35,663 research outputs found

    Exemplar Based Deep Discriminative and Shareable Feature Learning for Scene Image Classification

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    In order to encode the class correlation and class specific information in image representation, we propose a new local feature learning approach named Deep Discriminative and Shareable Feature Learning (DDSFL). DDSFL aims to hierarchically learn feature transformation filter banks to transform raw pixel image patches to features. The learned filter banks are expected to: (1) encode common visual patterns of a flexible number of categories; (2) encode discriminative information; and (3) hierarchically extract patterns at different visual levels. Particularly, in each single layer of DDSFL, shareable filters are jointly learned for classes which share the similar patterns. Discriminative power of the filters is achieved by enforcing the features from the same category to be close, while features from different categories to be far away from each other. Furthermore, we also propose two exemplar selection methods to iteratively select training data for more efficient and effective learning. Based on the experimental results, DDSFL can achieve very promising performance, and it also shows great complementary effect to the state-of-the-art Caffe features.Comment: Pattern Recognition, Elsevier, 201

    iCaRL: Incremental Classifier and Representation Learning

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    A major open problem on the road to artificial intelligence is the development of incrementally learning systems that learn about more and more concepts over time from a stream of data. In this work, we introduce a new training strategy, iCaRL, that allows learning in such a class-incremental way: only the training data for a small number of classes has to be present at the same time and new classes can be added progressively. iCaRL learns strong classifiers and a data representation simultaneously. This distinguishes it from earlier works that were fundamentally limited to fixed data representations and therefore incompatible with deep learning architectures. We show by experiments on CIFAR-100 and ImageNet ILSVRC 2012 data that iCaRL can learn many classes incrementally over a long period of time where other strategies quickly fail.Comment: Accepted paper at CVPR 201

    Deep Exemplar 2D-3D Detection by Adapting from Real to Rendered Views

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    This paper presents an end-to-end convolutional neural network (CNN) for 2D-3D exemplar detection. We demonstrate that the ability to adapt the features of natural images to better align with those of CAD rendered views is critical to the success of our technique. We show that the adaptation can be learned by compositing rendered views of textured object models on natural images. Our approach can be naturally incorporated into a CNN detection pipeline and extends the accuracy and speed benefits from recent advances in deep learning to 2D-3D exemplar detection. We applied our method to two tasks: instance detection, where we evaluated on the IKEA dataset, and object category detection, where we out-perform Aubry et al. for "chair" detection on a subset of the Pascal VOC dataset.Comment: To appear in CVPR 201

    Deep Unsupervised Similarity Learning using Partially Ordered Sets

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    Unsupervised learning of visual similarities is of paramount importance to computer vision, particularly due to lacking training data for fine-grained similarities. Deep learning of similarities is often based on relationships between pairs or triplets of samples. Many of these relations are unreliable and mutually contradicting, implying inconsistencies when trained without supervision information that relates different tuples or triplets to each other. To overcome this problem, we use local estimates of reliable (dis-)similarities to initially group samples into compact surrogate classes and use local partial orders of samples to classes to link classes to each other. Similarity learning is then formulated as a partial ordering task with soft correspondences of all samples to classes. Adopting a strategy of self-supervision, a CNN is trained to optimally represent samples in a mutually consistent manner while updating the classes. The similarity learning and grouping procedure are integrated in a single model and optimized jointly. The proposed unsupervised approach shows competitive performance on detailed pose estimation and object classification.Comment: Accepted for publication at IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 201