4,471 research outputs found

    Prediction in Photovoltaic Power by Neural Networks

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    The ability to forecast the power produced by renewable energy plants in the short and middle term is a key issue to allow a high-level penetration of the distributed generation into the grid infrastructure. Forecasting energy production is mandatory for dispatching and distribution issues, at the transmission system operator level, as well as the electrical distributor and power system operator levels. In this paper, we present three techniques based on neural and fuzzy neural networks, namely the radial basis function, the adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system and the higher-order neuro-fuzzy inference system, which are well suited to predict data sequences stemming from real-world applications. The preliminary results concerning the prediction of the power generated by a large-scale photovoltaic plant in Italy confirm the reliability and accuracy of the proposed approaches

    Forecasting of financial data: a novel fuzzy logic neural network based on error-correction concept and statistics

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    First, this paper investigates the effect of good and bad news on volatility in the BUX return time series using asymmetric ARCH models. Then, the accuracy of forecasting models based on statistical (stochastic), machine learning methods, and soft/granular RBF network is investigated. To forecast the high-frequency financial data, we apply statistical ARMA and asymmetric GARCH-class models. A novel RBF network architecture is proposed based on incorporation of an error-correction mechanism, which improves forecasting ability of feed-forward neural networks. These proposed modelling approaches and SVM models are applied to predict the high-frequency time series of the BUX stock index. We found that it is possible to enhance forecast accuracy and achieve significant risk reduction in managerial decision making by applying intelligent forecasting models based on latest information technologies. On the other hand, we showed that statistical GARCH-class models can identify the presence of leverage effects, and react to the good and bad news.Web of Science421049

    FLANN Based Model to Predict Stock Price Movements of Stock Indices

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    Financial Forecasting or specifically Stock Market prediction is one of the hottest fields of research lately due to its commercial applications owing to the high stakes and the kinds of attractive benefits that it has to offer. Forecasting the price movements in stock markets has been a major challenge for common investors, businesses, brokers and speculators. As more and more money is being invested the investors get anxious of the future trends of the stock prices in the market. The primary area of concern is to determine the appropriate time to buy, hold or sell. In their quest to forecast, the investors assume that the future trends in the stock market are based at least in part on present and past events and data [1]. However financial time-series is one of the most ‘noisiest’ and ‘non-stationary’ signals present and hence very difficult to forecas

    Forecasting currency exchange rate time series with fireworks-algorithm-based higher order neural network with special attention to training data enrichment

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    Exchange rates are highly fluctuating by nature, thus difficult to forecast. Artificial neural networks (ANN) have proved to be better than statistical methods. Inadequate training data may lead the model to reach suboptimal solution resulting, poor accuracy as ANN-based forecasts are data driven. To enhance forecasting accuracy, we suggests a method of enriching training dataset through exploring and incorporating of virtual data points (VDPs) by an evolutionary method called as fireworks algorithm trained functional link artificial neural network (FWA-FLN). The model maintains the correlation between the current and past data, especially at the oscillation point on the time series. The exploring of a VDP and forecast of the succeeding term go consecutively by the FWA-FLN. Real exchange rate time series are used to train and validate the proposed model. The efficiency of the proposed technique is related to other models trained similarly and produces far better prediction accuracy

    Soft Computing Techniques for Stock Market Prediction: A Literature Survey

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    Stock market trading is an unending investment exercise globally. It has potentials to generate high returns on investors’ investment. However, it is characterized by high risk of investment hence, having knowledge and ability to predict stock price or market movement is invaluable to investors in the stock market. Over the years, several soft computing techniques have been used to analyze various stock markets to retrieve knowledge to guide investors on when to buy or sell. This paper surveys over 100 published articles that focus on the application of soft computing techniques to forecast stock markets. The aim of this paper is to present a coherent of information on various soft computing techniques employed for stock market prediction. This research work will enable researchers in this field to know the current trend as well as help to inform their future research efforts. From the surveyed articles, it is evident that researchers have firmly focused on the development of hybrid prediction models and substantial work has also been done on the use of social media data for stock market prediction. It is also revealing that most studies have focused on the prediction of stock prices in emerging market

    A Review of Artificial Neural Networks Application to Stock Market Predictions

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    The purpose of this paper is to review artificial neural network applications used in the field of stock price forecasting. The field of stock price forecasting has increasingly grown to be an important subject matter for researchers, everyday investors and practitioners in the finance domain as it aids financial decision making. This study brings to attention some of the neural network applications used in stock price forecasting focusing on application comparisons on different stock market data and the gaps that can be worked on in the foreseeable future. This work makes an introduction of neural network applications to those novels in the field of artificial intelligence. Keywords: Neural Networks, Forecasting Stock Price. Financial Markets, Complexity, Error Measures, Decision Makin