7 research outputs found

    Intrusion Detection System Berbasis Seleksi Fitur Dengan Kombinasi Filter Information Gain Ratio Dan Correlation

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    Intrusion Detection System merupakan suatu sistem yang dikembangkan untuk memantau dan memfilter aktivitas jaringan dengan mengidentifikasi serangan. Karena jumlah data yang perlu diperiksa oleh IDS sangat besar dan banyaknya fitur-fitur asing yang dapat membuat proses analisis menjadi sulit untuk mendeteksi pola perilaku yang mencurigakan, maka IDS perlu mengurangi jumlah data yang akan diproses dengan cara mengurangi fitur yang dapat dilakukan dengan seleksi fitur. Pada penelitian ini mengkombinasikan dua metode perangkingan fitur yaitu Information Gain Ratio dan Correlation dan mengklasifikasikannya menggunakan algoritma K-Nearest Neighbor. Hasil perankingan dari kedua metode dibagi menjadi dua kelompok. Pada kelompok pertama dicari nilai mediannya dan untuk kelompok kedua dihapus. Lalu dilakukan klasifikasi K-Nearest Neighbor dengan menggunakan 10 kali validasi silang dan dilakukan pengujian dengan nilai k=5. Penerapan pemodelan yang diusulkan menghasilkan akurasi tertinggi sebesar 99.61%. Sedangkan untuk akurasi tanpa seleksi fitur menghasilkan akurasi tertinggi sebesar 99.59%. AbstractIntrusion Detection System is a system that was developed for monitoring and filtering activity in network with identified of attack. Because of the amount of the data that need to be checked by IDS is very large and many foreign feature that can make the analysis process difficult for detection suspicious pattern of behavior, so that IDS need for reduce amount of the data to be processed by reducing features that can be done by feature selection. In this study, combines two methods of feature ranking is Information Gain Ratio and Correlation and classify it using K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm. The result of feature ranking from the both methods divided into two groups. in the first group searched for the median value and in the second group is removed. Then do the classification of  K-Nearest Neighbor using 10 fold cross validation and do the tests with values k=5. The result of the  proposed modelling produce the highest accuracy of 99.61%. While the highest accuracy value of the not using the feature selection is 99.59%

    EapGAFS: Microarray Dataset for Ensemble Classification for Diseases Prediction

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    Microarray data stores the measured expression levels of thousands of genes simultaneously which helps the researchers to get insight into the biological and prognostic information. Cancer is a deadly disease that develops over time and involves the uncontrolled division of body cells. In cancer, many genes are responsible for cell growth and division. But different kinds of cancer are caused by a different set of genes. So to be able to better understand, diagnose and treat cancer, it is essential to know which of the genes in the cancer cells are working abnormally. The advances in data mining, machine learning, soft computing, and pattern recognition have addressed the challenges posed by the researchers to develop computationally effective models to identify the new class of disease and develop diagnostic or therapeutic targets. This paper proposed an Ensemble Aprior Gentic Algorithm Feature Selection (EapGAFS) for microarray dataset classification. The proposed algorithm comprises of the genetic algorithm implemented with aprior learning for the microarray attributes classification. The proposed EapGAFS uses the rule set mining in the genetic algorithm for the microarray dataset processing. Through framed rule set the proposed model extract the attribute features in the dataset. Finally, with the ensemble classifier model the microarray dataset were classified for the processing. The performance of the proposed EapGAFS is conventional classifiers for the collected microarray dataset of the breast cancer, Hepatities, diabeties, and bupa. The comparative analysis of the proposed EapGAFS with the conventional classifier expressed that the proposed EapGAFS exhibits improved performance in the microarray dataset classification. The performance of the proposed EapGAFS is improved ~4 – 6% than the conventional classifiers such as Adaboost and ensemble

    A Survey of Feature Selection Strategies for DNA Microarray Classification

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    Classification tasks are difficult and challenging in the bioinformatics field, that used to predict or diagnose patients at an early stage of disease by utilizing DNA microarray technology. However, crucial characteristics of DNA microarray technology are a large number of features and small sample sizes, which means the technology confronts a "dimensional curse" in its classification tasks because of the high computational execution needed and the discovery of biomarkers difficult. To reduce the dimensionality of features to find the significant features that can employ feature selection algorithms and not affect the performance of classification tasks. Feature selection helps decrease computational time by removing irrelevant and redundant features from the data. The study aims to briefly survey popular feature selection methods for classifying DNA microarray technology, such as filters, wrappers, embedded, and hybrid approaches. Furthermore, this study describes the steps of the feature selection process used to accomplish classification tasks and their relationships to other components such as datasets, cross-validation, and classifier algorithms. In the case study, we chose four different methods of feature selection on two-DNA microarray datasets to evaluate and discuss their performances, namely classification accuracy, stability, and the subset size of selected features. Keywords: Brief survey; DNA microarray data; feature selection; filter methods; wrapper methods; embedded methods; and hybrid methods. DOI: 10.7176/CEIS/14-2-01 Publication date:March 31st 202

    Comparison of Gain Ratio and Chi-Square Feature Selection Methods in Improving SVM Performance on IDS

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    An intrusion detection system (IDS) is a security technology designed to identify and monitor suspicious activity in a computer network or system and detect potential attacks or security breaches. The importance of accuracy in IDS must be addressed, given that the response to any alert or activity generated by the system must be precise and measurable. However, achieving high accuracy in IDS requires a process that takes work. The complex network environment and the diversity of attacks led to significant challenges in developing IDS. The application of algorithms and optimization techniques needs to be considered to improve the accuracy of IDS. Support vector machine (SVM) is one data mining method with a high accuracy level in classifying network data packet patterns. A feature selection stage is needed for an optimal classification process, which can also be applied to SVM. Feature selection is an essential step in the data preprocessing phase; optimization of data input can improve the performance of the SVM algorithm, so this study compares the performance between feature selection algorithms, namely Information Gain Ratio and Chi-Square, and then classifies IDS data using the SVM algorithm. This outcome implies the importance of selecting the right features to develop an effective IDS

    An Experimental Comparison of Feature-Selection and Classification Methods for Microarray Datasets

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    In the last decade, there has been a growing scientific interest in the analysis of DNA microarray datasets, which have been widely used in basic and translational cancer research. The application fields include both the identification of oncological subjects, separating them from the healthy ones, and the classification of different types of cancer. Since DNA microarray experiments typically generate a very large number of features for a limited number of patients, the classification task is very complex and typically requires the application of a feature-selection process to reduce the complexity of the feature space and to identify a subset of distinctive features. In this framework, there are no standard state-of-the-art results generally accepted by the scientific community and, therefore, it is difficult to decide which approach to use for obtaining satisfactory results in the general case. Based on these considerations, the aim of the present work is to provide a large experimental comparison for evaluating the effect of the feature-selection process applied to different classification schemes. For comparison purposes, we considered both ranking-based feature-selection techniques and state-of-the-art feature-selection methods. The experiments provide a broad overview of the results obtainable on standard microarray datasets with different characteristics in terms of both the number of features and the number of patients