaysian companies. In doing so, we apply Partial Least Square equation modeling approach. The results of the examination confirm that green product innovation, green process innovation and competitive advantage have positive and significant influenced by green organizational culture. Moreover, the results of PLS-SEM likewise confirm that competitive advantage is positive and significantly influenced by green product innovation and green process innovation. The outcomes further affirm that competitive advantage has positively and significantly impact on environmental performance in Malaysian manufacturing firms

    The Opportunities for Digital Conservation in Making Smarter Cities More Natural

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    Globally, the pace of urbanisation is increasing with 68 % of the world’s population projected to be urban by 2050. The quality of life for and engagement of these urban citizens is coming to the fore as a key issue for urban planners and decision makers as they pursue place-based initiatives to optimise city performance and sustainability credentials. Decision makers tackling multiple urban discourses such as the Smart City and Natural (or green or biophilic) Cities, which now heavily influence research policy and practice agendas, find themselves addressing tricky inter-disciplinary problems. Traditional sectoral silo approaches often hinder integration, reduce the quality of the natural environment and so often fail to deliver the multiple benefits expected by communities. Drawing on a desk based systematic review of the evidence base and a workshop involving key city stakeholders, we consider how digital conservation might contribute to new integrated approaches that consider people and nature together to contribute to the wider need to deliver public services in more innovative ways within cities that are both smart and natural. We suggest that added value is identified through the combination of new technologies and this potential new governance framework, to evidence and deliver the benefits of nature for urban citizens. This builds in citizen engagement for enhancing the natural environment by embedding and exploiting the potential of digital solutions. We comment on the strengths and weaknesses of how this new conceptual approach can improve integration of service delivery, whether it can also help overcome some of the problems and risks associated with digital conservation and if, by encouraging innovation through participatory governance, also help to inform the design a more inclusive smarter and natural city. Key words: smart, natural, digital conservation, green, co-production

    Projeto de tecnologias e sistemas de informação: estudo de caso no domínio do green computing

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Sistemas de InformaçãoA sustentabilidade ambiental é um problema presente em toda a sociedade e constitui um dos grandes desafios da atualidade. As Tecnologias da Informação têm neste contexto um papel de destaque, fruto das suas capacidades. A sua utilização generalizada leva a que o impacto a nível ambiental seja significativo e, como tal, cresce a importância da sua utilização de forma eficiente. As organizações têm um papel e responsabilidade centrais no que toca à sustentabilidade ambiental e deverão direcionar esforços para estratégias de sustentabilidade. Os Sistemas de Informação, como força impulsionadora da mudança e do desenvolvimento organizacional, podem ser uma ferramenta de promoção da eficiência na utilização dos recursos. O desenvolvimento das técnicas de virtualização veio permitir uma utilização mais eficiente dos recursos computacionais, impulsionando o advento do chamado Green Computing. Neste trabalho é abordado o conceito de Green Computing, analisando os aspetos organizacionais da implementação de estratégias de sustentabilidade ambiental, como a necessidade de consciencialização e de adaptação da cultura organizacional. Sendo a virtualização uma componente importante do Green Computing, será também analisado este assunto, nomeadamente em termos de modelos de virtualização de hardware, em especial no que respeita a virtual desktop. O desenvolvimento de Sistemas de Informação na perspetiva do duplo-uso será também contemplado, tendo em conta que a partilha de conhecimento possibilita o desenvolvimento de soluções com impacto generalizado na sociedade. Este trabalho visa o desenvolvimento de um estudo de aplicação dos domínios de Green Computing a nível organizacional. Assim, a principal finalidade e o respetivo contributo é a proposta de um processo para implementação organizacional de Green Computing, recorrendo à virtualização de hardware, focado na eficiência ambiental, tendo em consideração uma vertente de duplo-uso. Para o desenvolvimento do trabalho foi adotada a metodologia Design Science Research.Environmental sustainability is an emerging problem, representing one of the greatest challenges of today’s society. Among many sectors and industries, Information Technologies have also a prominent role on this subject. The widespread use of these technologies leads to a significant environmental impact, that has increasingly brought to the spotlight the importance of thinking in efficiency terms regarding technological solutions. Organizations have a central role and responsibility in environmental sustainability matters and should take the lead focusing efforts on sustainability strategies. Information Systems are a driving force on organizational change and development, naturally presenting a high potential as a tool to promote efficiency in resources management. Currently we can already see developments on virtualization techniques, enabling an increased efficiency on computing resources utilization and contributing to boost the advent of the so called Green Computing. This work concentrates on Green Computing, on the organizational aspects connected to the implementation of environmentally focused strategies, namely the necessity to raise organizational awareness and culture adaptation. Virtualization is also addressed as it is a key component on Green Computing, particularly hardware virtualization models and especially virtual desktop. Information Systems with a dual use perspective are also analyzed, as these largely contribute to knowledge sharing and therefore to enable solutions with high impact on society. The goal of this dissertation is to have a solid study on Green Computing applications on an organizational level. The main objective is the proposal of a process for organizational implementation of Green Computing principles, through hardware virtualization, focusing on the environmental efficiency and considering the particularities of the dual use. Design Science Research methodology was adopted for the development of this work

    Antecedents of sustainable organizing: A look at the relationship between organizational culture and the triple bottom line

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    This study used an international sample of 137 firms to examine the relationship between organizational culture and an organization's emphasis on, and its outcomes related to, financial, social, and ecological well-being. The study draws on configuration theory, the Competing Values Framework, and the Triple Bottom Line approach to suggest that: (1) a hierarchy culture is associated with greater emphasis on financially sustainable organizing and with better financial outcomes, (2) a clan culture is associated with greater emphasis on socially sustainable organizing and with better social outcomes, (3) a market culture is associated with greater emphasis on ecologically sustainable organizing and with better ecological outcomes, and (4) an adhocracy culture is associated with greater emphasis on holistically sustainable organizing and with better holistic outcomes. Using a case survey methodology and objective performance measures, the findings provide support for the hypothesized relationships between the hierarchy culture and financially sustainable organizing, the clan culture and socially sustainable organizing and outcomes, and the market culture and ecologically sustainable outcomes. These results suggest that organizational culture is related to sustainability in predictable ways, that a configuration theory approach is useful in understanding this relationship, and provide a basis for future research to explore additional configuration elements in sustainable organization typologies

    Green IT Model for Gulf Cooperation Council Organisations

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    This research aims to develop a Green IT model that suits the needs of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. A mix-methods approach that combines interviews with a survey was implemented to assess the model critically. The initial model developed for evaluating various Green models to assess the Governance, Social and Cultural, Information Technology and Green Management in GCC. The Green IT model aims to raise sustainability awareness in GCC countries based on their visions

    An exploration of the impact of organizational culture on the adoption of green IT

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    This paper investigates the impact of organizational culture on the degree of adoption of Green IT initiatives and on their success. It starts by exploring organizational culture, looks at the nature of culture within IT and then analyses the effect of culture on sustainable use of IT. It considers both sustainable uses of IT and the development of IT systems that promote sustainability. Cameron and Quinn's Competing Values Framework is used as a tool to explore organizational culture. Finally some recommendations on working with culture to promote sustainability within IT are provided. © 2013 IEEE