3 research outputs found

    Análise jurídica do cryptojacking : uso não autorizado do dispositivo de terceiros para a mineração de criptomoedas

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    Orientador: Emerson GabardoMonografia (graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Jurídicas, Curso de Graduação em DireitoInclui referênciasResumo: O presente trabalho de conclusão para o curso de bacharel em Direito da Universidade Federal do Paraná visa estudar as implicações jurídicas de uma nova forma de ataques cibernéticos, conhecido como cryptojacking. Esse cibercrime ainda não possui uma regulamentação expressa no Brasil e tende a ocorrer de forma discreta, tornando difícil sua detecção e causando danos de rastreio complexo, o que faz com que seu estudo seja importante para regulamentar essa modalidade criminal que se torna cada vez mais comum. De forma a tornar a pesquisa possível foram consultadas diferentes áreas do conhecimento, principalmente do Direito, da engenharia da computação e da programação. Para tanto, utilizou-se o método hipotético-dedutivo, com pesquisa bibliográfica, a fim de ser realizada uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa e exploratória para que fosse alcançada uma percepção global sobre o tema e, após, adequá-lo ao meio jurídico. Com as informações obtidas, foi possível formar, primeiramente, o entendimento sobre o que são criptomoedas e o que é a mineração desses ativos. Com isso, tornou-se factível compreender quais as motivações e qual é o método de ataque do cryptojacking, além de observar como ele afeta o usuário. Ao fim, foi realizada, com base em doutrina do Direito civil e penal, a associação entre a prática do cryptojacking e os textos legais, de forma a verificar quais as consequências jurídicas para o ato de invadir e utilizar sem permissão um dispositivo eletrônico visando à mineração de criptomoedas. Assim, concluiu-se que o cryptojacking pode tanto ser enquadrado como crime no Brasil, inclusive gerando o dever de indenizar, quanto pode ser uma prática permitida, a depender da forma como foi realizado e da respectiva regulação a ser levada a efeito pelo Estado.Abstract: This present report directed for the Course of Law of the Federal University of Paraná intends to analyze the juridical implications of a new tool used for cybernetic attacks, known as cryptojacking. This cybercrime does not have to this moment any kind of specific legal regulation in Brazil and tends to act discreetly, causing damages that are difficult to trace, which makes this study important regulate this type of cybercrime that is becoming increasingly more common. In order to make this research possible a broad study was done in different areas of knowledge, which includes, especially, studies from law, computer engineering and programming. For this purpose, the hypothetical-deductive method was used, with bibliographical research, to carry out research of a qualitative and exploratory nature so that a global perception on the subject is achieved and, afterwards, adequate to the legal environment. With the information acquired, it was possible to form, in first place, the comprehension of what are cryptocurrencies and what is to mine a cryptocurrency. With that understanding, it could be formed an understanding of what is, what are the motivations and what is the method of a cryptojacking attack, besides allow to identify how these attacks affect the victim. In the cryptojacking and the laws were done in a way to verify which are the juridical consequences for the act of an unwilling invasion of a device for mining cryptocurrency. Thus, it is concluded that cryptojacking can either be classified as a crime in Brazil, generating the duty to indemnify, or it can be a permitted practice, depending on how it was carried out and the respective regulation to be fulfilled by the State

    Analysis of System Performance Metrics Towards the Detection of Cryptojacking in IOT Devices

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    This single-case mechanism study examined the effects of cryptojacking on Internet of Things (IoT) device performance metrics. Cryptojacking is a cyber-threat that involves stealing the computational resources of devices belonging to others to generate cryptocurrencies. The resources primarily include the processing cycles of devices and the additional electricity needed to power this additional load. The literature surveyed showed that cryptojacking has been gaining in popularity and is now one of the top cyberthreats. Cryptocurrencies offer anyone more freedom and anonymity than dealing with traditional financial institutions which make them especially attractive to cybercriminals. Other reasons for the increasing popularity of cryptojacking include a large number of vulnerable devices, the low cost to implement, minimal to no expertise required, and the low risk of getting caught or prosecuted. Internet connected devices are becoming increasingly popular and commonplace. Many of these devices also are inherently insecure and make great targets of threat actors. Although many of these devices are low powered, the sheer number of available devices make up for the lack of processing power. Future research could expand on this study by incorporating machine learning, virtualization, live cryptojacking malware samples, or a combination of those items