28 research outputs found

    HumanComputer Interaction:A General Behavioral Model for MIS Research

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    Cooperative Processing: An Agenda for Research

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    The purpose of this paper is to explore the potential research agenda for Cooperative Processing (COP). COP is a method of processing in which communications is an integral part of the process of executing an application. Numerous innovative products that support COP are starting to appear on the market. However, as is usually the case with any new technology, many organizations have not yet implemented COP. They have embraced a wait and see attitude. Such a stance can be attributed to the newness of the applications operating in COP mode and to the lack of data demonstrating COP\u27S uses and benefits. For example, no data, at present, demonstrates basic COP efficacy. Among many possible research areas this paper suggests topics such as: potential COP users, types of applications benefiting from the COP processing mode, and organizational and technological factors involved in COP implementation

    Measuring Organizational Level IS Usage and Its Impact on Manufacturing Performance

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    An Empirical Investigation of Decision-Making Satisfaction in Web-Based Decision Support Systems

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    Web-based information systems are increasingly being used for decision support applications. However few empirical studies have been conducted on web-based decision support systems (DSS). This experimental research endeavors to understand factors that impact decision-making satisfaction in web based decision support systems. Using structural equation modeling approach, the analysis reveals that information quality and system quality influence decision-making satisfaction, while information presentation does not have an effect on decision-making satisfaction


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    The debate concerning the legitimacy of MIS as a field of research has endured over the last decade. The absence of theories and lack of a cumulative research tradition have been areas of particular concern. The research reported in this article provides evidence on these important issues. The study systematically analyzed MIS articles in seven core journals over the period 1968-1988. The resulting database, consisting of 792 articles, was analyzed for themes and topics, and on the basis of type of article (empirical/non-empirical). The findings indicate that MIS research efforts have refocused in some areas, while much remains to be done in others. This study provides the opportunity to pause and reflect on the last twenty years of research in MIS and to take stock so that the research of the coming twenty years will extend and build upon the existing foundations

    Managing Information Technology for Service Quality: A Study from the Other Side

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    System quality, information quality, user IS characteristics, employee IS performance and technical support are identified as important elements that influence service quality. A model interrelating these constructs is proposed. Data collected through a national survey of IS departments in electric utility firms was used to test the model using regression and path analysis methodology. The results suggest that system quality, information quality, user IS characteristics through their effects on employee IS performance influence service quality while technical support influences service quality directly. The results also suggest that employee IS performance contributes more to service quality as compared to technical support. Implications of this research for IS theory and practice are discussed


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    L'introduction des nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication dans les entreprises, l'accroissement de la concurrence et la recherche d'être plus compétitifs ont progressivement conduit les firmes d'audit à utiliser de nouvelles démarches et procédures plus performantes. Avec le développement des nouvelles technologies de l'information, d'autres méthodes sont proposées, notamment, les gestionnaires électroniques de fichiers. Malgré les efforts déployés par les chercheurs pour mesurer l'impact de ces nouvelles technologies sur la performance des auditeurs, les résultats trouvés sont loin d'atteindre un consensus. De ce fait, le but de ce papier est de présenter une recherche en cours dont l'objectif est d'évaluer les effets de l'utilisation d'un gestionnaire électronique de fichiers (TI) sur la performance des auditeurs. La démarche proposée s'appuie sur un modèle qui formalise les relations directes et indirectes existant entre : Les déterminants de l'acceptation de TI, notamment les caractéristiques individuelles, les perceptions vis à vis de TI et l'acceptation traduite par l'utilisation de TI. Cette dernière agit à son tour sur la performance de l'auditeur. Cette performance sera mesurée en termes de productivité, la sécurité de l'opinion et la qualité du service offert au client. Le modèle est testé auprès d'un échantillon d'auditeurs d'un cabinet d'audit international parmi les " Big Four ".audit ; performance ; gestionnaire électronique de fichiers; modèle d'acceptation de la technologie ; caractéristiques individuelles ; productivité ; sécurité ; qualité de service